How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

We will see, won't we? If there is another radical muslim attack in the USA, keeping their kids alive will be the primary issue with most voters. They may be over reacting, but staying alive is high on the human priority list.

Well, there is long term-ism and short term-ism, if an attack happens within the realm of short term-ism then this can have an impact on an election. It happened in Spain in 2004 when bombs went off 3 days before an election the right were expected to win.

People don't make assumptions that their kids are going to die tomorrow. If they did, then they'd vote for the party that proposes gun control.

You have 10,500 deaths per year to guns. You have maybe 0-20 deaths per year due to terrorism. Which do you think is going to weigh on their minds more?

How many of those 10,500 are committed by legal gun owners? A few, and mostly in self defense. and yes, the San Bernardo shooters owned their guns legally. The problem is not guns or gun owners, the problem is a system that does not identify potential terrorists and deal with them before they kill innocents.

What does this have to do with it?

How many non-extreme Muslims commit terrorist attacks? Like, none. Yet ALL MUSLIMS are being targeted.

But to get back to the point of the topic, many of the guns that end up in the hands of criminals are there because of legal guns turning illegal. Through theft, through dodgy dealers and so on.

The problem isn't any of the above. The problem is politicians willing to mess with people who will fight back. Without the Iraq War, without the absolute fuck up in the post war period, without the interference in the Middle East, and NONE OF THIS would have happened.

If you mess with people who will fight back, expect the consequences.

The US looks a lot better off than Iraq. The US messed it up, and then complains when a dozen people get killed in the US.

Lets try the grapes analogy again, maybe you will get it.

You have a bowl with 100 grapes in it. You know that 10 contain poison that will kill you. Do you just randomly eat a handful of them?

Yes, most of them are good, but you have no idea which ones are bad. Most sane people would dump the entire bowl of grapes down the drain. What would you do?
And the thing is, is that we are smart enough to not have to dump them all, and that isn't what Trump was saying that we should dump them all..

Wrong, what he said is that we should not eat any of them until we figure out a way to determine which ones are bad. Its the right approach and is supported by a majority of americans.
Credible GOP candidates......Rubio, Christie, Bush, Kasich
Batshit Crazy (in order of batshit crazyness) ...TRUMP, Carson, Cruz, Fiorina, Paul

well that's your opinion and you have the right to state it. So here's mine

Credible dem candidates----------------------none, now that Webb has dropped out.

Batshit Crazy (in order of craziness) Sanders, Clinton, O'Malley, Biden. Lets not forget plugs, he will likely be the dem candidate when Hillary is either indicted or declared insane due to dementia.

Nice try, but unsupportable

truth hurts, eh winger?


That is when I knew you were not serious

Webb is an outstanding man with a very strong background. Its no surprise that the dems dumped on him. Can't have anyone sane running as a dem, now can we?

Third tier candidate
well that's your opinion and you have the right to state it. So here's mine

Credible dem candidates----------------------none, now that Webb has dropped out.

Batshit Crazy (in order of craziness) Sanders, Clinton, O'Malley, Biden. Lets not forget plugs, he will likely be the dem candidate when Hillary is either indicted or declared insane due to dementia.

Nice try, but unsupportable

truth hurts, eh winger?


That is when I knew you were not serious

Webb is an outstanding man with a very strong background. Its no surprise that the dems dumped on him. Can't have anyone sane running as a dem, now can we?

Third tier candidate

and a hell of a lot better than your first or second tier.
Nice try, but unsupportable

truth hurts, eh winger?


That is when I knew you were not serious

Webb is an outstanding man with a very strong background. Its no surprise that the dems dumped on him. Can't have anyone sane running as a dem, now can we?

Third tier candidate

and a hell of a lot better than your first or second tier.

Webb is unelectable just like Republican candidates
truth hurts, eh winger?


That is when I knew you were not serious

Webb is an outstanding man with a very strong background. Its no surprise that the dems dumped on him. Can't have anyone sane running as a dem, now can we?

Third tier candidate

and a hell of a lot better than your first or second tier.

Webb is unelectable just like Republican candidates

come back after the election next November. Then you can tell us how wrong you were.


What does it have to do with the OP? He has the idea that elections actually matter...I say that they don't and that the results are already scripted. I will not be around when our sovereignty is dissolved and what is left of our Bill of Rights is taken away...because I will gladly die fighting for it. Do you get it now?

I know way more than you do and it seems to bother you a lot...I am here to inform the masses. I don't really care what your political persuasion is. I have knowledge to share and that is my mission here.

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