How to stop islamic terrorism in America.

There is only one way to do it. We have to make them fear us. Right now, they are not afraid. Here's an idea to fix that.

Whenever a terrorist is captured alive, we should feed them, feet first, through a tree chipper, then feed them to some pigs. According to their' religion', this would prevent them from going to their version of heaven and their 72 virgins. It will work even if they die doing whatever they did. If their body is defiled, living or dead, they will not go to heaven. We should also televise these events. Put them on the internet. This, I believe, would stop terrorism in it's tracks. What do you think?
I think that would work for pussy grabbers, too. Fuck the Constitution. We don't need to be America any more.
America doesn't need you.
Actually, America doesn't need nazi wannabe fuckwad pants shitters like you and RWNJ.
The Left are the Nazis.
We should start off by questioning whether or not islam is even a religion. It's beginnings was a murdering rapist dog named muhammed raiding caravans and chopping off heads. Common sense would dictate that you don't allow people like this in your country, much less allow them to have status of a religion. Especially since the overthrow of our democracy would be the first on the muzzies' to do list once they gained enough power.
What do you think?

I think you are one sick puppy

We should start off by questioning whether or not islam is even a religion. It's beginnings was a murdering rapist dog named muhammed raiding caravans and chopping off heads. Common sense would dictate that you don't allow people like this in your country, much less allow them to have status of a religion. Especially since the overthrow of our democracy would be the first on the muzzies' to do list once they gained enough power.

People in Western countries refuse to believe what the Koran and Hadith actually say. Islamic holy literature is steeped in hate for anything un-Islamic. It sanctions any act that advances the religion including terror, using rape as a tactic of war, and to this day, forced conversions.

People refuse to believe any religion could sanction these things, even when it happens daily. It might be hard to accept but it is impossible to deny. Mc Master said "moderate" Islam today at a press conference today. He is lying there is no moderate Islam, just Islam. And Islam cannot be changed it is fundamentally extreme and radical by civilized standards.

Remember religious freedom for Islam is domination. That has no place in any free country.

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