How trump won

I think Hillary lost a lot of the youth vote, which usually carries the Dems across the aisle. Particularly the young black vote. Her ties to the prison industrial complex and mass incarceration, Black Lives Matter's games and ties to the Dems. Other corruption that raised questions about her ethics.

I don't think Trump had a great campaign, but it was effective against her corruption and somehow worked. Surprised me

The young liberal vote didn't turn out for Hillary because of what her minions did to Bernie Sanders. (By the Debbie Wasserman Schultz a spot in your campaign after her being run out of the DNC leadership on a rail has to rate up there as one of the stupider political moves ever made when supporters of Sanders were that incensed over what DWS had orchestrated.) The black vote didn't turn out for Hillary because she's a 70 year old white woman and not Barack Obama. The union vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they didn't see solutions being put forth by her that would put them back to work.

You were only "surprised" because the main stream media led you to believe things that were never she had a big lead over Trump.
I think Hillary lost a lot of the youth vote, which usually carries the Dems across the aisle. Particularly the young black vote. Her ties to the prison industrial complex and mass incarceration, Black Lives Matter's games and ties to the Dems. Other corruption that raised questions about her ethics.

I don't think Trump had a great campaign, but it was effective against her corruption and somehow worked. Surprised me

The young liberal vote didn't turn out for Hillary because of what her minions did to Bernie Sanders. (By the Debbie Wasserman Schultz a spot in your campaign after her being run out of the DNC leadership on a rail has to rate up there as one of the stupider political moves ever made when supporters of Sanders were that incensed over what DWS had orchestrated.) The black vote didn't turn out for Hillary because she's a 70 year old white woman and not Barack Obama. The union vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they didn't see solutions being put forth by her that would put them back to work.

You were only "surprised" because the main stream media led you to believe things that were never she had a big lead over Trump.

I was surprised because of the way things were going in the media yes, but I also follow social media and different sources to get some perspective. I thought for sure things would be slanted for Hillary if anybody. Seeing that she won the popular vote I wasn't 'that' far off.

Agree with the points you made. I think Bernie would've been supported and could've beaten Trump. Both would've been 'outsiders' so to speak.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

All the hackings did, Eddie...was reveal how corrupt Hillary Clinton and her minions ARE! You can't "distort" anything with the truth. The distortion was that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt. She is and has been for a long, long time. Corrupt and a pathological liar. Face it, Donald Trump won because Hillary Clinton was such an awful candidate.
Oldstyle I can agree she was not a good candidate BUT the liar the corrupt is just republican bullshit You want corrupt and a real liar ?? He's going to be our president

It's "bullshit" that Clinton is both corrupt and a liar? Come on, Eddie...even liberals conceded a long time ago that Hillary isn't could you not when her speeches and prior statements provide so many examples of her not only lying but essentially bragging about her ability to do so! The same holds true for her being corrupt. Bill and Hillary Clinton have cashed in on their access to power and they've done so for decades! They've made a lucrative business out of public service and a non profit organization.

Trump corruption? I know people on the left have tried to push that narrative to blunt criticism of Clinton's corruption but to be honest those efforts never really took root. Did people pay way to much for a course in how to invest in real estate? Probably. Is that corruption? Sorry but it's hard to make that leap of logic.
Yeah old and he didn't screw 100's maybe 1000's out of their pay AND how many investigations did your pubs put her through?? 9?? and the FBI too ?? What you guys were looking for was her blood and you've been trying for 30+ years Well you got her Congrats Now pay the price
I think Hillary lost a lot of the youth vote, which usually carries the Dems across the aisle. Particularly the young black vote. Her ties to the prison industrial complex and mass incarceration, Black Lives Matter's games and ties to the Dems. Other corruption that raised questions about her ethics.

I don't think Trump had a great campaign, but it was effective against her corruption and somehow worked. Surprised me

The young liberal vote didn't turn out for Hillary because of what her minions did to Bernie Sanders. (By the Debbie Wasserman Schultz a spot in your campaign after her being run out of the DNC leadership on a rail has to rate up there as one of the stupider political moves ever made when supporters of Sanders were that incensed over what DWS had orchestrated.) The black vote didn't turn out for Hillary because she's a 70 year old white woman and not Barack Obama. The union vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they didn't see solutions being put forth by her that would put them back to work.

You were only "surprised" because the main stream media led you to believe things that were never she had a big lead over Trump.

I was surprised because of the way things were going in the media yes, but I also follow social media and different sources to get some perspective. I thought for sure things would be slanted for Hillary if anybody. Seeing that she won the popular vote I wasn't 'that' far off.

Agree with the points you made. I think Bernie would've been supported and could've beaten Trump. Both would've been 'outsiders' so to speak.

Things were "slanted" Hillary's way! If they weren't then she would have never been the Democratic nominee. She had hundreds of millions of dollars to play with from contributions pouring into the Clinton Foundation and to her campaign from about as blatant a pay for play operation as Washington has seen in centuries. She had the main stream media totally on her side. She had the powers that be in the DNC totally in her pocket. She had every advantage a candidate could possibly have and yet she still lost. The reason? She was a terrible candidate with an awful record...a propensity to pathologically lie...and her behind the scenes machinations of the democratic process were revealed by her and her people's emails!
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too

Yes, you have a severe case of butt hurt. You already mentioned that.

Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
I agree on the marketing part. Trump is a world class huckster. The best snake oil salesman out of all the snake oil salesman vying for the top job.

However, the single biggest reason Trump won is because he wanted the job more than Clinton did. It's as simple as that.

