How To Vet Covid, Vax, Or Mask Data


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
This thread is about how to objectively vet information, news, propaganda, or data about all things covid. Masks, vaccines, statistics, you name it. Notice the key word "objectively" is being used here, since this is absolutely NOT the same as "subjectively" vetting.

The key word above is "objectively", since objectively vetting covid culture is what this thread is about. Objectively vetting covid culture is when we are in search of the actual truth, regardless of if we like what we find. This objective vetting is the opposite of subjectively vetting, since subjective evaluation is meant to prove what one believes to be true. Searching for information that proves what we believe or want to be true is subjective and is not about finding what the truth really is.

So, in order to objectively vet covid culture, we must separate from our subjective agenda and desire to prove what we want the truth to be. When we are vetting information, we need to keep in mind what our goal is and be sure that we are not just trying to prove our own bias, since confirming our bias is not the same as proving the truth.
This thread is about how to objectively vet information, news, propaganda, or data about all things covid. Masks, vaccines, statistics, you name it. Notice the key word "objectively" is being used here, since this is absolutely NOT the same as "subjectively" vetting.

The key word above is "objectively", since objectively vetting covid culture is what this thread is about. Objectively vetting covid culture is when we are in search of the actual truth, regardless of if we like what we find. This objective vetting is the opposite of subjectively vetting, since subjective evaluation is meant to prove what one believes to be true. Searching for information that proves what we believe or want to be true is subjective and is not about finding what the truth really is.

So, in order to objectively vet covid culture, we must separate from our subjective agenda and desire to prove what we want the truth to be. When we are vetting information, we need to keep in mind what our goal is and be sure that we are not just trying to prove our own bias, since confirming our bias is not the same as proving the truth.
Very good then.

  • The first goal is to determine who is affected by Covid and to what degree.
  • Then determine the extenuating circumstance of who is affected
  • Then analyze policy to see if the group most affected were protected within the borders of the Constitution.
Very good then.

  • The first goal is to determine who is affected by Covid and to what degree.
  • Then determine the extenuating circumstance of who is affected
  • Then analyze policy to see if the group most affected were protected within the borders of the Constitution.
How do these things help to determine what the actual truth is?
This thread is about how to objectively vet information, news, propaganda, or data about all things covid. Masks, vaccines, statistics, you name it. Notice the key word "objectively" is being used here, since this is absolutely NOT the same as "subjectively" vetting.

The key word above is "objectively", since objectively vetting covid culture is what this thread is about. Objectively vetting covid culture is when we are in search of the actual truth, regardless of if we like what we find. This objective vetting is the opposite of subjectively vetting, since subjective evaluation is meant to prove what one believes to be true. Searching for information that proves what we believe or want to be true is subjective and is not about finding what the truth really is.

So, in order to objectively vet covid culture, we must separate from our subjective agenda and desire to prove what we want the truth to be. When we are vetting information, we need to keep in mind what our goal is and be sure that we are not just trying to prove our own bias, since confirming our bias is not the same as proving the truth.
You will throw doubt at anything you hear from a third party whether it be a reputable medical institution, study or educational facility. The only thing that I’d think would satisfy your itch would be to talk to a doctor in person that has actually ran a study. Have you tried that?
The bottom line is, parents who refuse the vaccine for their children, need to get into that with their eyes wide open.

They have a clear choice between choosing to believe in modern medical science or their political persuasions!

They better choose wisely the first time!

Their romance with Trump won't carry them through making the wrong choice.
The bottom line is, parents who refuse the vaccine for their children, need to get into that with their eyes wide open.

They have a clear choice between choosing to believe in modern medical science or their political persuasions!

They better choose wisely the first time!

Their romance with Trump won't carry them through making the wrong choice.
Thread is about how to "objectively" vet the information. Your subjective agenda is meant to derail the thread.
Step one is to identify Covid. What is it? And it is CORONA. The 7th strain.

4 strains are common colds. 1 strain is MERS........1 strain is SARs from 2003. .........and this one designated Covid 19

What is knows about Corona is essential to understanding what should be done about the new strain. And their is VAST INFORMATION ON CORONA before this outbreak ever took place.

August 2020 talking about this and why some had immunity for other forms of Corona.

Human Coronavirus Types​

Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The seven coronaviruses that can infect people are:

Common human coronaviruses​

  1. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  3. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)

Other human coronaviruses​

  1. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
  2. SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
  3. SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1.
Sometimes coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and make people sick and become a new human coronavirus. Three recent examples of this are 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV.
Thread is about how to "objectively" vet the information. Your subjective agenda is meant to derail the thread.
The parents who make the choice can vet the situation in any way that pleases them..

They will live with a wrong choice for the rest of their miserable lives.

They can hang their blame out on the front porch so they can claim it as theirs alone.

Trump cleared his own ass when he told them that the vaccines were safe and effective.......

Vet that!
The parents who make the choice can vet the situation in any way that pleases them..

They will live with a wrong choice for the rest of their miserable lives.

They can hang their blame out on the front porch so they can claim it as theirs alone.

Trump cleared his own ass when he told them that the vaccines were safe and effective.......

Vet that!
What do subjective parenting choices have to do with objective vetting?
Thread is about how to "objectively" vet the information. Your subjective agenda is meant to derail the thread.
My agenda is to 'derail' any parents who choose to use their children as pawns in your political game playing.

Let them register good advice in their heads, in preparation for rainy days.
My agenda is to 'derail' any parents who choose to use their children as pawns in your political game playing.

Let them register good advice in their heads, in preparation for rainy days.
Your purpose is to derail the thread.

