How trump won

Trump won because he got his message out there to the forgotten workers of America.

He got the message out for people the DNC didn't take into account.

That's why he won. People are sick of being forgotten and they are sick of the same ol same ol in DC which Hillary represented.

People who had never voted Rep before voted Rep because of Trump's message.

The same people Hillary called "deplorables." Any wonder she lost??
It didn't help that Clinton and company literally IGNORED working class voters. I mean hell if Trump takes Virginia and Minnesota the democrats are LITERALLY a coastal party minus New Mexico and Colorado which can be won by a republican.
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too

So s0n..........hows that bumpy cucumber feelin' about now?!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Hell of a marketing scheme there snowflake...WE WILL WIN BACK THE PEOPLES VOTES BY TELLING THEM HOW STUPID AND GULLIBLE THEY WERE! I am sure it will work well!
ODIUM you expect us to kiss kkk redneck butt? Let politicians do that...not us
ROFLMAO . You go with your plan. Its the gift that keeps on giving. At this rate by the time my kids are having kids you demotards MIGHT wake up and get elected again..hopefully not....
if what you say is true <god forbid> I'll pray your kids and their's stay out of the wars sure to come One thing republicans excel at
Care to go into ALL the wars Obama got us into? Libya,Syria,got us BACK into Iraq after we had left,Yemen...I can go on if you want.
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Hell of a marketing scheme there snowflake...WE WILL WIN BACK THE PEOPLES VOTES BY TELLING THEM HOW STUPID AND GULLIBLE THEY WERE! I am sure it will work well!
ODIUM you expect us to kiss kkk redneck butt? Let politicians do that...not us
ROFLMAO . You go with your plan. Its the gift that keeps on giving. At this rate by the time my kids are having kids you demotards MIGHT wake up and get elected again..hopefully not....
if what you say is true <god forbid> I'll pray your kids and their's stay out of the wars sure to come One thing republicans excel at
You know if the democrats would come back towards the middle with people like Webb,Manchin,Ryan from Ohio you MIGHT win the working class but you are moving LEFTWARD with that idiot Ellison! I mean I don't really care the likes of Ryan,Webb,Manchin etc will just come join the GOP and that won't help yall...Manchin I know is a senator so....
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

sophomoric analysis = ghey

Bottom line?

Look around the world.........there is a HUGE nationalistic fervor sweeping the globe ( Italy yesterday). Globalism is getting poked in the eye because the folks are sick and tired of the invasions and bending over backwards for everybody except people who love their country. "FUCK YOU" votes happening almost everywhere in the world......

But hey......if the meatheads want to keep doubling down on identity politics to win elections, I say go............go...............GO!!!:funnyface::funnyface: Progressives have been getting their clocks cleaned at every state and federal level of years now except for Soetero..........displaying the political IQ of small soap dishes.:deal:
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Hell of a marketing scheme there snowflake...WE WILL WIN BACK THE PEOPLES VOTES BY TELLING THEM HOW STUPID AND GULLIBLE THEY WERE! I am sure it will work well!
ODIUM you expect us to kiss kkk redneck butt? Let politicians do that...not us
ROFLMAO . You go with your plan. Its the gift that keeps on giving. At this rate by the time my kids are having kids you demotards MIGHT wake up and get elected again..hopefully not....
if what you say is true <god forbid> I'll pray your kids and their's stay out of the wars sure to come One thing republicans excel at
You know if the democrats would come back towards the middle with people like Webb,Manchin,Ryan from Ohio you MIGHT win the working class but you are moving LEFTWARD with that idiot Ellison! I mean I don't really care the likes of Ryan,Webb,Manchin etc will just come join the GOP and that won't help yall...Manchin I know is a senator so....

Hey man.......we WANT Ellison!! I'll be giddy if they put him at DNC chair...........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

All the hackings did, Eddie...was reveal how corrupt Hillary Clinton and her minions ARE! You can't "distort" anything with the truth. The distortion was that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt. She is and has been for a long, long time. Corrupt and a pathological liar. Face it, Donald Trump won because Hillary Clinton was such an awful candidate.
Hell of a marketing scheme there snowflake...WE WILL WIN BACK THE PEOPLES VOTES BY TELLING THEM HOW STUPID AND GULLIBLE THEY WERE! I am sure it will work well!
ODIUM you expect us to kiss kkk redneck butt? Let politicians do that...not us
ROFLMAO . You go with your plan. Its the gift that keeps on giving. At this rate by the time my kids are having kids you demotards MIGHT wake up and get elected again..hopefully not....
if what you say is true <god forbid> I'll pray your kids and their's stay out of the wars sure to come One thing republicans excel at
You know if the democrats would come back towards the middle with people like Webb,Manchin,Ryan from Ohio you MIGHT win the working class but you are moving LEFTWARD with that idiot Ellison! I mean I don't really care the likes of Ryan,Webb,Manchin etc will just come join the GOP and that won't help yall...Manchin I know is a senator so....

Hey man.......we WANT Ellison!! I'll be giddy if they put him at DNC chair...........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Lol same here. I mean I have no problem with his comments on Jews and Israel he's right but the dude is NOT closer to the center! Its like doubling down on what you already managed to lose doing.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

Eddie the far leftist lead whiny-baby who needs a safe space-) Lol, Eddie!
Ima you're still the same idiot that was here a couple years ago when I was here last ,,,Some things never change.......take a bow with sassy
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!

