How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

First what you quoted me saying was NOT quoting you. It was to someone else. Either learn how the site works, how quoting works or quit drinking.

Then you can apologize.
Well, if you think an apology is needed, then I'll be looking forward to yours. I raised the issue in response to Paleman thinking I was a leftist. As an example of my absolutism on the Constitution, I said that yelling fire is NOT an exception to the protections of the First Amendment. You, being a fucking idiot, read it wrong and tried to correct me by pointing out that yelling fire is NOT an exception to the protections of the First Amendment.

Notice the similarity in what I said and what you said? My summary above between the two of us is that we said exactly the same thing - but me first. But you insisted on violently agreeing with me - over and over again. You thought to take the splinter out of my eye but couldn't see to do it because of the beam in your own.

The beauty of the Internet is that what's said on the Internet stays on the Internet. Here's the entire history from when I raised the fire topic. The unrelated portions of both of our posts are not copied but what is there is the exact posts, using the site's copy feature, from beginning to end.

After you've read it again, assuming you can get the beam out of your eye so you can read it, I'll be waiting for your apology.

I respect the constitution well enough to know better than to support any form of todays Democratic party. Todays Democratic party has gone so far-left over the cliff extremist. While I would like to protect our country and the constitution, you band of whacko's are hell bent on taring it all down. Stick your Woke where it don't belong!

You're an idiot. I'm not a leftist, not woke, not a Democrat. I'm the most constitutionally conservative person on this site.

Someone, I don't recall who, questioned whether I lived my life with such absolutes as I post here. Actually, I pretty much do. I am an absolute constitutionalist.


I am an absolutist on free speech. Yelling fire in a crowded theater actually is constitutionally protected. When one harms another by executing their rights they can be sued civilly for doing so. Yelling fire in a crowded theater can, and should, get you sued civilly but you don't actually see any federal laws against yelling fire, do you?

If you yell "Fire" and the people just stare at you and tell you to go away, what grounds do they have to sue?

Even if they leave the theater and no one gets hurt, other than the price of the ticket perhaps, what do you sue over?

You're absolutely correct. If everyone looks at them then there's no damage but perhaps a trespassing charge if he doesn't leave when told. But if everyone leaves then there's lost time, lost value, lost revenue. Even if the theater gives free tickets there's lost revenue and lost time and travel costs to go to the theater again. There's a lawsuit.

But apparently you totally missed the point that it's actually not an exception to free speech for yelling fire in a theater.

Free speech limitations apply to the government. There isn't squat the government can do to you for simply yelling "fire" and no one actually, physically gets hurt.

If the theater can sue you, that has nothing to do with the first amendment.

or financially hurt,, the theater can sue if all the people run outside and didnt get to watch the movie,,

But that has NOTHING to do with the first amendment.

You're still a fucking idiot.

Here's where I introduced the subject of fire in a theater into this thread:

First what you quoted me saying was NOT quoting you. It was to someone else. Either learn how the site works, how quoting works or quit drinking.

Then you can apologize.
if a cop tells you to move and you don't, that's a violation and you can be ticketed, no matter how far away you are. I bet you haven't a clue as to why you must obey.

Are there any limits to government's excess or abuse to which you will not submit?
their job is not to protect and serve., and nothing about it is in the constitution either. the police officers job is to inforce the law. if you are real one you know that.

Really? So when the government tells them to illegally eject a father from a school board meeting, why do they follow the order? When a cop is beating a handcuffed, subdued, person, why do the other cops not arrest them?

When the mayor tells them to not enforce the law, to stand and watch rioters loot and burn, are they enforcing the law?

They used to be peace officers; now, you're right, they're law enforcement officers.

But if you are absolutely right, then no, I no longer support the police. If I am wrong and their job is not to protect and serve the citizens, then, no I no longer support the cops.

If their job is only to protect the Mayor of Chicago, the Mayor of Seattle, the Mayor of Portland, the Mayor of Minneapolis, the Mayor of Baltimore, while the people die from riots and crime, then I will be as actively anti-cop as is any one in this nation.

So tell me again about how the words "protect and serve" on so many police cars really means the government and not me. Convince me to be anti-cop.
Really? So when the government tells them to illegally eject a father from a school board meeting, why do they follow the order? When a cop is beating a handcuffed, subdued, person, why do the other cops not arrest them?

When the mayor tells them to not enforce the law, to stand and watch rioters loot and burn, are they enforcing the law?

They used to be peace officers; now, you're right, they're law enforcement officers.

But if you are absolutely right, then no, I no longer support the police. If I am wrong and their job is not to protect and serve the citizens, then, no I no longer support the cops.

If their job is only to protect the Mayor of Chicago, the Mayor of Seattle, the Mayor of Portland, the Mayor of Minneapolis, the Mayor of Baltimore, while the people die from riots and crime, then I will be as actively anti-cop as is any one in this nation.

So tell me again about how the words "protect and serve" on so many police cars really means the government and not me. Convince me to be anti-cop.

When is the point that police went from being peace officers to law enforcement officers?
Really? So when the government tells them to illegally eject a father from a school board meeting, why do they follow the order? When a cop is beating a handcuffed, subdued, person, why do the other cops not arrest them?

