How we got to Obamacare


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
a long time ago there was the doctor and the patient.

Grumpy the patient hated doctors because he felt he was ripped off when he received a bill for $250.

The new insurance company RichQuick approached Grumpy and said "that's nothing, if you have a serious problem, a hospital might charge you 15K !!!" , pay us $40 per month, and we'll make sure you don't get over charged" Grumpy knew he didn't have 15k but still declined, but WealthyCheap took the offer, because the monthly payment was nothing for them.

RichQuick insurance was doing all right with their money shuffle program, but the average Joe still had no interest in insurance. so RichQuick went to businesses and told the owners they would give them a discount if they signed up their employees and offered insurance as a "benefit". In the old days when businesses needed talent, that sounded like a good option.

The American public became used to having insurance.

RichQuick , instead of paying claims, they took the money and used it to build profits.

1) They called up doctors and hospitals and they said "Why are you charging $200 for that procedure when the doctor in DeerFoot Alaska is only charging $100?" , The DownTownGeneral hospital said "Expenses blah bah bah", RichQuick said "Nope! we're only giving you $100"

DownTownGeneral hospital said "Screw them, the next time we do that procedure, tell them we raised our prices to $400, so we can get our $200", now we have hospitals indiscriminately raising prices.

2) RichQuick wrote fine print and hired lawyers so they don't have to pay out as many claims. People are customers for 30 years before they find out their insurance doesn't cover anything. RichQuick told the lawyers, for every 3 dollars you save us, we'll pay you one dollar.

3) RichQuick took their money and started buying politicians so their profits would be even higher.

4) RichQuick raised their rates every year, because large companies are expected to beat last year's profits

Years and years went by and everything became worse. The politicians did nothing but try to get on the payroll. Insurance companies have CEOs, shareholders, and employees living large off the profits.

The whole system collapsed, the average low income healthy person has no interest in stuffing $300 dollars into an envelope, so some insurance company CEO can buy a new Ferarri for his 15 year old son. Americans started to decline health insurance, and most foreigners laugh at the idea.

Socialist poisoned countries in Europe have mandatory health insurance payments, the people pay the insurance cartels, because Stalin says so. So why not America too?

Instead of dealing with the problems, Obama and the Supreme Court FORCED everyone to buy the "service" , so the rich can continue being rich, and no one has to think of fair solutions. Obama will never realize how important it was to distance himself from that bill , until the day he lands in hell.

The company health care benefits didn't come along till WWII when FDR froze wages.
Obamacare was a stepping stone to Government run healthcare via single payer.

Obamacare is a disaster and even the unions woke up to that fact.

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