How trump won

OP might attempt to comprehend the following before calling others stupid.

1. Don't suggest Trump won because he's a liar when his opponent is nothing but a lie. She even admitted his, but you must not have been paying attention. Chillary stood for nothing but lies and weakness, yet somehow you're superior and not a party to the stupidest among us?

2. Don't call others stupid using a run-on sentences. It makes you look dumb and foolish.

3. Don't say stupid shit while calling your opponents stupid. It makes you look dumb and foolish as well "Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too".
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry
This is a democracy, so the details have to be worked out in negotiations with Congress, but in broad strokes, Trump intends to replace Obamacare with a simpler plan that addresses the real needs of those not well served by the private insurance market we had before Obama without imposing the heavy hand of government on people who were well served by it. It will likely be incremental, including increasing competition among insurers to reduce premiums, high risk pools subsidized by the government/insurers to provide affordable rates for people with pre existing conditions. These measures will greatly reduce the numbers of uninsured while restoring the freedom of choice Obama took away from Americans.

ISIS is only a tiny part of the problems the Obama administration's lack of a coherent foreign policy has caused and will have to be addressed in the context of a complete overhaul of Obama's non policies.

We only know one part of Trump's education plan so far, federal school vouchers for children who would otherwise have to attend failed public schools. This program has worked very well in D.C., the students' score on tests has improved and it cost less to keep them in private schools from an approved list, five schools in D.C., than keep them in failed public schools. Obama has shamelessly tried to defund this successful program every year he has been in office. The fact is Trump and most Republicans have been supporting the rights of students to a decent education while the Democrats have been supporting the teachers' unions because they need their political support in elections.

Stand up to Wall Street is an idiot's complaint. The regulations that some blame for the financial crisis were changed by Bill Clinton, not by Bush, but they still left the federal government enough tools to have averted the financial crisis if they had been properly employed. Dodd-Frank leaves so much discretion to regulators that it may not even be necessary to repeal it to encourage new growth and new jobs.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!
Danny boy like to get something straight I'll not be a loser under chump I'll make out real well Really really LOL It's just that I believe Hill would have been good for ALL america not just billionaires
You're a fucking troll posting from the ME.
I've reported you to the DHS/CIA/FBI.
Keep looking up asshole. One of America's drone strikes is on your way.
You're handler's should have picked someone who doesn't 'tell' in every post.
"I'll make out REAL well".
NO ONE uses that language except foreigners.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!
Danny boy like to get something straight I'll not be a loser under chump I'll make out real well Really really LOL It's just that I believe Hill would have been good for ALL america not just billionaires
You're a fucking troll posting from the ME.
I've reported you to the DHS/CIA/FBI.
Keep looking up asshole. One of America's drone strikes is on your way.
You're handler's should have picked someone who doesn't 'tell' in every post.
"I'll make out REAL well".
NO ONE uses that language except foreigners.
You get discounts with your KKK card?
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too

No. Not even close. Lies were not an issue because he was running against the infamous Queen of Lies and Incompetence with her proven record who had (oh so wisely) managed to insult and demean a majority of Americans. Kinda like your OP.
You really want the answer to why he won? Simple:


I saw that same exact pick.

Once I did, I knew I could never vote for her.
Trump won because he was far more authentic than hiLIARy and has ideas for how to improve the economy and the lives of American workers.

hiLIARy lost because she had no ideas, parroted a message that was just "not Trump", demeaned a large number of voters as deplorables, and is just not likeable.
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he scored more runs using baseball as a metaphor. The left is saying we got more hits, had more runners on base and committed fewer errors.

Who gives a shit. The left lost and lost badly in what should have been the slam dunk they thought it should be.

Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too

No. Not even close. Lies were not an issue because he was running against the infamous Queen of Lies and Incompetence with her proven record who had (oh so wisely) managed to insult and demean a majority of Americans. Kinda like your OP.
I readily admit that since 2000 when as a repub all my life I voted for GWB I have a large hate for all republicans including their allies the KKK
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he scored more runs using baseball as a metaphor. The left is saying we got more hits, had more runners on base and committed fewer errors.

Who gives a shit. The left lost and lost badly in what should have been the slam dunk they thought it should be.

Badly???? lol Rivers forests lakes barren land dont vote PEOPLE DO
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, you claiming that I am is a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he scored more runs using baseball as a metaphor. The left is saying we got more hits, had more runners on base and committed fewer errors.

Who gives a shit. The left lost and lost badly in what should have been the slam dunk they thought it should be.

Badly???? lol Rivers forests lakes barren land dont vote PEOPLE DO
States vote and states have the right to allocate their electoral votes as they see fit. Them's the rules and you lost badly: 306-232. :)
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, it's a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
I appreciate what you say and believe it Don't mean to insult you and sorry I did BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and figured there'd be some one here smart enough not to believe those lies about Hillary I was wrong
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, it's a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
I appreciate what you say and believe it Don't mean to insult you and sorry I did BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and figured there'd be some one here smart enough not to believe those lies about Hillary I was wrong

Actually it appears to be you who are totally fooled by the lies about Hillary and her delusions of competence.
Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, it's a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
I appreciate what you say and believe it Don't mean to insult you and sorry I did BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and figured there'd be some one here smart enough not to believe those lies about Hillary I was wrong

Actually it appears to be you who are totally fooled by the lies about Hillary and her delusions of competence.
9 senate investigations, how many FBI ?, And what did they have on her??? Nitwits spent millions and got nothing on her
Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, it's a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
I appreciate what you say and believe it Don't mean to insult you and sorry I did BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and figured there'd be some one here smart enough not to believe those lies about Hillary I was wrong

Actually it appears to be you who are totally fooled by the lies about Hillary and her delusions of competence.
9 senate investigations, how many FBI ?, And what did they have on her??? Nitwits spent millions and got nothing on her

If you don't know at this point it has to be from deliberate ignorance. Far be it from me to enlighten you. She's ancient history now and rightly so.
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry

Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, it's a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
I appreciate what you say and believe it Don't mean to insult you and sorry I did BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and figured there'd be some one here smart enough not to believe those lies about Hillary I was wrong

What lies about Hillary? The hacked emails showed the world who the real Hillary was, Eddie.
Ah yes another "anonymous" source? Good to know somethings never change, Ted!
Are you proud OLD being on the same side as the KKK ??

I'm from Massachusetts, Eddie. My great grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and lost his left arm in fighting at Fort Wagner in South Carolina. I'm not on the same side as the KKK because they chose to support Trump rather than Clinton and to be quite frank with you, it's a rather pathetic attempt by you at insulting me. Care to try again?
I appreciate what you say and believe it Don't mean to insult you and sorry I did BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR and figured there'd be some one here smart enough not to believe those lies about Hillary I was wrong

Actually it appears to be you who are totally fooled by the lies about Hillary and her delusions of competence.
9 senate investigations, how many FBI ?, And what did they have on her??? Nitwits spent millions and got nothing on her

They never got "nothing" on Al Capone either until they got him for tax evasion, Eddie! Barry Bonds never failed a drug test. Does that make either innocent? Here's a hint for you...when people in your inner circle take the 5th rather than testify about what you've been doing? Then you're dirty. Just saying...

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