How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

I have no problem with going after the bad cops. I strenuously object to painting all cops as guilty until proven innocent, which is the crazy far-left mantra.
Wrong again.

No one is ‘blaming’ all law-enforcement.

The issue is that this bad-faith Arizona law is intended to conceal and facilitate police wrongdoing and criminality.
The replies by those who defend the cops nearly every time no matter what. The cop who lied to obtain the Breonna Taylor warrant still has not been charged for that.
Well every time the criminal was being a criminal
Well every time the criminal was being a criminal

There we go. No matter what the cop does illegally it's all on others. The cop LIED to obtain the warrant on Breonna Taylor even though he was told she was doing nothing illegal.

But that's not going to stop you. You will just have to resort to lies about the positions of others and lies to cover for cops when they do wrong.
There we go. No matter what the cop does illegally it's all on others. The cop LIED to obtain the warrant on Breonna Taylor even though he was told she was doing nothing illegal.

But that's not going to stop you. You will just have to resort to lies about the positions of others and lies to cover for cops when they do wrong.
Give me an example?
Wrong again.

No one is ‘blaming’ all law-enforcement.

The issue is that this bad-faith Arizona law is intended to conceal and facilitate police wrongdoing and criminality.
No one is ‘blaming’ all law-enforcement. How convenient of you to forget BLM fry um like bacon. BLM isn't the only left wing nuts that feel the same about cops.
Huh? Just stand 9-10 feet away, dope! That's all! Did that one slip by you? They just don't want you in their business where they have to worry about you being some crazy with a knife while they are already dealing with some other loon.
What if you're in your car (or are a passenger) when they approach the window? What are you supposed to do, put the car in drive and move 8 ft down the road, or shimmy through the passenger window and stand on the other side of the car? I get what you're saying but it seems to me there would be a more effective way of articulating such a law, rather than making it a general distance limitation.
What if you're in your car (or are a passenger) when they approach the window? What are you supposed to do, put the car in drive and move 8 ft down the road, or shimmy through the passenger window and stand on the other side of the car? I get what you're saying but it seems to me there would be a more effective way of articulating such a law, rather than making it a general distance limitation.

Good question. Ask the police. Or your representative.
Good question. Ask the police. Or your representative.
Well my representative isn't going to shed much light on an Arizona law since I don't live in Arizona. And "ask the police" seems like a pretty silly suggestion. I support law and order, but as I've made clear on here over the years, I do not subscribe to the blanket support for all things police, like some on here do. I've seen way too many instances of police acting like paramilitary forces who don't give two shits about our rights. In most cases they will trample on our individual liberties without hesitation if they are given leeway to do so. The numerous examples of this during Covid (moms getting arrested for taking kids to parks, crying kids getting forceably removed from restaurants) should have been a wake up call to everybody.
Well my representative isn't going to shed much light on an Arizona law since I don't live in Arizona. And "ask the police" seems like a pretty silly suggestion. I support law and order, but as I've made clear on here over the years, I do not subscribe to the blanket support for all things police, like some on here do. I've seen way too many instances of police acting like paramilitary forces who don't give two shits about our rights. In most cases they will trample on our individual liberties without hesitation if they are given leeway to do so. The numerous examples of this during Covid (moms getting arrested for taking kids to parks, crying kids getting forceably removed from restaurants) should have been a wake up call to everybody.

No, I said that if you are in a confrontation with the police and want to film them in your car or elsewhere and they have any issue, ASK THEM where or how you otherwise can?

Isn't that a good place to begin?
Did you bother to read the article? The law bans people filming police within EIGHT FEET. People that close are interfering with the police and endangering themselves, the suspect and the officer. Beyond eight feet it’s still legal to film.
Thank for the truth, that's a reasonable law then
Well my representative isn't going to shed much light on an Arizona law since I don't live in Arizona. And "ask the police" seems like a pretty silly suggestion. I support law and order, but as I've made clear on here over the years, I do not subscribe to the blanket support for all things police, like some on here do. I've seen way too many instances of police acting like paramilitary forces who don't give two shits about our rights. In most cases they will trample on our individual liberties without hesitation if they are given leeway to do so. The numerous examples of this during Covid (moms getting arrested for taking kids to parks, crying kids getting forceably removed from restaurants) should have been a wake up call to everybody.
then why are you worried about what the people of arizona vote on?

A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don't comply.

Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the right to a free press.

Police are often filmed by bystanders and footage has occasionally resulted in officer misconduct being exposed."

If it's not filmed, it's not illegal.... WAYYYHEYYYYY!!!
And 15 seconds of video is never enough to know the whole story.
There really is no means by which laws can differentiate and differ to police.
If you have to remain 8' from police, they police would have to also remain 8' away from everyone else.
There is no legal means by which police can be granted any circle of exclusivity, because they are not a source of legal authority, we are. Police can only do what we can do, and no more.

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