How To Wake Up China

An actual potus as opposed to the poser in chief, could tell China that any nuclear strike on the US, or Japan or NK would be considered a strike emanating from China.

That would be a stupid thing to do.
Remember Trump was going to tag them as a currency manipulator? Another Trump lie .

You upset he isn't being more aggressive in dealing with a nuclear powder keg?

You lefties don't care about ANYTHING, other than political advantage do you?

I bet that if your side's pushing led to nuclear war, there would not be a single once of responsibility in your little brain, would there?

Lefties don't 'do' responsibility.
[... China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. ...

No it wouldn't, which is really what China is concerned with. A flood of refugees across the border from NK would be a mess they don't want to deal with. They aren't in a position to support a vassal state, and do NOT want South Korea part II on their border.
An actual potus as opposed to the poser in chief, could tell China that any nuclear strike on the US, or Japan or NK would be considered a strike emanating from China.

That would be a stupid thing to do.
Exactly, and so is "waking up China."

China is already a awake and purposefully using the dangers of a nuclear armed failed state to distract from their predatory trade policies.
We shouldn't be crying to China to help us handle a punk like North Korea. The funny little fellow over in North Korea knows that any missile strike is his suicide.

In regards to trade with China that's a whole different issue that needs to be handled separately.

No world leader believes a nuclear exchange is suicide...they all have secure underground bunkers with food and supplies for years. Trade is a huge leverage we have over China...They are so over-extended we can bankrupt them in a year to 18 months of a total cut-off and Trump is the man to do it. They could simply behead Kim's regime, replace him with a puppet and be done with it.

Yeah, he'll be satisfied in his bunker and while for us life goes on. If we have to rely on others instead of the missile dense system that's been developed over the last 14 years, that's really sad.
[... China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. ...

No it wouldn't, which is really what China is concerned with. A flood of refugees across the border from NK would be a mess they don't want to deal with. They aren't in a position to support a vassal state, and do NOT want South Korea part II on their border.
Exactly. I said, and you quoted, that China has every incentive to NOT have NK attack the US, Japan or SK. In fact, NK has no incentive to attack... if one assumes their overall goal is to maintain the current govt and status of NK as a biologically habitual place.
I think if we could do this we probably already would have. But it's all a distraction. China doesn't want NK to lob a nuke on the WC because it'd be horrible for biz. They do love having a distraction from their economic polices that is based on military conflict, however.

An actual potus as opposed to the poser in chief, could tell China that any nuclear strike on the US, or Japan or NK would be considered a strike emanating from China.

Why would nk attack the USA ? The whole thing isn't bullshit saber rattin that they've done since forever .
That's sort of the point. China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. That would mean the end of the NK state. However, it's obvious that China sees an advantage to NK's provocations towards Japan, SK and the US. If the goal is to wake them up to the possible consequences of a mistake by NK, then letting them know the coseqence to them would be 200 thermonuclear explosions, would get their attention. But, do we really want to get their military attention? I don't think so. Nor do I see a trade war with them as an advantage. Tariffs on cellphones and PCs ... maybe

We're going to attack them. They have had the audacity to not succumb to a Central Bank, it will be forced on them. Iran too.
Maybe kim chi will stop his nuke threats if we give him 400 million dollars like the purple lipped jug head gave Iran?
[... China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. ...

No it wouldn't, which is really what China is concerned with. A flood of refugees across the border from NK would be a mess they don't want to deal with. They aren't in a position to support a vassal state, and do NOT want South Korea part II on their border.
Exactly. I said, and you quoted, that China has every incentive to NOT have NK attack the US, Japan or SK. In fact, NK has no incentive to attack... if one assumes their overall goal is to maintain the current govt and status of NK as a biologically habitual place.

It is a mistake to assume China has that level of control over NK.
[... China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. ...

No it wouldn't, which is really what China is concerned with. A flood of refugees across the border from NK would be a mess they don't want to deal with. They aren't in a position to support a vassal state, and do NOT want South Korea part II on their border.
Exactly. I said, and you quoted, that China has every incentive to NOT have NK attack the US, Japan or SK. In fact, NK has no incentive to attack... if one assumes their overall goal is to maintain the current govt and status of NK as a biologically habitual place.

It is a mistake to assume China has that level of control over NK.

It is a mistake for US to let this distract US from the need to balance trade with China.

China should not get rewarded for discouraging a nuclear holocaust.

We should expect that of any civilized nation, and if they want to define themselves as not civilized then we need to adjust our relation with them accordingly.
[... China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. ...

No it wouldn't, which is really what China is concerned with. A flood of refugees across the border from NK would be a mess they don't want to deal with. They aren't in a position to support a vassal state, and do NOT want South Korea part II on their border.
Exactly. I said, and you quoted, that China has every incentive to NOT have NK attack the US, Japan or SK. In fact, NK has no incentive to attack... if one assumes their overall goal is to maintain the current govt and status of NK as a biologically habitual place.

It is a mistake to assume China has that level of control over NK.
China has the ability to force NK's military to conduct a coup or cease to exist as a cohesive force. However, China really doesn't want NK's military to cease a s cohesive force, nor does China want NK to stop shooting off rockets. You are attempting to ignore, or failing to grasp, the irony. We have no interest in "awakening china."
[... China has every incentive for NK to NOT attack the US, and such an attack would result in NK's population being eradicated. ...

No it wouldn't, which is really what China is concerned with. A flood of refugees across the border from NK would be a mess they don't want to deal with. They aren't in a position to support a vassal state, and do NOT want South Korea part II on their border.
Exactly. I said, and you quoted, that China has every incentive to NOT have NK attack the US, Japan or SK. In fact, NK has no incentive to attack... if one assumes their overall goal is to maintain the current govt and status of NK as a biologically habitual place.

It is a mistake to assume China has that level of control over NK.
China has the ability to force NK's military to conduct a coup or cease to exist as a cohesive force. ...

Not short of fully invading and occupying the whole country, which is not going to happen.

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