Dude.....listen.....don't put these mental cases on IGNORE. To me, we cant get enough of them because they become the targets that get their clocks cleaned on here.............more fun than a frog in a glass of milk. I especially love the ones who make it apparent that the bumpy cucumber they are riding is especially bumpy.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

These are mental cases.............nothing more fun than making fun of mental cases.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

EVERYTHING here is WRONG just like all of the bullshit liberals pump out. He won because he was so far ahead of the murdering, treasonous, lying, arrogant, thieving scum the dimocrats ran all he had to do was show up. Just think how bad it would have been if he had not kept his foot in his mouth most of the time. She would have probably only won CA, and NY that would have been the worlds worst beating ever. It would also probably given the Repubs a unstoppable trifecta with constitutional amendment power to amend the constitution as they will to completely remove the Democrat party from office forever. They have enough states to do it. all they need is a few house seats, and to retake all of the senate seats up next election. We are going to try to make that a priority. WE will rewrite the history of this country for the people and remove the would be dictators like clinton, and soros forever.
The DEM are going to lose 12-15 Senate seats in two years.
But the DEMS will keep electing Nancy 'in absentia' after she's kicked the bucket.
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too

Your tears are my ambrosia.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!

Dude.....listen.....don't put these mental cases on IGNORE. To me, we cant get enough of them because they become the targets that get their clocks cleaned on here.............more fun than a frog in a glass of milk. I especially love the ones who make it apparent that the bumpy cucumber they are riding is especially bumpy.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

These are mental cases.............nothing more fun than making fun of mental cases.
But sometimes it gets a bit embarrassing to keep kicking their asses so easily.
It's like going into a Special Needs class and stealing their lunches while you distract them with a puppy.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!

Dude.....listen.....don't put these mental cases on IGNORE. To me, we cant get enough of them because they become the targets that get their clocks cleaned on here.............more fun than a frog in a glass of milk. I especially love the ones who make it apparent that the bumpy cucumber they are riding is especially bumpy.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

These are mental cases.............nothing more fun than making fun of mental cases.
But sometimes it gets a bit embarrassing to keep kicking their asses so easily.
It's like going into a Special Needs class and stealing their lunches while you distract them with a puppy.

Hey man.....these are people who carried ghey lunchboxes around in grade school. Repeatedly got their balls kicked in in the schoolyard and after high school stood on the sidelines in clubs with their fingers up their behind while real men were nailing all the chicks. Then then got older and made personal fuck-up decisions and are now miserable as fuck and blame everybody but themselves and hate their own country.

This is who we are dealing with.............fucking fags............its all good. This forum would suck balls without them, trust me. That they don't get their thinking is fringe means more winning and more fun for us!!:coffee::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

You've seen my bumpy cucumber Photobucket Classic..........every time I click SEND Im laughing so hard my nut sack is hurting!!
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

All the hackings did, Eddie...was reveal how corrupt Hillary Clinton and her minions ARE! You can't "distort" anything with the truth. The distortion was that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt. She is and has been for a long, long time. Corrupt and a pathological liar. Face it, Donald Trump won because Hillary Clinton was such an awful candidate.
Oldstyle I can agree she was not a good candidate BUT the liar the corrupt is just republican bullshit You want corrupt and a real liar ?? He's going to be our president
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!

Dude.....listen.....don't put these mental cases on IGNORE. To me, we cant get enough of them because they become the targets that get their clocks cleaned on here.............more fun than a frog in a glass of milk. I especially love the ones who make it apparent that the bumpy cucumber they are riding is especially bumpy.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

These are mental cases.............nothing more fun than making fun of mental cases.
But sometimes it gets a bit embarrassing to keep kicking their asses so easily.
It's like going into a Special Needs class and stealing their lunches while you distract them with a puppy.
Hey short bus Danny Wheres the Chumps tax returns ? Fn thief
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

All the hackings did, Eddie...was reveal how corrupt Hillary Clinton and her minions ARE! You can't "distort" anything with the truth. The distortion was that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt. She is and has been for a long, long time. Corrupt and a pathological liar. Face it, Donald Trump won because Hillary Clinton was such an awful candidate.
Oldstyle I can agree she was not a good candidate BUT the liar the corrupt is just republican bullshit You want corrupt and a real liar ?? He's going to be our president

It's "bullshit" that Clinton is both corrupt and a liar? Come on, Eddie...even liberals conceded a long time ago that Hillary isn't could you not when her speeches and prior statements provide so many examples of her not only lying but essentially bragging about her ability to do so! The same holds true for her being corrupt. Bill and Hillary Clinton have cashed in on their access to power and they've done so for decades! They've made a lucrative business out of public service and a non profit organization.

Trump corruption? I know people on the left have tried to push that narrative to blunt criticism of Clinton's corruption but to be honest those efforts never really took root. Did people pay way to much for a course in how to invest in real estate? Probably. Is that corruption? Sorry but it's hard to make that leap of logic.
I think Hillary lost a lot of the youth vote, which usually carries the Dems across the aisle. Particularly the young black vote. Her ties to the prison industrial complex and mass incarceration, Black Lives Matter's games and ties to the Dems. Other corruption that raised questions about her ethics.

I don't think Trump had a great campaign, but it was effective against her corruption and somehow worked. Surprised me

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