How to Stop Leftist Covid Tyranny


In the global technocracy? There is no right or left silly. If anything, they are authoritarian bureaucrats. Leftists.

How recent vaccine mandate laws in Lithuania and throughout Europe have upended my family’s life​

Lithuania, one of the three Baltic countries in northeastern Europe, was a part of the USSR from 1944, but rebelled against its totalitarianism, became free and a part of the EU. Now a new totalitarianism is breaking out in the highly developed country, this time from within.


A law was passed on August 16 authorizing increased restrictions against people who do not have a valid Opportunity Pass. The restrictions were phased in over several weeks after the passage of the law. All measures have been in full effect since September 13.

Some of the restrictions include:

You cannot visit any cafes or restaurants.

You cannot enter any non-essential stores.

You cannot enter any shopping center or large store.

You cannot receive beauty services (hair, nails, salons, etc.).

You cannot use repair services which last longer than 15 minutes.

You cannot enter public indoor spaces.

You cannot enter a fitness center, gym, or sauna.

You cannot attend outdoor events which have more than 500 people.

You cannot sit and read in libraries. You may only use the library to pick up and return books.

You cannot travel by train. [The government temporarily rescinded this restriction for now because it’s unworkable and causing chaos.]

You cannot enter banks or insurance agencies unless the purpose is to receive pensions or social benefits where the service lasts no more than 15 minutes.

Students cannot enter university without the Pass. [Because many students are not vaccinated, the government announced a grace period: until October, students may take free (i.e., government-paid) Covid tests to give them time to vaccinate. Starting in October, students must have the Opportunity Pass].

You cannot visit patients in medical facilities or senior care/residential homes. The only exception is for terminally ill patients and children under 14 years of age if the doctor gives advance permission.

Regarding medical care:

You may receive emergency care without the Opportunity Pass.

For scheduled inpatient medical care, you must have the Covid Pass or Covid certificates.

For outpatient services, the medical care must be conducted “in a safe environment” and will require testing “depending on the epidemiological situation”.


There are many more rules, with lots of convoluted and sometimes conflicting provisions. And it’s even more confusing because bureaucrats revise the rules almost daily. Here’s how it currently works in practice if you don’t have the Opportunity Pass:

For shopping, you are only allowed to shop in small stores (<1500 m2) with street entrances and whose main activity is to sell food, veterinary goods, pharmaceuticals, glasses, and contact lenses, or farming supplies.

You may not enter stores that mainly sell any other products. You may not enter any shopping mall. You may not enter large stores, including supermarkets.

For eating and drinking, you cannot visit any restaurant, cafe, or bar. This includes all indoor and outdoor areas (the details are complicated; see separate section below).

For transportation, local city buses do not require the Opportunity Pass. But political leaders have indicated all forms of public transport might need the Pass to figure out how to make it workable on busy buses and trains.

For medical care, inpatient services require the Covid Pass. For outpatient medical care (e.g., doctors’ offices, specialist clinics, dental offices), medical facilities may allow a patient to enter who does not have the Opportunity Pass. But in practice, many clinics require the Opportunity Pass except for emergencies.. .. "

It goes on and on like that, and this is not a right-wing government. . . :rolleyes:
Only in right-wing historical fantasy do right-wingers believe getting vaccinated is worse.

How does one go about stopping COVID tyranny? Get a thousand of your closest buddies together. March into a town of your choice and declare it a COVID free zone. A place where government and private health mandates no longer apply. Be prepared to hold that ground at all cost. Hint: there'll be lots of government retaliation. Recruit new buddies from the local population. Leave one quarter of your buddies behind as you march to the next town, declare it a COVID free zone as well and recruit more new buddies from the local population. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary. Before long, you will have first, a COVID free county, and eventually, a COVID free state. When the government declares your anti-COVID campaign a full blown insurrection, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye as Hellfire missiles rain down from drones.
I'm curious. What happens to the people who live in the town, who don't want to be one of your buddies?
I like Rotterdam's solution. They've been rioting there, with guns, for two nights now and this is the third night. Thousands protesting the yet-more-new lockdowns. Germany and Austria and France are going into draconian lockdowns again; I suppose we will too.

Until people start serious rebellion against these population control tactics, these completely ineffective control tactics that Covid simply ignores, the governments will keep on doing them.
There is plenty yet to learn about human bodies that can perpetually produce Chinese communist virus parts.
Being part Irish, my solution is plain old everyday Irish Democracy.

I refuse to comply with the totalitarian bullshit. I've found local businesses that feel the way I do, and patronize them. The resistance is spreading.
I totally agree that all right-wingers should not get vaccinated. The quicker we thin the herd, the sooner this country moves forward.
No doubt the wars on poverty, drugs, "terror," etc. are total fail and only expanded the reach of governments. Unfortunately all the "intel" agencies are in on the scamdemic. So worst case they can shut down cell towers, tell cable companies to shut down their high speed internet, etc. Bobby Kennedy Jr. explains Fraudi's role in this global conversion of democracies to dictatorships.

This video has apparently been removed from youtube for violation of community protocols. We’re glad it’s still going here.
I totally agree that all right-wingers should not get vaccinated. The quicker we thin the herd, the sooner this country moves forward.

Yes indeed. That would leave only those conservatives who pass the COVID vaccine intelligence test left standing, whilst all those radical leftist vaccine cultists slowly die out. Works for me.
Yes indeed. That would leave only those conservatives who pass the COVID vaccine intelligence test left standing, whilst all those radical leftist vaccine cultists slowly die out. Works for me.
Just dumped a potential female companion because she's a vax Karen.

Didn't just say "thanks but no thanks"....Roasted her ass and walked the fuck out.
I totally agree that all right-wingers should not get vaccinated. The quicker we thin the herd, the sooner this country moves forward.

The mRNA Vaxxed have ruined their immune systems; they are at far higher risk of dying due to that than the Unvaxxed are from dying of Covid.
Yes indeed. That would leave only those conservatives who pass the COVID vaccine intelligence test left standing, whilst all those radical leftist vaccine cultists slowly die out. Works for me.
Sure, spin the dice, pal. Tell that to Herman Cain's family.
The mRNA Vaxxed have ruined their immune systems; they are at far higher risk of dying due to that than the Unvaxxed are from dying of Covid.
LOL. No one will ever accuse trumptards of being mental giants. Thanks for the laughs.
LOL. No one will ever accuse trumptards of being mental giants. Thanks for the laughs.

There you go with all that Projection again, swampy.

Here's a wee clue about who is actually considering the science: it's not the ones engaged in Propaganda, Censorship and Destruction of Civil Liberties over a bit worse than usual flu-like bug that has a 99%+ survival rate.
There you go with all that Projection again, swampy.

Here's a wee clue about who is actually considering the science: it's not the ones engaged in Propaganda, Censorship and Destruction of Civil Liberties over a bit worse than usual flu-like bug that has a 99%+ survival rate.
That's what passes for intelligence in right-wing circles? You are not doing your side any favor.

My original statement stands. My fervent wishes are that right-wing nuts do not get vaccinated. I am all for thinning the mouth-breathing moronic brigade.
That's what passes for intelligence in right-wing circles? You are not doing your side any favor.

My original statement stands. My fervent wishes are that right-wing nuts do not get vaccinated. I am all for thinning the mouth-breathing moronic brigade.

Well, I have to admit it will be much more rational and peaceful once you Fascist Vaxxers pass away from whatever disease attacks you now that the mRNA has damaged your immune system.


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