How will Reid's move affect Congress?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
All I can say is that Reid has just opened the door for his Dems to face the same problem when they are in the minority.. Oh yes. They will be in the minority again have to face what the GOP will be facing now.

Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?
Do you mean the filibuster of Judicial Nominations?

A move that means nothing to filibustering legislation.
Do you mean the filibuster of Judicial Nominations?

A move that means nothing to filibustering legislation.

Don't ask your dog to read the posts for you.

The idea is that talks of legislation that may have had bipartisan support will suffer because republicans will be less willing to take it up the ass than they used to be.

Get your dog a seeing eye dog, or try reading for yourself.
All I can say is that Reid has just opened the door for his Dems to face the same problem when they are in the minority.. Oh yes. They will be in the minority again have to face what the GOP will be facing now.

Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

Of is always a two edged sword....just like the Patriot Act is.
The Saudi Propaganda Station thinks it's a "wrecking ball"?

Where were they on the "Hastert Rule" or House Rule 368 in the House?
How are they going to retaliate? Fillibuster? :lmao:

Use every rule in the book to bog up the system.

The GOP hasn't really blocked much of anything. This was just Harry Reid showing his usual arrogance, throwing his weight around, figuring nobody will stop him. The GOP fights the Tea Party harder than they do Democraps.
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Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

And yet the Dems aren't worried a bit.

That's because we're moderates. We compromise. Even if we were the minority, we can always peel votes from the few rational Republicans. Hence, we don't need a filibuster.

You Republicans, however, are SOL. You're controlled by a kook base that forbids all compromise. You can't peel off enough Democrats to your kook positions. And demographics soon doom you to permanent minority status. The filibuster was all you had. Hence your meltdowns.
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It means for every judicial nomination, Republicans might just as well stay home.
The party who claim to represent the minority, has just silenced the minority.
The only thing the GOP could do was try to delay nominations, or hinder those appointed who almost certainly be very very left leaning.................

Even with this procedure it's still difficult to stop it, unless they take the Senate next election. The Dems stopped nominations by using this procedure in the past, so now the GOP got stupid and let them slide it through.

Ultimately, it could allow more nominations in the short term which isn't good. As any stall could possibly put it off until after the election. In which case the Dems couldn't steam roll them through.

Pay back in the future is necessary, but the leftist scum Reid will more than likely reverse it should they lose the Senate before the power is gone.
It means for every judicial nomination, Republicans might just as well stay home.
The party who claim to represent the minority, has just silenced the minority.

Other than thesupreme court, you're correct. The advice and consent in the senate is nothing more than a ceremonial offering now. The majoirty party will clear the presidents appointees without fuss. No matter the circumstances.

Democrats have shown they lack integrity, honesty and principle.
The party who claim to represent the minority, has just silenced the minority.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Has someone forbidden the Republicans from speaking? If so, please point to such a dastardly person.

And not a one of them is complaining about house rule 368 or the Hastert Rule.

Go fig.
karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

and yet the dems aren't worried a bit.

That's because we're moderates. We compromise. Even if we were the minority, we can always peel votes from the few rational republicans. Hence, we don't need a filibuster.

You republicans, however, are sol. You're controlled by a kook base that forbids all compromise. You can't peel off enough democrats to your kook positions. And demographics soon doom you to permanent minority status. The filibuster was all you had. Hence your meltdowns.

Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

And yet the Dems aren't worried a bit.

That's because we're moderates. We compromise. Even if we were the minority, we can always peel votes from the few rational Republicans. Hence, we don't need a filibuster.

You Republicans, however, are SOL. You're controlled by a kook base that forbids all compromise. You can't peel off enough Democrats to your kook positions. And demographics soon doom you to permanent minority status. The filibuster was all you had. Hence your meltdowns.

Lol retarded?
Moderate? Bwahahahahaha yeah right. Dems are screwed next election,Obammy care made sure of that.
You know that healthcare plan that got shoved down Americas throat with ZERO support from Republicans? Yeah that one....the one you couldnt "peel" a single Republican vote for?
Everything you posted is so far from the truth I suspect you're just flapping your gums to get some attention.
Democrats have shown they lack integrity, honesty and principle.

If a Constitution-hater like you is angry, that means something very good just happened in America.

Look, the president gets to make appointments. Squeal and rage, but it's what the Constitution says. Your side was not doing advice and consent, they were auto-blocking nominees that all agreed were fully qualified, something that had never happened before. Your side was shitting on the Constitution, and you're defending it.

Why? Sheer partisan hackery on your part, of course. The raw lust for power is all your side cares about, and if that pesky Constitution gets in the way, you want it gone.
Democrats have shown they lack integrity, honesty and principle.

If a Constitution-hater like you is angry, that means something very good just happened in America.

Look, the president gets to make appointments. Squeal and rage, but it's what the Constitution says. Your side was not doing advice and consent, they were auto-blocking nominees that all agreed were fully qualified, something that had never happened before. Your side was shitting on the Constitution, and you're defending it.

Why? Sheer partisan hackery on your part, of course. The raw lust for power is all your side cares about, and if that pesky Constitution gets in the way, you want it gone.

:cuckoo: Never used ignore before...I might make an exception in your case.
But I'd be sure and take you off ignore right after the next election.

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