How To Start Real Change

Let me ask you a question ...

What difference would it make? If we sat around and lingered on all the bad things that have been done by every ethnic group to another ...

As I've told IM2, I've had multiple friends victimized by black criminals (including robbery, rape, and physical assault). Should I hold a grudge? What good is that going to do me? What good does that do for anyone?
Where was the term grudge ever mentioned or implied?

Why are you ignoring and/or refusing to answer the question? Why?!?!?

I'll ask again...

Why did you, and continue to, ignore the 400 years of whites mistreating blacks?

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your chain. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime.
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No change means no change. If anything, you are attempting to move the goal posts. The OP of this thread is about beginning change. My response to the OP that prompted this part of the conversation is that there has already been change, so it has already started.

There has been tremendous change over hundreds of years. In fact there has been a lot of change over the last 60 years. Humans will never reach perfection, so those that want to bicker and complain will always have something to bicker and complain about.

Your house analogy falls flat. I see it more like building a housing development this will eventually be a neighborhood of 100 houses. Having 80, 50 or even 20 of the houses completed out of the 100 is significant change.
You're privileged to have that opinion and feeling, as racism doesn't negatively affect you.

Hence the term "White Privilege."
Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.
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This is how you make real change.

I've seen this before. Powerful stuff.

The key thing he stated was that, "it's not enough to not be racist, you have to be anti-racist, the problem is that not only do white not speak up, when they need to, but the only time they do speak up, is when it's against blacks like Colin Kaepernick are fighting racism."

Powerful, powerful stuff.
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Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”

Anyone who disputes the simple proposition that all sides need to listen to each other isn't really serious about dialog or any kind of positive change.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.
So 1, you can't produce a single solitary post from MarcATL, that depicts anger.


And b. you admit that it was just fine and dandy for a mostly all-white group of angry Americans to display their anger at "being taxed enough already", fear years, although that was certainly not the case, but somehow it's not OK for blacks to be angry, or display any type of anger, for the death and destruction inflicted upon them by a racist larger society?

I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.
So 1, you can't produce a single solitary post from MarcATL, that depicts anger.


And b. you admit that it was just fine and dandy for a mostly all-white group of angry Americans to display their anger at "being taxed enough already", fear years, although that was certainly not the case, but somehow it's not OK for blacks to be angry, or display any type of anger, for the death and destruction inflicted upon them by a racist larger society?


Not on this thread and I said as much....but you have to admit that you can be very combative and you don't always see the point that someone like myself made that you (for some reason) ignored.

I wasn't angry when I joined the TEA Party, we were fed up with having our pockets picked and very unhappy about the banker bailouts done under the Bushpuppet that put the bill on our credit card with no arrests and no jail time for those that caused this as they picked up a hard asset like a house for nothing that the banks risked. Then we have this socialist claiming that we all must pony up for the common good (collectivism) and started pushing a 2,700 plus pages of a pork-filled "healthcare" Act that fucked over the majority while only helping a few. Do you think that I would have been "on board" with Obamacare if he had been white? You are soooooo very wrong.

Be angry all you want..... vent to your heart's content if it makes you feel better...all I am saying is that if your goal is to try and bridge that chasm? Insults, snarky responses, the inability to see what someone is trying to convey simply isn't going to change hearts and minds.

I am on your side and I know what has and what is going on and most here wouldn't believe it even if I force fed the truth down their throats...but if things don't turn around and if enough people don't wake up to these divide and conquer tactics, 90 percent of us will be gone because that is the plan of these global's not fear porn, it's a sad fact.
no one makes blacks listen.

good lord, if listening fixed anything it would have worked years ago.

time to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your lives and stop blaming whitey every time you don't try to succeed.

It's time whitey grew up and looked at the laws and policies whitey made that created the problems.
what problems are you crying about now?

please keep all your crybaby bullshit in this century.

Why should he keep it in this century?
b/c carrying age old baggage around it just idiotic.

It's 2018, the people that are becoming official adults this year had nothing to do with last century.

Teflon Theory of History
Saturday October 9th 2010 by abagond

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
Teflon Theory of History
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”

I listen to real black people that I work with or meet every day. They say the same things that I say and that white people say, they talk about their jobs, their kids, their problems....sports, movies, TV, etc.

I don't listen to black leaders because all they say is stupid racist garbage like your OP. I have no time for racism, prejudice, or hate.
b/c carrying age old baggage around it just idiotic.

It's 2018, the people that are becoming official adults this year had nothing to do with last century.
So the racist PEOPLE from the last century have nothing to do w/today.

OK, well what about the racist LAWS and POLICIES from the last century, do they have something to do w/today?
please list them.

and keep in mind all the strictly black events that are allowed to happen now.
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”
no one makes blacks listen.

good lord, if listening fixed anything it would have worked years ago.

time to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your lives and stop blaming whitey every time you don't try to succeed.

It's time whitey grew up and looked at the laws and policies whitey made that created the problems.
What policies and laws exist now that has created problems?
Really? Lets just start with the police and the justice system.
you mean the fake bullshit that we are presented with 4-5 times a year?
That might have very well been close to being true 100 years ago, however now-a-days a lot of Whites feel White guilt, and shame.


White man’s burden is a myth.

The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Many whites would be more than happy if black people were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It LOOKS bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone.
Never mind that it IS bad but the LOOK is more important than the actual thing.

White supremacists feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

They love to c black people begging and living the mud without biscuit.

That gives the white supremacist an erection.

That might have very well been close to being true 100 years ago, however now-a-days a lot of Whites feel White guilt, and shame.


White man’s burden is a myth.

The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Many whites would be more than happy if black people were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It LOOKS bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone.
Never mind that it IS bad but the LOOK is more important than the actual thing.

White supremacists feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

They love to c black people begging and living the mud without biscuit.

That gives the white supremacist an erection.

A lot of White Racists don't even support slavery, anyways.

I don't know how you figure that one?

We're just wary of the detriment of that group.
That might have very well been close to being true 100 years ago, however now-a-days a lot of Whites feel White guilt, and shame.


White man’s burden is a myth.

The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.

Many whites would be more than happy if black people were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It LOOKS bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone.
Never mind that it IS bad but the LOOK is more important than the actual thing.

White supremacists feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it. They enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

They love to c black people begging and living the mud without biscuit.

That gives the white supremacist an erection.
Are you for real? Why should whites feel guilt or shame?

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