He worked ten times harder to get the job than Clinton did. You have to give the man his due. Trump busted his ass 18 hours a day during the campaign while Clinton depended on brand loyalty and a sclerotic machine to get her the job. YUUUGE strategic error on Clinton's part.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

All the hackings did, Eddie...was reveal how corrupt Hillary Clinton and her minions ARE! You can't "distort" anything with the truth. The distortion was that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt. She is and has been for a long, long time. Corrupt and a pathological liar. Face it, Donald Trump won because Hillary Clinton was such an awful candidate.
Oldstyle I can agree she was not a good candidate BUT the liar the corrupt is just republican bullshit You want corrupt and a real liar ?? He's going to be our president

It's "bullshit" that Clinton is both corrupt and a liar? Come on, Eddie...even liberals conceded a long time ago that Hillary isn't could you not when her speeches and prior statements provide so many examples of her not only lying but essentially bragging about her ability to do so! The same holds true for her being corrupt. Bill and Hillary Clinton have cashed in on their access to power and they've done so for decades! They've made a lucrative business out of public service and a non profit organization.

Trump corruption? I know people on the left have tried to push that narrative to blunt criticism of Clinton's corruption but to be honest those efforts never really took root. Did people pay way to much for a course in how to invest in real estate? Probably. Is that corruption? Sorry but it's hard to make that leap of logic.
Yeah old and he didn't screw 100's maybe 1000's out of their pay AND how many investigations did your pubs put her through?? 9?? and the FBI too ?? What you guys were looking for was her blood and you've been trying for 30+ years Well you got her Congrats Now pay the price

There is only one reason the Clinton's have been subjected to 30 plus years of investigations, Eddie...and that's their long history of cashing in on the power of their offices for personal gain. It's who they's what they DO! The list of Clinton scandals is seemingly never ending because they feel they are above the laws that everyday Americans have to follow. She paid the price for that arrogance in this election.
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

I'd call a lawyer
Trump is a con a man and he conned a bunch of people . The guy would tell bold face lies over and over .
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
I agree on the marketing part. Trump is a world class huckster. The best snake oil salesman out of all the snake oil salesman vying for the top job.

However, the single biggest reason Trump won is because he wanted the job more than Clinton did. It's as simple as that.

He worked ten times harder to get the job than Clinton did. You have to give the man his due. Trump busted his ass 18 hours a day during the campaign while Clinton depended on brand loyalty and a sclerotic machine to get her the job. YUUUGE strategic error on Clinton's part.

That's a rather amusing claim, G. You honestly think Clinton didn't want the job as much as Trump?
Trump is a con a man and he conned a bunch of people . The guy would tell bold face lies over and over .

If he conned bunch of people... why are only the far regressed regressives butthurt?

Up next: Great America, their worst nightmare!
Trump is a con a man and he conned a bunch of people . The guy would tell bold face lies over and over .

That is different than Hillary. She is just a corrupt politician who successfully sold her message of greed and wealth envy to her worshipers. Unfortunately for you, you didn't get enough of the rest of us to win
Trump is a con a man and he conned a bunch of people . The guy would tell bold face lies over and over .

If he conned bunch of people... why are only the far regressed regressives butthurt?

Up next: Great America, their worst nightmare!

Great point, it is only the far left regressives who are butt hurt over Trump. Why do you suppose that is, Timmy?
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!
Danny boy like to get something straight I'll not be a loser under chump I'll make out real well Really really LOL It's just that I believe Hill would have been good for ALL america not just billionaires
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar
Watch what happens to LOSERS on this forum to assholes that are LIB whiners like you:
Permanent Ignore!
Danny boy like to get something straight I'll not be a loser under chump I'll make out real well Really really LOL It's just that I believe Hill would have been good for ALL america not just billionaires

You also believe socialism will cure global warming, we should buy our oil from sponsors of terrorism and that Trump has an army of evil flying kangaroos
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
I agree on the marketing part. Trump is a world class huckster. The best snake oil salesman out of all the snake oil salesman vying for the top job.

However, the single biggest reason Trump won is because he wanted the job more than Clinton did. It's as simple as that.

He worked ten times harder to get the job than Clinton did. You have to give the man his due. Trump busted his ass 18 hours a day during the campaign while Clinton depended on brand loyalty and a sclerotic machine to get her the job. YUUUGE strategic error on Clinton's part.
Just between you and I g5000 I know that she was not well ,,,and it wasn't advertised
Trump didn't win because he's a brilliant business man who earned the trust of the voters. Trump won because he knows how to market himself and repeated lies long enough and loud enough to convince the stupidest among us to vote for him.
Gerrymandering and rednecks voting for the first time helped too
Trump won because he offered clear proposals for dealing with America's important issues. Hillary lost because she had no proposals for dealing with America's important issues.

Then tell us in detail his:
  • Healthcare plan
  • ISIS plan
  • Education Plan
This man was going to stand up to Wall St., why has Goldman Sachs shares gone up 26% in a month...
Because the analysts have said it is because Trump is getting rid of regulation and the pre 2007 and worse... The wild west of banking regulation is coming again... The Swamp is going to get good and big this time...

But don't worry Trump is looking after his business,
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry
Trump won because he was the better candidate, in almost all possible ways. Yes, he could have had a vagina and a black skin, so that the racists and sexist would be happy, but besides that.
a lot of the reason he won was based on racism, the Russian hackings. Lies. Continuous lying that went on. And the intrusion of the FBI at the last minute there. All of that seems to have basically distorted the whole election. So Yeah, we're sore losers. Because it wasn't really won legitimately, as far as I'm concerned...Behar

Joy Behar. oh bruddah'.....

and of course the babies have found excuses for their own behavior that have nothing to do with themselves. it's part of what makes them babies in the first place.

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