How To Start Real Change

Do you deny being a filthy racist?
Black people have not done a thing to white people.

Black rage is justified.

But the funny thing is

  • If we had a black bank, we would not red-line white areas from credit the way white banks red-line black areas from credit.
  • If we had a black hospital, we would not use white people as guinea pigs in our hospitals, the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in there hospitals.
  • We would not fight harder to save a black life in black hospitals, the same way white people fight harder to save a white life in a white hospitals.
  • If we had black fortune 500 company, we could not rip white ppl's resumes, the same way many white companies rip up black ppl's resumes.
We could never treat white people the way white people have treated black people

God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.
. Banks don't lend to losers and loser areas. Pretty normal.
. Why can't you guys build a black hospital?
. No proof.
. No proof.

"We could never treat white people the way white people have treated black people". Blacks today are harming white people all over the world.

You are wrong on all counts.
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
There is nothing wrong with being pro segregation as long as its not forced segregation. Yes the NOI says anti white things because whites as a group are the enemies. Now why would you think Black people would feel such a thing was true if whites were so trustworthy?

So ... why would white people take a group seriously that hates them by default? Makes no damn sense. It's like black people wanting to be friendly with the modern-day KKK.

But after 400 years of whites doing unfriendly things to us, you expect us to take whites seriously. That's arrogance.

Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.
Personally I dont like your options. I just want whites to stop whining about Black self determination, self segregation, self promotion. Its not up to Blacks to make it easier for whites. They are the ones that fucked up. They need to fix their shit if they want better relations.
OMFG the irony :rofl:
OMFG the cognitive dissonance. :laugh:
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?
We already know the answer is no. Black Moors brought education and tolerance for multiple religions to europe when europeans were in the process of reverting back to caveman status. Egyptians shared their knowledge with the Greeks and got invaded for their troubles.
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So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa
Like we did with our entire continent?
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.

That might have very well been close to being true 100 years ago, however now-a-days a lot of Whites feel White guilt, and shame.
the justice system.
There are more places now where they are trying to end the cash bail system. Far too many black/brown people are in jail waiting trial. They have not been found guilty because they haven't even had a trial yet. They are sitting in jail simply because they are too poor to pay the bail and don't have help on the outside to get it paid. There are options: freedom on their own recognizance, freedom with restrictions, and cash bail. At a recent event on this issue we were told that far too many judges go straight to the third option without even considering the other two. Thus, lots of people who could be free until trial are locked up. The justice system has a long way to go to actually be "just" to everyone.
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
Thread has been cleaned of some 30 plus off topic flaming and derailment (2 pages on hair????) - it's time to remember that Race is in Zone 2. That means posts must contain some material relevant to the topic. Those who participated in the trolling or derailments have been warned and/or thread banned. Get on topic.
No white person has said to me "That he wants black people to die"

But the likes of Taz, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope, harmonica, Claudette, @Rambunctious,kaz, abu afak, squeeze berry talk real tough about black people on the net.

But would they have the courage to walk up to a black man and start saying what they say about black people on here to a black man's face ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

They'd only do that if they had an advantage. (Police, Manager, Or in a gang etc) yeah they might be brave then.

Even in my own life, when a white person has been funny with me at work. I'd follow him home at night. I'd corner him. It would be just me and him. I'd simply put it on him "You have problem with me ? Well let's sort it. Right now"

They sh*t themselves.

And that's where all "O. No. Dude. I was joking. It wasn't me. I'm not like that"

They wimp out.

See when whites have this silly mentality of whites being special and white people being superior. They are afraid the black man's potency. Because when you look at a black man you are looking at a real man. See when you feel inferior you have to push the impression that your superior

And that's why white supremacists create all the weapons, all the bombs, all artillery, all the planes, and the drones and all the arms, the media, it's always has to be OVER THE TOP show of bravado, OVER THE TOP show of strength
Whenever these whites DON'T have an advantage, they bitch, whine, moan and complain about things not being fair and other such claptrap. Then they start spewing made up whackadoodle terms like "reverse racism."

As evidenced by their posts in this very thread.
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It's a problem that I don't have answers for. Sorry. Wish I did. I'd be filthy rich.
That's nice, but you didn't answer the question I asked.

Again, I asked, what are the real-world ramifications of a white society that consciously and/or subconsciously associates blacks w/crime?

Looking forward to your earnest answer.
Let me ask you a question ...

What difference would it make? If we sat around and lingered on all the bad things that have been done by every ethnic group to another ...

As I've told IM2, I've had multiple friends victimized by black criminals (including robbery, rape, and physical assault). Should I hold a grudge? What good is that going to do me? What good does that do for anyone?
Where was the term grudge ever mentioned or implied?

Why are you ignoring and/or refusing to answer the question? Why?!?!?

I'll ask again...

Why did you, and continue to, ignore the 400 years of whites mistreating blacks?
Slavery isnt illegal. Thats why there is a pipeline fashioned to send Blacks to prison.
Having a relationship with a white woman isnt change. That was going on since Blacks were brought from Africa
Really? So we are allowed to entertain whites and you think that is "real" change? Those same whites get pissed when those athletes speak their mind or kneel.
Yes youre wrong and IM2 is right. Basically I can refer to a quote by Malcolm X

C'mon now!!!!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.
I believe that it was somewhere in the geography of Russia was where the term "Caucasian" came to be. The etymology is from there.

Should be the perfect home for many of these white supremacists...a true Homeland where every komrade knows their name. And we know that they actually do know their names.
  • Thanks
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Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.
I havent seen whites cheer about unarmed blacks being killed for doing nothing

Where was your dumb ass when Trayvon was murdered?

The threads here were chuck-full of what you're saying didn't happen.
It's not something I ever hear normally, from people my age. Once in a while you'll hear an old person say something racist ... but you just roll your eyes because you know you're not going to get them to change their mind anyway.

I don't hang out with hillbillies or low-lives so I don't know how they deal with each other.
To what other societal problem, when confronted with it in person, do you simply just roll your eyes?

If you were witness to a man beating his wife or girlfriend, would that be an appropriate response for you?
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