How was your 4th of July?

We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You did this in front of your kids? Really?

Class. Real class.
Yes indeed! They can read,my 9 year old son watches the news with me so he knows what's going in the world so they KNEW what the thing said and its connotations. I never miss a chance to voice my opinion or the facts.

We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You did this IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS? Real class.

No wonder you like Trump. He ABUSES his kids too.

I sincerely hope you made this up to impress the boorish like minded here.
Yes he really abused them. Such HORRIBLE lives they lead now..married,great business leaders and mothers and fathers,advisers to the President. Kids need to know the truth as well :) Never to early to teach them the truth ESPECIALLY since the media and schools are flooded with cultural marxist filth that teaches them the OPPOSITE of the truth and facts.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

Nothing like taking your misery with you everywhere.
If it wasn't for the unbearable damn heat I wouldn't have been miserable at all! You just don't understand where we live its NOT a place for Commicrats they aren't welcome here.
Lazy day dodging heat and summer storms.
No motivation couch tater day.

A perfect hump day.
If it hadn't been for the kids being in the parade and wanting to go...I would have done the same thing. Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.

Other people aren't welcome? And you get to decide this? Someone who works minimum wage jobs when you can get one?
THEY don't and won't find it welcoming. There are SOME democrats here but very very few and they know not to try and impose their liberal BS on the community because we don't want it nor will we stand for it. Its north Georgia its a Conservative place and we will keep it that way. WE the parents have a HUGE amount of control over the school system WE the citizens control most of the county and city! I love it here. Been here almost a year and hopefully never leave.

And how's that working out for you?

Your life still seems to be full of misery.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You did this in front of your kids? Really?

Class. Real class.
Yes indeed! They can read,my 9 year old son watches the news with me so he knows what's going in the world so they KNEW what the thing said and its connotations. I never miss a chance to voice my opinion or the facts.

We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You did this IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS? Real class.

No wonder you like Trump. He ABUSES his kids too.

I sincerely hope you made this up to impress the boorish like minded here.
Yes he really abused them. Such HORRIBLE lives they lead now..married,great business leaders and mothers and fathers,advisers to the President. Kids need to know the truth as well :) Never to early to teach them the truth ESPECIALLY since the media and schools are flooded with cultural marxist filth that teaches them the OPPOSITE of the truth and facts.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

Nothing like taking your misery with you everywhere.
If it wasn't for the unbearable damn heat I wouldn't have been miserable at all! You just don't understand where we live its NOT a place for Commicrats they aren't welcome here.
Lazy day dodging heat and summer storms.
No motivation couch tater day.

A perfect hump day.
If it hadn't been for the kids being in the parade and wanting to go...I would have done the same thing. Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.

Other people aren't welcome? And you get to decide this? Someone who works minimum wage jobs when you can get one?
THEY don't and won't find it welcoming. There are SOME democrats here but very very few and they know not to try and impose their liberal BS on the community because we don't want it nor will we stand for it. Its north Georgia its a Conservative place and we will keep it that way. WE the parents have a HUGE amount of control over the school system WE the citizens control most of the county and city! I love it here. Been here almost a year and hopefully never leave.

And how's that working out for you?

Your life still seems to be full of misery.
My life is good. Other than a car breaking down and having to get another one its about as well as I can expect right now. Done with 4 college classes with a 3.4 GPA so far,wife is done with 7 months of school and graduates next year and will continue her education I graduate in 2019 as well with a is looking UP! Looking forward to reelecting Trump in 2020!
You did this in front of your kids? Really?

Class. Real class.
Yes indeed! They can read,my 9 year old son watches the news with me so he knows what's going in the world so they KNEW what the thing said and its connotations. I never miss a chance to voice my opinion or the facts.

You did this IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS? Real class.

No wonder you like Trump. He ABUSES his kids too.

I sincerely hope you made this up to impress the boorish like minded here.
Yes he really abused them. Such HORRIBLE lives they lead now..married,great business leaders and mothers and fathers,advisers to the President. Kids need to know the truth as well :) Never to early to teach them the truth ESPECIALLY since the media and schools are flooded with cultural marxist filth that teaches them the OPPOSITE of the truth and facts.
Nothing like taking your misery with you everywhere.
If it wasn't for the unbearable damn heat I wouldn't have been miserable at all! You just don't understand where we live its NOT a place for Commicrats they aren't welcome here.
Lazy day dodging heat and summer storms.
No motivation couch tater day.

A perfect hump day.
If it hadn't been for the kids being in the parade and wanting to go...I would have done the same thing. Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.

