How to win ..


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
if you cant play by the rules and win, just change the rules ...

Trump urges Senate GOP to end filibuster for future votes

the old bastard is nukin futs ..

"If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60," he wrote on Twitter. "

(he - twitter - guess who HE is)
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if you cant play by the rules and win, just change the rules ...

Trump urges Senate GOP to end filibuster for future votes

the old bastard is nukin futs ..

"If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60," he wrote on Twitter. "

(he - twitter - guess who HE is)
how to win...not this thread amigo. are you and starkey the same guy ? what have you done with our beloved jakester ?
if you cant play by the rules and win, just change the rules ...

Trump urges Senate GOP to end filibuster for future votes

the old bastard is nukin futs ..

"If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60," he wrote on Twitter. "

(he - twitter - guess who HE is)

Given that the last two votes had 49 and 43 votes in favor, Trump will soon be tweeting that 40 votes should be enough to pass a law.
if you cant play by the rules and win, just change the rules ...

Trump urges Senate GOP to end filibuster for future votes

the old bastard is nukin futs ..

"If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60," he wrote on Twitter. "

(he - twitter - guess who HE is)
the bumblers managed only 50 to open debate, and less than 50 for the so called bill proposals.

they need to disqualify at least 10 D senators.
"If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60," he wrote on Twitter. "

Trump has advanced that notion only because the things he wants require more than 51 votes and Republicans don't have a more than 51 vote majority. Were the shoe on the other foot, so to speak, he'd likely advocate for requiring 75 votes.

Quite simply, Trump is neither historically aware of the nuances of Senate procedure and rules and he's got no understanding at all of governance, legal and legislative principles and theory. He merely wants what he wants and doesn't care he gets it.
Notwithstanding Trump's exhortation that the Senate adopt the same rules the House has, the fact of the matter is that on the healthcare repeal legislation, he/the GOP didn't have 51 votes and needed but 51 votes.
if you cant play by the rules and win, just change the rules ...

Trump urges Senate GOP to end filibuster for future votes

the old bastard is nukin futs ..

"If Republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the Senate, they must immediately go to a 51 vote majority, not senseless 60," he wrote on Twitter. "

(he - twitter - guess who HE is)
and ... oh... come on.... who most recently changed the senate filibuster.....
Notwithstanding Trump's exhortation that the Senate adopt the same rules the House has, the fact of the matter is that on the healthcare repeal legislation, he/the GOP didn't have 51 votes and needed but 51 votes.
Republicans do not know how to govern.
democrats don't know how to simply communicate with one another, or society in general.
that's why we have a republican government right now, which will all change... good time to be optimistic about our potential... every American should be, and will be well off.

this company called America
will always be successful, is free enterprise and the rule of the day, just as it was in America 1776.... became The United States.
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Republicans do not know how to govern.
democrats don't know how to simply communicate with one another, or society in general.
that's why we have a republican government right now, which will all change... good time to be optimistic about our potential... every American should be, and will be well off.

this company called America
will always be successful, is free enterprise and the rule of the day, just as it was in America 1776.... became The United States.
The Republican president communicates to the American people with tweets. LOL
In his communications he lies and is fixated on his predecessor
From the White House the messages are contradictory and even bizarre.
The United States is a country, not a free enterprise corporation or real estate outfit.
Clearly, the Republicans cannot govern because for 7 years they bellyached about the Affordable Care Act getting repealed and replaced but when they got control of the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary, they couldn't do it.
What a bunch of windbags!
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