Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

That is of course false. Contraceptive use is LINKED to abortions. What is fail-safe 99 out of 100 times will give you a baby statistcially after 100.

I think you are a tad confused. Most women I know who had abortions either never used contraception (because it was spur of the moment) or they stopped using it.

I've told this story before. When I was in the army, one of my fellow NCOs was dating this cute - as-a-button Asian girl. She was very religious (Catholic) from a traditional background. Then she wanted to pressure him to make good on his promise to marry her, so she stopped taking birth control. When the guy turned out to be a cad, she got an abortion. Not learning from the first kick of the mule, she got back with him a year latter and the same thing happened again.

They can’t pick up condoms and spermicide at the drugstore? Cheap, and easily available.

And not terribly effective. If you want effective contraception, you need a prescription. which is a problem in underserved communities. Not to mention that the big chain drugstores limit their operations in the inner city.

No, he’s just thinks blacks are too stupid to buy condoms.
Well, I'm sure your method of birth control was your personality.
But it became something much, much worse afterwards. This is what you guys don't seem to get with your white fragility.

No, we aren't.

We are suffering those things because TRUMP PLAGUE shut down the economy. We've made a miraculous recovery from such a devastating event.
The trans-Atlantic slave trade at its worst was never anywhere near as bad as the trans-Saharan slave trade. So you are wrong again as you almost always are.
The trans-Atlantic slave trade at its worst was never anywhere near as bad as the trans-Saharan slave trade. So you are wrong again as you almost always are.

Really? So where are all the black people in North Africa who would still be there if the slave trade was that bad.

Oh, that's right. It wasn't.

Check your privilege.
Really? So where are all the black people in North Africa who would still be there if the slave trade was that bad.

Oh, that's right. It wasn't.

Check your privilege.
They were never born because the Arabs gelded ALL their black slaves killing well over fifty percent of them in the process. Geeze man, read some history for Pete's sake.
Except no one is seriously talking about it... it's a non-starter.

Not that you won't get upset at the mere notion, though.

I don't think cash reparations are the answer, but I do think that there SHOULD be formal apologies for Jim Crow and Slavery.
Ok cool! Go ahead Joe, apologize for Jim Crow and Slavery and we'll call it good. :113:
Maybe start a Go Fund Me page? I'll kick in the first $20.00

Already done. That golden membership he has is because of me. I haven't seen his attitude change one bit.
I really don't think you guys understand the ecvidence that exists. These things hapened after slavery.

Thanks to Mr. Coates and others, today’s movement for reparations places as much emphasis on the racist public policies of the 20th century, which denied black Americans opportunities to build wealth and left them vulnerable to all manner of economic exploitation, as it does on the crimes of slavery. Many leading proponents of reparations point to the federal government’s failure to provide land and resources (40 acres and a mule) to former slaves following emancipation, as promised, as laying the course for today’s inequities. “Had such a racial land reform taken place,” the Duke University economist William Darity Jr. argues, “it is easy to envision that the vast current differences in wealth between black and nonblacks would not exist.” Mr. Darity has gone so far as to use the ungranted 40 acres of land that was due former slaves as the basis for calculating the amount of reparations due to their descendants today.

But in addition to invoking the 40 acres black people never got, the reparations movement today should be talking about the approximately 11 million acres black people had but lost, in many cases through fraud, deception and outright theft,
much of it taken in the past 50 years.

Many leading proponents of reparations point to the federal government’s failure to provide land and resources (40 acres and a mule) to former slaves following emancipation, as promised,

The federal government never promised that.
You have no say.
To late. I already had it. Just Say No
I am just not sure how many times, I will be responded to on your reparations thread, just to get the same answer. Just Say No
To late. I already had it. Just Say No
I am just not sure how many times, I will be responded to on your reparations thread, just to get the same answer. Just Say No
Your response doesn't matter. This is a case against the government and we have plenty of proof. So no one cares what you have to say. Now you've said your piece., I hope it makes you feel whiter and you don't have to respond again.

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