How To Vet Covid, Vax, Or Mask Data

Fact: during the early height of the media COVID push there were zero signs of a pandemic, circa June 2020 say, such as symptomatic people in public spaces; during this time neither my wife nor I witnessed a single person in public stumbling around, coughing or dropping over from any ailment.

Fact: during the height of the media's COVID hysteria there were zero bodies of the recently dead to be seen in any public space. My wife and frequented the city of Baltimore and surrounding counties throughout this time and never once witnessed either an actually sick person or dead ones stacked in piles in public spaces.

Fact: during the height of COVID my wife and I traveled throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. Same as above, we never witnessed sick people in public nor stacks of recently deceased bodies nor any sign whatsoever a global pandemic was in play.

Fact: during the height of COVID our local Harford County, MD newspaper reported overflow of COVID patients at the Bel Air hospital and excess COVID cadavers at the funeral home beside it. Both the wife and I traveled the highway running by both institutions on a daily basis; more often than not both the hospital and funeral home parking lots were empty or nearly empty. Where were all the sick people and bodies and emergency personnel and cars of mourning family members?

Fact: my sister was diagnosed with COVID sometime in the fall of 2020. Her doctor at a PA hospital wanted to put her on a ventilator. She refused and was subsequently re-diagnosed with walking pneumonia. Huh.

Fact: not a single member of my extended family, and it is a large one spread across the US, Canada, South America and Europe was ever diagnosed with COVID other than my sister since spring of 2020.

Conclusion: COVID was never a serious threat to anyone during the period extending from February 2020 until the present and sure as hell isn't a serious threat currently.

Opinion: Federal dollars unlocked during the COVID national health emergency influenced doctors nationwide to misdiagnose perhaps hundreds of millions of Americans and to further ventilate hundreds of thousands more with pre-knowledge doing so would kill them.

Overall COVID Rating: Lethal SCAM
Fact>>> there was no pandemic.

Fact>>>>Biden lowered the stars & bars to 1/2 mast for 'a million' lost

Fact>>>we're a nation of 320 million, who looses 1% annually, C19 did not make much of a difference


Parents who choos wrong will learn a very hard lesson!
Those who listen to people like you will regret it when their child is fucked by the jab. 0 to 20 years old there was and still is almost NO RISK for covid to kill them.

Only lesson to learn is to keep plenty of ammo for the next time your fuckers pull this
Just my suggestion of parents needing to bear responsibility for making the wrong choice, has resulted in the hurling of insults and profanity and gnashing of teeth.

Choose wisely American parents. This choice of not having your children vaccinated could be the most important decision you will ever make.

If any parents don't trust modern medical science but would rather trust in politically biased noise, then choose accordingly.

That's friendly advice that can never be unheard!
Just my suggestion of parents needing to bear responsibility for making the wrong choice, has resulted in the hurling of insults and profanity and gnashing of teeth.

Choose wisely American parents. This choice of not having your children vaccinated could be the most important decision you will ever make.

If any parents don't trust modern medical science but would rather trust in politically biased noise, then choose accordingly.

That's friendly advice that can never be unheard!
Let me repeat. From 0 to 20 years old you have almost No chance of dying from Covid. Anyone who pushes this nonsense is a Fucking IDIOT.........If they shoe fits wear it DUCK.
seems this should compliment their decision process then Don>>>

Yes, in that he's experiencing mild symptoms.
I'm completely happy with everybody just ignoring the perils of making the wrong decision.

The warning can't be unheard!

No matter how much two or three of you grind your teeth.

Keep the cards and letters coming!
Keep the cards and letters coming!
STFU Duck No one here gives a shit about Covid here anymore. We sure as hell don't care about a Duck's opinion on it.

Don't you have some old women to beat down for honking her horn..........DUCK
Yes, in that he's experiencing mild symptoms.
And serves as the best example for those parents making decisions
I'm completely happy with everybody just ignoring the perils of making the wrong decision.
and will you be as happy with those experiencing the perils of watching their young languish due to that wrong decision Don?

You will throw doubt at anything you hear from a third party whether it be a reputable medical institution, study or educational facility. The only thing that I’d think would satisfy your itch would be to talk to a doctor in person that has actually ran a study. Have you tried that?
Indeed, third parties are not to be trusted. Third party information is what needs to be vetted when we are in search of the actual truth. There is no need to vet third party information if we are researching to prove what we believe, but this thread is not about subjectively vetting information. There is a fantastic industry called fact checking that exists for the purpose of proving subjective beliefs, but this thread is about objectively vetting the information.
Just my suggestion of parents needing to bear responsibility for making the wrong choice, has resulted in the hurling of insults and profanity and gnashing of teeth.

Choose wisely American parents. This choice of not having your children vaccinated could be the most important decision you will ever make.

If any parents don't trust modern medical science but would rather trust in politically biased noise, then choose accordingly.

That's friendly advice that can never be unheard!
Ten points if you can post something that proves that you read and understood the opening post.
Indeed, third parties are not to be trusted. Third party information is what needs to be vetted when we are in search of the actual truth. There is no need to vet third party information if we are researching to prove what we believe, but this thread is not about subjectively vetting information. There is a fantastic industry called fact checking that exists for the purpose of proving subjective beliefs, but this thread is about objectively vetting the information.
Right… so go ask your doctor who is trained in medicine. Discuss which studies he/she has read and ask about the methodology and what conclusions he/she came to… have you tried that yet?
Right… so go ask your doctor who is trained in medicine. Discuss which studies he/she has read and ask about the methodology and what conclusions he/she came to… have you tried that yet?
Like any source of covid culture info, what comes out of a doctor's mouth is not automatically the truth. Doctors don't all say the same thing, so they can't all be the absolute truth. Doctors are subjective, and their qualifications are not sufficient to make what they say be the truth. If your goal is to objectively vet covid culture, you can't trust subjective sources like doctors, government, big pharma, big tech, or social media. You need to vet the information yourself.
Like any source of covid culture info, what comes out of a doctor's mouth is not automatically the truth. Doctors don't all say the same thing, so they can't all be the absolute truth. Doctors are subjective, and their qualifications are not sufficient to make what they say be the truth. If your goal is to objectively vet covid culture, you can't trust subjective sources like doctors, government, big pharma, big tech, or social media. You need to vet the information yourself.
I’ll take that as a no, you haven’t spoken to a MD. Ok, your next option is to go to medical school. Get educated on medicine, then run studies yourself. Only problem is… how are you going to trust that the education your getting from some Lib medical school is accurate?!?! haven’t spoken to a MD.
I wonder if an MD would choose to say a MD, or if he would say an MD?

MDs can offer us subjective information to use in our objective search for the actual truth, but they are not the absolute truth.
I wonder if an MD would choose to say a MD, or if he would say an MD?

MDs can offer us subjective information to use in our objective search for the actual truth, but they are not the absolute truth.
The subjective information of the most educated and qualified is your best chance at getting the most accurate information. Even you in your infinite wisdom is not capable of finding absolute truth other than a realization that you are seeking truth.
The subjective information of the most educated and qualified is your best chance at getting the most accurate information. Even you in your infinite wisdom is not capable of finding absolute truth other than a realization that you are seeking truth.
Are you familiar with Dr Mercola?

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