The Viral Target and Disease Process​

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an RNA virus with a genome size that ranges between 26 and 32 kB. It has both structural proteins, including the spike glycoproteins, membrane proteins, envelope proteins and nucleocapsid, and non-structural proteins, including proteases. The infection of the host cell by this virus sets off an antiviral response. However, an unregulated immune response can contribute to the severe tissue damage seen in serious COVID-19 disease.

While a majority of COVID-19 patients are asymptomatic or show only mild symptoms, a significant minority develop severe lung inflammation, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and some die. The disease involves not only ciliary dysfunction but also pro-inflammatory signaling pathways, leading to a macrophage activation syndrome, also called a cytokine storm. The pathogenesis of this severe deterioration in COVID-19 patients is unclear.

The virus primarily targets the human bronchial epithelium, which possesses the viral receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2. In order to understand the pathogenesis of the disease, scientists have carried out microarray testing, but the small size of the sample limits these experiments.

Cytokine Binding and COVID-19 Severity​

The researchers suggest that the main signaling pathways on KEGG analysis in SARS-CoV-2-infected hBOs are cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, the P53 pathway, and apoptosis. Some of the cytokines that are secreted when the cell is exposed to an activator include IL-1, IL-6, and TNFα. These molecules interact with specific cell receptors on the cell surface to trigger a cell response. The SARS-CoV-2 also interacts with the surface receptor ACE2 via its spike protein, to achieve cell entry. This suggests that many cytokines bind to the surface of the infected cell and trigger inflammation simultaneously with the binding and entry of the virus. This could lead to the identification of these cytokines and suppression of such binding to reduce COVID-19 severity.
In 2005 we knew that HCL would inhibit the ACE 2 receptors of Corona. The CDC knew this too.

Here is a study that came from SARs 2003 studies.


Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

The spike glycoprotein is a type I membrane protein that facilitates viral attachment to the cellular receptor and initiation of infection, and angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) has been identified as a functional cellular receptor of SARS-CoV [5]. We have recently shown that the processing of the spike protein was effected by furin-like convertases and that inhibition of this cleavage by a specific inhibitor abrogated cytopathicity and significantly reduced the virus titer of SARS-CoV [6].

Pretreatment with 0.1, 1, and 10 μM chloroquine reduced infectivity by 28%, 53%, and 100%, respectively. Reproducible results were obtained from three independent experiments. These data demonstrated that pretreatment of Vero E6 cells with chloroquine rendered these cells refractory to SARS-CoV infection.
I posted this and many other threads like this early on in the plannedemic. The CDC and our gov't KNEW ABOUT THESE STUDIES and what worked on previous CORONA OUTBREAKS.

fyi Here is a list of every known treatment used to fight Covid.

Every treatment used is there. Click on any treatment and it will take you to all the studies and information regarding the treatments used all over the world.
I posted this and many other threads like this early on in the plannedemic. The CDC and our gov't KNEW ABOUT THESE STUDIES and what worked on previous CORONA OUTBREAKS.

fyi Here is a list of every known treatment used to fight Covid.

Every treatment used is there. Click on any treatment and it will take you to all the studies and information regarding the treatments used all over the world.
good one Eagle

This thread is about how to objectively vet information, news, propaganda, or data about all things covid. Masks, vaccines, statistics, you name it. Notice the key word "objectively" is being used here, since this is absolutely NOT the same as "subjectively" vetting.

The key word above is "objectively", since objectively vetting covid culture is what this thread is about. Objectively vetting covid culture is when we are in search of the actual truth, regardless of if we like what we find. This objective vetting is the opposite of subjectively vetting, since subjective evaluation is meant to prove what one believes to be true. Searching for information that proves what we believe or want to be true is subjective and is not about finding what the truth really is.

So, in order to objectively vet covid culture, we must separate from our subjective agenda and desire to prove what we want the truth to be. When we are vetting information, we need to keep in mind what our goal is and be sure that we are not just trying to prove our own bias, since confirming our bias is not the same as proving the truth.

Fact: during the early height of the media COVID push there were zero signs of a pandemic, circa June 2020 say, such as symptomatic people in public spaces; during this time neither my wife nor I witnessed a single person in public stumbling around, coughing or dropping over from any ailment.

Fact: during the height of the media's COVID hysteria there were zero bodies of the recently dead to be seen in any public space. My wife and frequented the city of Baltimore and surrounding counties throughout this time and never once witnessed either an actually sick person or dead ones stacked in piles in public spaces.

Fact: during the height of COVID my wife and I traveled throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. Same as above, we never witnessed sick people in public nor stacks of recently deceased bodies nor any sign whatsoever a global pandemic was in play.

Fact: during the height of COVID our local Harford County, MD newspaper reported overflow of COVID patients at the Bel Air hospital and excess COVID cadavers at the funeral home beside it. Both the wife and I traveled the highway running by both institutions on a daily basis; more often than not both the hospital and funeral home parking lots were empty or nearly empty. Where were all the sick people and bodies and emergency personnel and cars of mourning family members?

Fact: my sister was diagnosed with COVID sometime in the fall of 2020. Her doctor at a PA hospital wanted to put her on a ventilator. She refused and was subsequently re-diagnosed with walking pneumonia. Huh.

Fact: not a single member of my extended family, and it is a large one spread across the US, Canada, South America and Europe was ever diagnosed with COVID other than my sister since spring of 2020.

Conclusion: COVID was never a serious threat to anyone during the period extending from February 2020 until the present and sure as hell isn't a serious threat currently.

Opinion: Federal dollars unlocked during the COVID national health emergency influenced doctors nationwide to misdiagnose perhaps hundreds of millions of Americans and to further ventilate hundreds of thousands more with pre-knowledge doing so would kill them.

Overall COVID Rating: Lethal SCAM

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