How to Stop Leftist Covid Tyranny

Well, I have to admit it will be much more rational and peaceful once you Fascist Vaxxers pass away from whatever disease attacks you now that the mRNA has damaged your immune system.

You morons claim that you will resist taking the vaccine. I agree that idiots should not take the vaccine. We are in agreement. Get it now?
You morons claim that you will resist taking the vaccine. I agree that idiots should not take the vaccine. We are in agreement. Get it now?

If the Vaxx is so great, why is the FDA trying to keep the process used to approve the Pfizer Vaxx hidden until 2076? Why did Pfizer and Moderna destroy their control groups by vaxxing the test subjects who were supposed to be unvaccinated? Why did the U.S. government grant complete immunity from liability to Big Pharma for the vaxxes?

And more importantly, why are vaxxed people getting and transmitting Covid? The Vaxxed are the superspreaders, swampy.
If the Vaxx is so great, why is the FDA trying to keep the process used to approve the Pfizer Vaxx hidden until 2076? Why did Pfizer and Moderna destroy their control groups by vaxxing the test subjects who were supposed to be unvaccinated? Why did the U.S. government grant complete immunity from liability to Big Pharma for the vaxxes?

And more importantly, why are vaxxed people getting and transmitting Covid? The Vaxxed are the superspreaders, swampy.
I'm convinced. Trumptards should resist the vaccine. What have you got to lose?
I'm convinced. Trumptards should resist the vaccine. What have you got to lose?

You're a moron for believing Fauci.

What is happening right now is that as the Vaxxed start feeling duped, they are acting out their anger against those of us who actually understand science, have common sense, and know that Fauci is owned by Big Pharma. The sole emphasis on Vaccines instead of treatments is a repeat of his disastrous handling of the AIDS epidemic.

But keep getting your fourth, fifth, six....infinity boosters! Those Alpha variant Vaxxes are so effective against the Delta variant.

Kennedy’s video and book are spot on. The book because it has 2200 citations to deconstruct. There will be much more to learn because of those. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines used in children whose immune systems are immature or barely immature, may be a danger we will only realize after the fact, when the Russian roulette slowly begins to express its true self. Long covid is Janus-faced.
You're a moron for believing Fauci.

What is happening right now is that as the Vaxxed start feeling duped, they are acting out their anger against those of us who actually understand science, have common sense, and know that Fauci is owned by Big Pharma. The sole emphasis on Vaccines instead of treatments is a repeat of his disastrous handling of the AIDS epidemic.

But keep getting your fourth, fifth, six....infinity boosters! Those Alpha variant Vaxxes are so effective against the Delta variant.

What's your problem? Are you trying to convince yourself? I already agreed with you that trumptards should not take the vaccine. Fewer the trumptards, better the country.

So, promise me that you will never ever take the vaccine? Please, pretty please?
What's your problem? Are you trying to convince yourself? I already agreed with you that trumptards should not take the vaccine. Fewer the trumptards, better the country.

So, promise me that you will never ever take the vaccine? Please, pretty please?

Get back to us when the ADE kicks in and you develop some form of nasty cancer, bub.
One of the funky things about forcing the cell to produce Chinese virus parts and not the entire virus is that mutations can happen to increase the risk of cancer. In the case of the P.1 Japan-Brazil variant, the precise mutation that does that happens at position 20 of the spike protein. Forcing this bullshit on an immature 5-year-old immune system is nazi insanity.
No doubt the wars on poverty, drugs, "terror," etc. are total fail and only expanded the reach of governments. Unfortunately all the "intel" agencies are in on the scamdemic. So worst case they can shut down cell towers, tell cable companies to shut down their high speed internet, etc. Bobby Kennedy Jr. explains Fraudi's role in this global conversion of democracies to dictatorships.

The video does not function. Has Youtube eliminated it?
The video is now functioning. Readers may want to document the place in the video that mentions the Chinese CDC agent, Gao, for future reference.
The video does not function. Has Youtube eliminated it?

Sure. But you do promise not to get vaccinated, yes?

Maybe you'll develop heart problems instead.

A new study of 566 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines shows that signs of cardiovascular damage soared following the shots. The risk of heart attacks or other severe coronary problems more than doubled months after the vaccines were administered, based on changes in markers of inflammation and other cell damage.

Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.

Dr. Steven Grundy, a Nebraska physician and retired cardiac surgeon, presented the findings at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association’s annual conference in Boston last week. An abstract is available in Circulation, the AHA’s scientific journal.


If the thread is about solutions, then Kennedy’s video mentions Avril Haines, who links to Johns Hopkins as well as targeted drone strikes, the CIA, and the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama. Therefore, we’ll keep in mind that mRNA vaccines are targeting the vaccinee’s cells to force it to produce parts of the Chinese communist virus, SARS-CoV-2. One should also familiarize themselves with Haines’s military education and connections as we move forward with the investigation, adding other Chinese CDC agents besides Gao.
Maybe you'll develop heart problems instead.

A new study of 566 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines shows that signs of cardiovascular damage soared following the shots. The risk of heart attacks or other severe coronary problems more than doubled months after the vaccines were administered, based on changes in markers of inflammation and other cell damage.

Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.

Dr. Steven Grundy, a Nebraska physician and retired cardiac surgeon, presented the findings at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association’s annual conference in Boston last week. An abstract is available in Circulation, the AHA’s scientific journal.


Yup, I am sold! No trumptard should take the vaccine. So, do I have your promise that you won't get vaccinated?
The vaccine’s forced production of proteins that target a virus is comparable to Haines’s redaction:

Avril Haines
’....Opponents of drone warfare have noted that Haines redacted the minimum criteria for an individual to be “nominated” for lethal action, that the term “nominated” is a deceptive euphemism for targeting people for assassination, and that the drone guidelines allow for the assassination of U.S. citizens without due process.’
Yup, I am sold! No trumptard should take the vaccine. So, do I have your promise that you won't get vaccinated?

I don't have to promise you anything. Now, aren't you late for your 27th booster appointment? You might still have a few remnants of a functioning immune system, which doesn't fit with Big Pharma's "Immunity as a Service" program.
Wuhan “Patient Zero” was supposedly a shrimp seller. Haines was perched in the Office of Political Military Affairs in 2006, so this is an excellent addition to the chron for Wuhan bat lady, Zheng-li Shi, who wrote on the viruses of shrimp in 2006, as well as Wuhan lab’s military connections. Furthermore, Haines’s mother suffered from avian tuberculosis, which is a special Fau Chi link for Fau’s Senate testimony on avian influenza as the Tongguan copper miners were going into the Kunming Hospital. Kunming Institute of Zoology will be the link to another Chinese CDC agent, Yong-zhen Zhang, and the Institute Zhang attended via the study of ancient fish, links Mojiang copper mine (=Tongguan copper mine) to the Tenke Fungarume cobalt-copper deposit (Lualaba Province, DRC) now exposed as a Biden family link to the Chinese.
I don't have to promise you anything. Now, aren't you late for your 27th booster appointment? You might still have a few remnants of a functioning immune system, which doesn't fit with Big Pharma's "Immunity as a Service" program.
Awww... that's so nice. You are looking out for me... Awww Anyway, just make sure you don't get that bad mean vaccine. Ok, sweetheart?

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