How will history view Republicans from the early 21st Century?

History will show they had to put up with a lot of stupid crap from angry internet retards.

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History will show they had to put up with a lot of stupid crap from angry internet retards.

Your posts are being archived as evidence.

If you can't say something good about Republicans, don't say anything at all.

The silence is "deafening".
I think I know what they'll be saying about the democrats. The GOP will hopefully get a shot a redemption in 2012.
History will show they had to put up with a lot of stupid crap from angry internet retards.

Your posts are being archived as evidence.

If you can't say something good about Republicans, don't say anything at all.

The silence is "deafening".

Typical rdean thread: Make a stupid statement, then spend a hundred posts claiming he won.

Y'know, that never gets old. No, really.
How will history view Republicans from the early 21st Century? Just curious.
So far they have a record of protecting the unborn, protecting the safety of the American people, liberating oppressed people in Asia and the Middle East, fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV in Africa, defeating terrorism, reducing the threat of nuclear or biological weapons being used against the U.S. or its allies, lowering the tax burden on the American people, providing a prescription drug component to senior citizens who can't afford medicine, and populating the federal judiciary with judges who adhere to the Constitution in their jurisprudence. Time has yet to answer whether Republicans have yet learned that acting like Democrats leads to defeat at the polls. How long voters hold Republicans' feet to the fire and how well the lessons of 2006 and 2010 are learned by party officials isn't yet clear.
Republicans will receive credit for destroying the once great American Middle Class
How will history view Republicans from the early 21st Century? Just curious.
So far they have a record of protecting the unborn, protecting the safety of the American people, liberating oppressed people in Asia and the Middle East, fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV in Africa, defeating terrorism, reducing the threat of nuclear or biological weapons being used against the U.S. or its allies, lowering the tax burden on the American people, providing a prescription drug component to senior citizens who can't afford medicine, and populating the federal judiciary with judges who adhere to the Constitution in their jurisprudence.
Nuh-UH!! You're all doodyheads!! Neener neener!! I win!!

I think it is rather arrogant to assume that history will remember anything about the Republicans in the 21st century. I mean the 21st century is just a few years old now. How do we know anything that is happening now will affect anything significantly down the line. Histroy may view the late 20th and early 21st centuries as a sort of Jerry Springer show and just glance at it. I not putting down repubicans; registered since 1990.

The only way to answer your question is to get into your time machine and ask your great great great great great great great great grandchildren.
How will history view Republicans from the early 21st Century? Just curious.
So far they have a record of protecting the unborn, protecting the safety of the American people, liberating oppressed people in Asia and the Middle East, fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV in Africa, defeating terrorism, reducing the threat of nuclear or biological weapons being used against the U.S. or its allies, lowering the tax burden on the American people, providing a prescription drug component to senior citizens who can't afford medicine, and populating the federal judiciary with judges who adhere to the Constitution in their jurisprudence. Time has yet to answer whether Republicans have yet learned that acting like Democrats leads to defeat at the polls. How long voters hold Republicans' feet to the fire and how well the lessons of 2006 and 2010 are learned by party officials isn't yet clear.

WTF? 911 happened on their watch. Republicans had controll of Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court and did nothing about abortion. Iraq was a debacle... are wrong on every point.
How will history view Republicans from the early 21st Century? Just curious.
So far they have a record of protecting the unborn, protecting the safety of the American people, liberating oppressed people in Asia and the Middle East, fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV in Africa, defeating terrorism, reducing the threat of nuclear or biological weapons being used against the U.S. or its allies, lowering the tax burden on the American people, providing a prescription drug component to senior citizens who can't afford medicine, and populating the federal judiciary with judges who adhere to the Constitution in their jurisprudence. Time has yet to answer whether Republicans have yet learned that acting like Democrats leads to defeat at the polls. How long voters hold Republicans' feet to the fire and how well the lessons of 2006 and 2010 are learned by party officials isn't yet clear.

WTF? 911 happened on their watch. Republicans had controll of Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court and did nothing about abortion. Iraq was a debacle... are wrong on every point.

Strange how Republicans can't say anything positive either.

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