How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

I've never been anti-cop and you'll never find a post where I was critical of the police as a whole or the idea of policing. But I'm not an ignoramus sheep who defends people because they hold the job. You know, like all you leftists who attack Trump even though he was the president. Respect the office, not the person.

Up until the recent posts on this thread, I have always respected the police but there are a LOT of people in the job who I do not only disrespect, I despise. If you don't feel the same way then shame on you.

Another thing I just realized as you drive me closer and closer to being actually anti-cop with your well reasoned posts about why the cops are actually the enemy of liberty: It actually is OK for those who hate the police to call the police when something happens. Current law makes vigilantism very dangerous from a legal standpoint. So the local government has interjected the police between us and the criminal and if we try to take the police out of the picture and go after the criminal ourselves, we will end up like the bodega owner in NYC: charged with a crime for defending ourselves or our property. So, until actual liberty is restored, there's no choice except to call a cop.

You remind me of the communists on this board and throughout the world who claim that the opposition in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba, and other communist nations aren't really against communism because they eat the food that communism produced. If that's the only way to get the food, there was no choice. If calling a cop is the only way to hope to get the protection of the law then you have no choice.

You're doing a fantastic job of arguing exactly why anyone who cares about liberty and freedom should be anti cop and how anti-cop can work in a police state.

Keep it up, bozo.
This one sentence of yours alone shows us that deep down you do not trust or respect the police. -----"If calling a cop is the only way to hope to get the protection of the law then you have no choice". Unlike you, I would be quite happy to call the cops if and when I need protection. Cops are my friend.
Do I have this right? You are anti-cop. Does that mean that if you really need some type of protecton from the bad guys within our current society, you would not consider calling 911? Doing so would be hypocritical in my mind. Being anti-cop you should be on your own and not expect a cop or any part of the justice system to give a damn about you or your families welfare.
Just keep in mind that in 1791, if you were alive then and if someone stole your property, you were the police and you used your gun to hold them and, if the threat didn't work, you shot them.

So, no, technically I do not require the services of the police for anything at all. I require the liberty to protect my life, my liberty, and my property, and I might, from time to time, require a little assistance from my neighbors - assistance that would come readily had not the left convinced so many of them that we need to defend on the government, who cannot protect us, who have argued all the way to the Supreme Court (and won those arguments) that they have no obligation to protect us, to protect us.

If I call the police now, it's to do the paperwork - paperwork they seldom come to the scene of the crime to create; the more common method now is for the victim to have to go to the police station to fill out the paper work or do it on the phone or do it online.

So, in reality, no; I don't need the police for a thing: I don't care if the paperwork gets done.

I just need leftists like you to get out of my way and let me exercise my God-given rights to defend myself and my property and I'll be just fine.
Just keep in mind that in 1791, if you were alive then and if someone stole your property, you were the police and you used your gun to hold them and, if the threat didn't work, you shot them.

So, no, technically I do not require the services of the police for anything at all. I require the liberty to protect my life, my liberty, and my property, and I might, from time to time, require a little assistance from my neighbors - assistance that would come readily had not the left convinced so many of them that we need to defend on the government, who cannot protect us, who have argued all the way to the Supreme Court (and won those arguments) that they have no obligation to protect us, to protect us.

If I call the police now, it's to do the paperwork - paperwork they seldom come to the scene of the crime to create; the more common method now is for the victim to have to go to the police station to fill out the paper work or do it on the phone or do it online.

So, in reality, no; I don't need the police for a thing: I don't care if the paperwork gets done.

I just need leftists like you to get out of my way and let me exercise my God-given rights to defend myself and my property and I'll be just fine.
I think that is the second time you referred to me as being a leftist. Where the hell did that come from? I am as far-right as right can be. You and I just don't agree with the value of our police.
This one sentence of yours alone shows us that deep down you do not trust or respect the police. -----"If calling a cop is the only way to hope to get the protection of the law then you have no choice". Unlike you, I would be quite happy to call the cops if and when I need protection. Cops are my friend.
And yet you assert that they are not there to protect you, have no obligation to protect you, and acknowledge that they won't be there in time to protect you.