Other people aren't welcome? And you get to decide this? Someone who works minimum wage jobs when you can get one?
THEY don't and won't find it welcoming. There are SOME democrats here but very very few and they know not to try and impose their liberal BS on the community because we don't want it nor will we stand for it. Its north Georgia its a Conservative place and we will keep it that way. WE the parents have a HUGE amount of control over the school system WE the citizens control most of the county and city! I love it here. Been here almost a year and hopefully never leave.

And how's that working out for you?

Your life still seems to be full of misery.
My life is good. Other than a car breaking down and having to get another one its about as well as I can expect right now. Done with 4 college classes with a 3.4 GPA so far,wife is done with 7 months of school and graduates next year and will continue her education I graduate in 2019 as well with a is looking UP! Looking forward to reelecting Trump in 2020!

See, the funny thing you talk about your life. Life if looking up. That's great. Your life.

Then the last sentence is straight out of the political handbook. "Looking forward to reelecting Trump in 2020!".

The only people I know who talk like that are people whose lives revolve around politics. Who can't think about life in terms of anything else other than politics. They can't think straight.

Your life isn't on the up because of Trump. If Trump gets elected or not, at some point you'll probably end up losing your job, if you're unlucky, because of the way the politicians run things. Politics is more important than YOU. Their career is more important than YOU.

And yet you're worshiping these people. I don't get it.
Yes indeed! They can read,my 9 year old son watches the news with me so he knows what's going in the world so they KNEW what the thing said and its connotations. I never miss a chance to voice my opinion or the facts.

Yes he really abused them. Such HORRIBLE lives they lead now..married,great business leaders and mothers and fathers,advisers to the President. Kids need to know the truth as well :) Never to early to teach them the truth ESPECIALLY since the media and schools are flooded with cultural marxist filth that teaches them the OPPOSITE of the truth and facts.
If it wasn't for the unbearable damn heat I wouldn't have been miserable at all! You just don't understand where we live its NOT a place for Commicrats they aren't welcome here.
If it hadn't been for the kids being in the parade and wanting to go...I would have done the same thing. Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.

Other people aren't welcome? And you get to decide this? Someone who works minimum wage jobs when you can get one?
THEY don't and won't find it welcoming. There are SOME democrats here but very very few and they know not to try and impose their liberal BS on the community because we don't want it nor will we stand for it. Its north Georgia its a Conservative place and we will keep it that way. WE the parents have a HUGE amount of control over the school system WE the citizens control most of the county and city! I love it here. Been here almost a year and hopefully never leave.

And how's that working out for you?

Your life still seems to be full of misery.
My life is good. Other than a car breaking down and having to get another one its about as well as I can expect right now. Done with 4 college classes with a 3.4 GPA so far,wife is done with 7 months of school and graduates next year and will continue her education I graduate in 2019 as well with a is looking UP! Looking forward to reelecting Trump in 2020!

See, the funny thing you talk about your life. Life if looking up. That's great. Your life.

Then the last sentence is straight out of the political handbook. "Looking forward to reelecting Trump in 2020!".

The only people I know who talk like that are people whose lives revolve around politics. Who can't think about life in terms of anything else other than politics. They can't think straight.

Your life isn't on the up because of Trump. If Trump gets elected or not, at some point you'll probably end up losing your job, if you're unlucky, because of the way the politicians run things. Politics is more important than YOU. Their career is more important than YOU.

And yet you're worshiping these people. I don't get it.
Nah my ENTIRE life is not Politics but I can SEE President Trump's policies HELPING America and Americans. Not just me but my family members,friends AND people here.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

This one time at band camp.....

We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

Hot, hazy and muggy weather here on the 4th and living at one of the highest points around here, I can see for miles in many directions. I can see at least 9 fireworks displays, the first about a tenth mile from my house practically overhead at the end of May, then the week before the 4th, another about a quarter mile behind me. And tonight, the other 7 all a once, from about a mile away to perhaps five. The closest one had a grand finally that must have last five minutes with a thousand reports! It was like a continuous thunder that never stopped Meantime as I watched the closest 3 or 4 going off, there were at least 2 or 3 thunderheads scattered about the sky occasionally arcing in silence lighting up the thunderheads in yellow as they flashed from cloud to cloud with a just a few scattered rain drops. Then just as quickly as the show begun, one by one their grand finales finish off and once again, the sky goes dark and silent for another year.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You did this IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS? Real class.

No wonder you like Trump. He ABUSES his kids too.

I sincerely hope you made this up to impress the boorish like minded here.

