How true


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
there seems to be a common perception that the Democrats are in disarray, even chaos, with the now successful mutiny against a doddering Joe Biden
But taking a step back, it is actually Democrats who are united. Sure, Joe Biden is going away, but in terms of ideology, the Democrats are in near lockstep. Think of this issue set:
  • The Democrats don’t like this country. They think its founding and early years were an abomination and that America still today largely embodies these sins.
  • They want to transform the country to move left toward collectivism, one-world government, and worse.
  • They support open borders to either weaken the country or bring in new Democrat voters.
  • They support higher taxes and regulation.
  • They champion grossly inefficient green scam policies, either because of soft-headed idealism or as a means of further controlling the population.
  • They are just fine using the power of the state and its enforcement agencies to oppress their enemies.
  • They are anti-human, supporting abortion up until (or after) birth, euthanasia, weakening traditional families, and transing the kids.
There is very little deviation among serious Democrats from this orthodoxy. It doesn’t really matter to them who the Democrat president is as long as he is in line with the agenda or is easily controlled to get with the program.

Now consider the Republicans:

  • We are split on foreign policy, especially between the interventionist neocon wing and the more isolationist types.
  • There are significant gaps between the populists who think capitalism is part of the problem of a hollowed out middle America and the more free-market advocates who don’t like tariffs or limits on corporations.
  • Although we are generally pro-life, there are wide variances, from the hardcore “life begins at conception” belief to the “responsible limits” stance.
  • And even when it comes to our current presidential candidate, there are wide differences of opinions, from the fervent, die-hard Trump-supporters to the never/reluctant-Trumpers.
As J.D. Vance mentioned in his recent V.P. acceptance speech, it’s great that we are a diverse party that can sort out ideas and policies through spirited debate. But we shouldn’t kid ourselves. The Democrats have great power in their unity of ideology, and they care about politics far more than most Republicans and conservatives. (We have lives, families, jobs, church to find meaning.)

So this is a call to avoid complacency. We need to fight as if our lives depend on it (they might). We especially need to support and vote for Donald Trump, even if some find him distasteful. Our political foes will not go quietly. By hook or by crook, this will be a very close election. Get busy.

J.D. Vance: Diet Mountain Dew :lol:


Democrats are united and very excited about Harris.

MAGA has a tired old man who shat in his pants.
Trump maybe old but not tired. And the demrats are united in regards to the points listed above. That being said I will believe Harris will be the nominee when the delegates OFFICALLY cast their voters for her and not a moment before. Chances are its her but I will believe it when its official.
Democrats are united and very excited about Harris.

MAGA has a tired old man who shat in his pants.
By "united" it sounds like you're just talking about partisan loyalty. Which is a problem, not something to encourage. What good does it do for partisans to unite, and push through a candidate that half the country hates?
Please hold your breath waiting since that will not happen.
J.D. Vance is an advocate of industrial policy, reflecting a pretty strong turn for most of the Republican Party from one of mostly free markets to a much more interventionist, a much more populist economic mindset, really going out there and picking winners and losers in the market to apply, you know, taxes and subsidies and whatever it takes to build that industry as the politician sees fit.

The Republican Party is so far off the reservation, it isn't the Republican Party any more.

And you dipshits never even noticed.
It is sad. All the atheistic Left has that is important to them is political power. To take their political power away to them is like taking their very lives, as well as destroying the entire earth because of their Climate Cult thingy.

No wonder they are willing to put aside all morality to accomplish their task. There is nothing they will not do.
Coming from the looney tune demrat side that is amusing.
I'm a former Republican, now Independent, Never Trumper, dipshit.

I quit when I saw the GOP was no longer the GOP.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me.
I'm a former Republican, now Independent, Never Trumper, dipshit.

I quit when I saw the GOP was no longer the GOP.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me.
Just about the same difference genius.
Doubled the deficit.

Added $8 trillion to the debt.

Enacted far left protectionist tariffs.

Fucked around on all three wives, including with a porn star.

Stole from the elderly at his fake university.

Stole from cancer kids.

Sucked up to communist dictators.

Alienated our allies.

Impeached twice.

Attempted a coup.

Now a VP candidate who wants the government to pick the winners and losers in the private marketplace!

Like I said. You dipshits didn't even notice the Republican party is so far off the reservation it isn't the Republican party any more.
there seems to be a common perception that the Democrats are in disarray, even chaos, with the now successful mutiny against a doddering Joe Biden
But taking a step back, it is actually Democrats who are united. Sure, Joe Biden is going away, but in terms of ideology, the Democrats are in near lockstep. Think of this issue set:
  • The Democrats don’t like this country. They think its founding and early years were an abomination and that America still today largely embodies these sins.
  • They want to transform the country to move left toward collectivism, one-world government, and worse.
  • They support open borders to either weaken the country or bring in new Democrat voters.
  • They support higher taxes and regulation.
  • They champion grossly inefficient green scam policies, either because of soft-headed idealism or as a means of further controlling the population.
  • They are just fine using the power of the state and its enforcement agencies to oppress their enemies.
  • They are anti-human, supporting abortion up until (or after) birth, euthanasia, weakening traditional families, and transing the kids.
There is very little deviation among serious Democrats from this orthodoxy. It doesn’t really matter to them who the Democrat president is as long as he is in line with the agenda or is easily controlled to get with the program.

Now consider the Republicans:

  • We are split on foreign policy, especially between the interventionist neocon wing and the more isolationist types.
  • There are significant gaps between the populists who think capitalism is part of the problem of a hollowed out middle America and the more free-market advocates who don’t like tariffs or limits on corporations.
  • Although we are generally pro-life, there are wide variances, from the hardcore “life begins at conception” belief to the “responsible limits” stance.
  • And even when it comes to our current presidential candidate, there are wide differences of opinions, from the fervent, die-hard Trump-supporters to the never/reluctant-Trumpers.
As J.D. Vance mentioned in his recent V.P. acceptance speech, it’s great that we are a diverse party that can sort out ideas and policies through spirited debate. But we shouldn’t kid ourselves. The Democrats have great power in their unity of ideology, and they care about politics far more than most Republicans and conservatives. (We have lives, families, jobs, church to find meaning.)

So this is a call to avoid complacency. We need to fight as if our lives depend on it (they might). We especially need to support and vote for Donald Trump, even if some find him distasteful. Our political foes will not go quietly. By hook or by crook, this will be a very close election. Get busy.
Vance is exactly right...
Collectivism is by its very nature like an insect hive. Anyone who's willing to give up their individual identity can join the borg-like entity and become part of the unified machine which does tout some formidable qualities because of its unity.
How funny is it the Trumptards project "collectivism" on the Democrats when there is no clearer example of a hive mind than what we see with Trump's parroting cult!

It's just a matter of time before the Trumptards don armbands.

They're already wearing patches on their ears.


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