I 100% believe that no one should get in the face of cops the way Antifa and BLDM did in 2020. I believe every cop should go home to his family at the end of his day just like everyone else (I also want pizza delivery people to get home to their families and they're less likely to make it home than a cop is).

But I don't at all believe that any cop deserves my respect because they have a badge. All humans deserve to be treated with dignity and I always treat cops the same as I would anyone else. Given enough bad behavior, any person, cop or not, will lose that from me and I will quit treating them with dignity. But respect is always a different thing. Respect must always be earned.

Do you not think it's possible to be pro-cop without calling them out on the things they do wrong? I'm pro-my-children but I still call them out when they're wrong and my oldest is 50. He got a lecture from Dad just this afternoon.
I think that is the second time you referred to me as being a leftist. Where the hell did that come from? I am as far-right as right can be. You and I just don't agree with the value of our police.
Ok. I was making jabs. But you remember you called me a leftist several times. And still, even if you're a good conservative (and we don't disagree so much on cops as you might think), I'm still so conservative that you seem like a leftist in comparison ;)
Do I have this right? You are anti-cop. Does that mean that if you really need some type of protecton from the bad guys within our current society, you would not consider calling 911? Doing so would be hypocritical in my mind. Being anti-cop you should be on your own and not expect a cop or any part of the justice system to give a damn about you or your families welfare.

Believing that the police should be held to the same laws they hold others to is not anti-cop. Why do you believe some should be above laws and not held accountable?
Believing that the police should be held to the same laws they hold others to is not anti-cop. Why do you believe some should be above laws and not held accountable?
I have no problem with going after the bad cops. I strenuously object to painting all cops as guilty until proven innocent, which is the crazy far-left mantra.
Ok. I was making jabs. But you remember you called me a leftist several times. And still, even if you're a good conservative (and we don't disagree so much on cops as you might think), I'm still so conservative that you seem like a leftist in comparison ;)
Touché. I may have overreacted to your position on one particular point that seemed to me as favoring the left. I can do better.
Believing that the police should be held to the same laws they hold others to is not anti-cop. Why do you believe some should be above laws and not held accountable?
Because he is a badge bunny.
I have no problem with going after the bad cops. I strenuously object to painting all cops as guilty until proven innocent, which is the crazy far-left mantra.
Most are. If that were not the case, Donna Jane Watts wouldn't open her mailbox with a broom, and Joe Crystal wouldn't have had to flee Baltimore. Adrian Schoolcraft would not have been kidnapped and held against his will for a week. A good 99% of cops are, in fact, bad cops.
Believing that the police should be held to the same laws they hold others to is not anti-cop. Why do you believe some should be above laws and not held accountable?
who says we don't? you are certainly confused.
just post statistics to back your claim.
Do you ever have anything to add to any conversation here or do you see your purpose only to police links, demanding everyone who posts good morning for proof that it's morning and that it's a good one?

That the Courts have ruled that the police have no obligation to defend you and that you cannot count on them has been a well known, well documented, long-standing fact and requires no links. But since you're a fucking idiot and don't actually read anything except enough to post your stupid-ass requests for links over and over again, here are the links for you. Please have your nurse read them to you.

And the sky is blue:

then why aren't cops there before the criminal pulls the trigger? Come on man, don't play demofk stupid on the board.
Please don't post when you're drunk, on drugs, or both. It just makes you look stupider than you are.
I have no problem with going after the bad cops. I strenuously object to painting all cops as guilty until proven innocent, which is the crazy far-left mantra.
PKKnopp disagrees with this statement my me. Obviously, he, like all the rest of the left, think that cops should be judged as inherently guilty until proven innocent. Sick, Sick, Sick.
Do I have this right? You are anti-cop. Does that mean that if you really need some type of protecton from the bad guys within our current society, you would not consider calling 911? Doing so would be hypocritical in my mind. Being anti-cop you should be on your own and not expect a cop or any part of the justice system to give a damn about you or your families welfare.

No one is being ‘anti-cop’ – whatever that’s supposed to be.

Holding LEO accountable for his actions actually benefits law enforcement and foments trust with the community he’s policing.

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