Trump....Trump....Trump.....yep.....abuses his kids by giving them jobs that will make them billionaires...
Mexicans from Mexico, they are proud of their nationality. American liberals don't understand just how overwhelmingly jingoistic Mexicans truly are. Libs condemn American pride,or mock patriotism in Americans. Cinco de mayo was never an holiday until the invaders pushed that unto us. Then all of a sudden, Mexican "pride" was legitimate thing. Mexicans represent the worst of human nature to me and the worst form of thuggery and brutality and anything they celebrate, I steer far from.
I visited my neighborhood from my teenage years yesterday. The town recently pushed to allow non-citizens voting rights. No surprise. Every square inch of driveway space and street parking was full and then some. Multiple families per dwelling.
I visited my high school. For decades we had one of the preeminent football programs in the state. But recently the team went through a multiple season winless streak. The football scoreboard is now replaced with a soccer scoreboard.
This is invasion and cultural usurpation.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You made an ass of yourself to kids on a parade float. Such a republican thing to do.
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)
You acted like a real Trumpian.
Indeed! I acted like an American who gives a crap about his country,his family,his community and the FACTS! NO CRIMINAL gets to keep their kids when they are arrested that's a FACT.
You did not act as an American. You acted like a petulant child, to wit: a Trumpian.
Bullshit. AS an American you should speak up when you see BULLSHIT especially BULLSHIT that you're kids can read,understand and ask you questions about! I did. End of that story.
Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.
Hilarious, I was staring at the overgrown limbs hanging over the house, then thought, naaahhh.

Lol. Yep. I got a poulon wild thing I want something heavier duty but its done the job I needed to do so far. 10$ at a thrift store and just replaced filter,fuel lines and primer button and put fresh oil/gas in it and its a great chainsaw.
I am embarrassed for you. But I am especially embarrassed for your poor kids who got to see their Dad acting like an asshole. No respect.
Last edited:
Mexicans from Mexico, they are proud of their nationality. American liberals don't understand just how overwhelmingly jingoistic Mexicans truly are. Libs condemn American pride,or mock patriotism in Americans. Cinco de mayo was never an holiday until the invaders pushed that unto us. Then all of a sudden, Mexican "pride" was legitimate thing. Mexicans represent the worst of human nature to me and the worst form of thuggery and brutality and anything they celebrate, I steer far from.

No we don't. Pride in America and patriotism are not owned by the right. I will happily mock the fake patriotism of the right when they advocate such non-American ideals.
Mexicans from Mexico, they are proud of their nationality. American liberals don't understand just how overwhelmingly jingoistic Mexicans truly are. Libs condemn American pride,or mock patriotism in Americans. Cinco de mayo was never an holiday until the invaders pushed that unto us. Then all of a sudden, Mexican "pride" was legitimate thing. Mexicans represent the worst of human nature to me and the worst form of thuggery and brutality and anything they celebrate, I steer far from.
I visited my neighborhood from my teenage years yesterday. The town recently pushed to allow non-citizens voting rights. No surprise. Every square inch of driveway space and street parking was full and then some. Multiple families per dwelling.
I visited my high school. For decades we had one of the preeminent football programs in the state. But recently the team went through a multiple season winless streak. The football scoreboard is now replaced with a soccer scoreboard.
This is invasion and cultural usurpation.
Who the hell gave non citizens the "right" to vote? What the hell just happened here? Did anyone get to vote to allow that, or did some leftist politicians go a tad bit to far...? Something smells rotten here in the USA.
Nice but muggy. Was 20 of us bbq and ground fireworks
Could really hear DC, perfect light southerly breezes infrequently bring it up here.
Still popping and thumping all around
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You did this IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS? Real class.

No wonder you like Trump. He ABUSES his kids too.

I sincerely hope you made this up to impress the boorish like minded here.