When the mayor tells them to not enforce the law, to stand and watch rioters loot and burn, are they enforcing the law?

They used to be peace officers; now, you're right, they're law enforcement officers.

But if you are absolutely right, then no, I no longer support the police. If I am wrong and their job is not to protect and serve the citizens, then, no I no longer support the cops.

If their job is only to protect the Mayor of Chicago, the Mayor of Seattle, the Mayor of Portland, the Mayor of Minneapolis, the Mayor of Baltimore, while the people die from riots and crime, then I will be as actively anti-cop as is any one in this nation.

So tell me again about how the words "protect and serve" on so many police cars really means the government and not me. Convince me to be anti-cop.
Do I have this right? You are anti-cop. Does that mean that if you really need some type of protecton from the bad guys within our current society, you would not consider calling 911? Doing so would be hypocritical in my mind. Being anti-cop you should be on your own and not expect a cop or any part of the justice system to give a damn about you or your families welfare.
When is the point that police went from being peace officers to law enforcement officers?
Whenever it was that the "protect and serve" on the side of their vehicles went from protecting and serving the people to protecting and serving the government.
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Do I have this right? You are anti-cop. Does that mean that if you really need some type of protecton from the bad guys within our current society, you would not consider calling 911? Doing so would be hypocritical in my mind. Being anti-cop you should be on your own and not expect a cop or any part of the justice system to give a damn about you or your families welfare.
I've never been anti-cop and you'll never find a post where I was critical of the police as a whole or the idea of policing. But I'm not an ignoramus sheep who defends people because they hold the job. You know, like all you leftists who attack Trump even though he was the president. Respect the office, not the person.

Up until the recent posts on this thread, I have always respected the police but there are a LOT of people in the job who I do not only disrespect, I despise. If you don't feel the same way then shame on you.

Another thing I just realized as you drive me closer and closer to being actually anti-cop with your well reasoned posts about why the cops are actually the enemy of liberty: It actually is OK for those who hate the police to call the police when something happens. Current law makes vigilantism very dangerous from a legal standpoint. So the local government has interjected the police between us and the criminal and if we try to take the police out of the picture and go after the criminal ourselves, we will end up like the bodega owner in NYC: charged with a crime for defending ourselves or our property. So, until actual liberty is restored, there's no choice except to call a cop.

You remind me of the communists on this board and throughout the world who claim that the opposition in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba, and other communist nations aren't really against communism because they eat the food that communism produced. If that's the only way to get the food, there was no choice. If calling a cop is the only way to hope to get the protection of the law then you have no choice.

You're doing a fantastic job of arguing exactly why anyone who cares about liberty and freedom should be anti cop and how anti-cop can work in a police state.

Keep it up, bozo.
But let’s say you’re at 8 or 9 feet and a cop busts you for it if you don’t turn off the camera. That wouldn’t be an easy thing to prove in court. This small dick cop is going to give you the citation.
Or shoot you and drop his throwdown.
Especially if they are doing something they don't want on video.
They frequently are.
But as another poster pointed out, they could just move closer to you. Does the law prevent this loophole? I seriously doubt it does.
Yes, as written...but in reality, no.
Then no one would be guilty of filming at less than 8 feet, because there is no evidence.
Bless your heart!
I think we can trust cops are capable of knowing what a smart phone looks like
That's stupid even for you.
it sets a standard and will stop the cops from pushing cop watchers back beyond 8 ft,,
No. In reality, it will do the opposite.
I think you're right about that. But that makes you wonder why so many are dead who had nothing more than a smart phone in their hands. Since we agree that cops knew they were just phones, there must be intent to kill on the part of the cops.
Of course. I suspect most hope it's the day they get to kill someone.
Wow! This idiot cop abandons his female partner so he can walk over and harass a guy with a phone. I'm sure glad that the guy they pulled over wasn't violent. What a loser son of a bitch cop.

And I generally defend the cops but this cop is a worthless SOB.
Most are.
It also will cover a suspect who is recording a police encounter
Police will demand you stop recording as they interview you
No, you fucking mental midget, that's wrong!
well, again, I am from the mold that if a cop asks one to move, you should move. Just me. They are state sponsored traffickers'. They direct you to stay back, stay back. go cry in court if one gets ticketed for not listening to the directions. Camera, no camera. Why do you believe you supersede the directions by authorized state police?
When the cop demands you drop and suck, I figure you'd do that, too.
Do I have this right? You are anti-cop. Does that mean that if you really need some type of protecton from the bad guys within our current society, you would not consider calling 911? Doing so would be hypocritical in my mind. Being anti-cop you should be on your own and not expect a cop or any part of the justice system to give a damn about you or your families welfare.
Predictable as the sunrise. Seriously, do all copsuckers get the same half dozen talking points?
It should have been a hundred times that in the settlement and life in prison without parole for anyone who participated in or knew of the swap.
A billion dollars in punitive damages, and all involved nailed to crosses and left until their bones fall apart.
Predictable as the sunrise. Seriously, do all copsuckers get the same half dozen talking points?

A billion dollars in punitive damages, and all involved nailed to crosses and left until their bones fall apart.
You’re an idiot

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