My fourth isn't working out so well.I have lap full of dog that is trembling in fear over fireworks, Which coincidentally are banned because of the high fire danger because we have such dry weather. My Mexican neighbors that fear INS taking their children from them apparently don't care about such trivia, however. Funny how that works.Fallout of anything Mexicans do,well, its it's a form of roulette.You never know what stupidity these morons will pull...Actually, as I was posting this, they were shooting off guns ..Nice witto Mexicans.
Mexicans from Mexico, they are proud of their nationality. American liberals don't understand just how overwhelmingly jingoistic Mexicans truly are. Libs condemn American pride,or mock patriotism in Americans. Cinco de mayo was never an holiday until the invaders pushed that unto us. Then all of a sudden, Mexican "pride" was legitimate thing. Mexicans represent the worst of human nature to me and the worst form of thuggery and brutality and anything they celebrate, I steer far from.
I visited my neighborhood from my teenage years yesterday. The town recently pushed to allow non-citizens voting rights. No surprise. Every square inch of driveway space and street parking was full and then some. Multiple families per dwelling.
I visited my high school. For decades we had one of the preeminent football programs in the state. But recently the team went through a multiple season winless streak. The football scoreboard is now replaced with a soccer scoreboard.
This is invasion and cultural usurpation.
Jesus. Sounds like Gainesville,Ga. My brother lives in the North End of the county where its still mostly white middle class...I lived there for about 2 years and glad I left...I went back Monday to get some tires on the new vehicle we got but my god that place is a cesspool
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You made an ass of yourself to kids on a parade float. Such a republican thing to do.
There was no kids in the float just some middle aged cuck looking male and a butch female. :)
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)
You acted like a real Trumpian.
Indeed! I acted like an American who gives a crap about his country,his family,his community and the FACTS! NO CRIMINAL gets to keep their kids when they are arrested that's a FACT.
You did not act as an American. You acted like a petulant child, to wit: a Trumpian.
Bullshit. AS an American you should speak up when you see BULLSHIT especially BULLSHIT that you're kids can read,understand and ask you questions about! I did. End of that story.
Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.
Hilarious, I was staring at the overgrown limbs hanging over the house, then thought, naaahhh.

Lol. Yep. I got a poulon wild thing I want something heavier duty but its done the job I needed to do so far. 10$ at a thrift store and just replaced filter,fuel lines and primer button and put fresh oil/gas in it and its a great chainsaw.
I am embarrassed for you. But I am especially embarrassed for your poor kids who got to see their Dad acting like an asshole. No respect.
My kids thought it was hilarious. :) I am raising STRONG white children not little chicken shits who cry about everything that happens to them or around them. Only way to get ahead in life is to be strong.
Mexicans from Mexico, they are proud of their nationality. American liberals don't understand just how overwhelmingly jingoistic Mexicans truly are. Libs condemn American pride,or mock patriotism in Americans. Cinco de mayo was never an holiday until the invaders pushed that unto us. Then all of a sudden, Mexican "pride" was legitimate thing. Mexicans represent the worst of human nature to me and the worst form of thuggery and brutality and anything they celebrate, I steer far from.
I visited my neighborhood from my teenage years yesterday. The town recently pushed to allow non-citizens voting rights. No surprise. Every square inch of driveway space and street parking was full and then some. Multiple families per dwelling.
I visited my high school. For decades we had one of the preeminent football programs in the state. But recently the team went through a multiple season winless streak. The football scoreboard is now replaced with a soccer scoreboard.
This is invasion and cultural usurpation.
Jesus. Sounds like Gainesville,Ga. My brother lives in the North End of the county where its still mostly white middle class...I lived there for about 2 years and glad I left...I went back Monday to get some tires on the new vehicle we got but my god that place is a cesspool
We took kids to the parade because 2 middle kids are in Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts respectively and were IN the parade....watching the parade the democrat float comes by and has 2 posters that say Keep Immigrant Families Together one in Spanish one in English...I start booing and they threw candy at us so we kicked it back at them,we didn't want their commie candy! Then the GOP float comes by and NO ONE makes a sound until I start cheering and hooting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and the whole freaking place ERUPTS in cheers and chants! It was a RUSH! Now taking kids to see fire works :)

You made an ass of yourself to kids on a parade float. Such a republican thing to do.
There was no kids in the float just some middle aged cuck looking male and a butch female. :)
You acted like a real Trumpian.
Indeed! I acted like an American who gives a crap about his country,his family,his community and the FACTS! NO CRIMINAL gets to keep their kids when they are arrested that's a FACT.
You did not act as an American. You acted like a petulant child, to wit: a Trumpian.
Bullshit. AS an American you should speak up when you see BULLSHIT especially BULLSHIT that you're kids can read,understand and ask you questions about! I did. End of that story.
Maybe used the chainsaw to cut some trees up etc because this heat is brutal.
Hilarious, I was staring at the overgrown limbs hanging over the house, then thought, naaahhh.

Lol. Yep. I got a poulon wild thing I want something heavier duty but its done the job I needed to do so far. 10$ at a thrift store and just replaced filter,fuel lines and primer button and put fresh oil/gas in it and its a great chainsaw.
I am embarrassed for you. But I am especially embarrassed for your poor kids who got to see their Dad acting like an asshole. No respect.
My kids thought it was hilarious. :) I am raising STRONG white children not little chicken shits who cry about everything that happens to them or around them. Only way to get ahead in life is to be strong.
As Rodgers and Hammerstein said, "You have to be taught to hate."

You are an embarrassment.

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