How will Reid's move affect Congress?

Democrats have shown they lack integrity, honesty and principle.

If a Constitution-hater like you is angry, that means something very good just happened in America.

Look, the president gets to make appointments. Squeal and rage, but it's what the Constitution says. Your side was not doing advice and consent, they were auto-blocking nominees that all agreed were fully qualified, something that had never happened before. Your side was shitting on the Constitution, and you're defending it.

Why? Sheer partisan hackery on your part, of course. The raw lust for power is all your side cares about, and if that pesky Constitution gets in the way, you want it gone.

How could they be "auto blocking" if plenty of Obama's nominees got approved?
Yeah you must live in an alt universe.
Do you mean the filibuster of Judicial Nominations?

A move that means nothing to filibustering legislation.

Don't ask your dog to read the posts for you.

The idea is that talks of legislation that may have had bipartisan support will suffer because republicans will be less willing to take it up the ass than they used to be.

Get your dog a seeing eye dog, or try reading for yourself.

The Republican agenda is to block all of the Presidents' agenda. (they never take it up the ass because it would take a sledgehammer to drive a pin up their tight asses) There was no more hope of them supporting any of his legislative initiatives than there was for my dog ever seeing. That has not changed. (The dog will never see)

The dog actually had a seeing eye cat.
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Yeah I can see House Republicans eager to work with Reid and Obama


I think they even lost McCain. Bipartianship is a word relegated to the dust filled attic of the senate, it's over, it was over when they crammed obamacare down the nation's throat.
This move will deepen the partisan divide that already exist sooner or later one side will expand it to include legislation and I would not be shocked if somewhere down the road it will also include Supreme Court nominees a horrible precedent was set with this action and the left and the right will both come to regret it.
Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

And yet the Dems aren't worried a bit.

That's because we're moderates. We compromise. Even if we were the minority, we can always peel votes from the few rational Republicans. Hence, we don't need a filibuster.

You Republicans, however, are SOL. You're controlled by a kook base that forbids all compromise. You can't peel off enough Democrats to your kook positions. And demographics soon doom you to permanent minority status. The filibuster was all you had. Hence your meltdowns.
That is so incredibly funny, it deserves some reputation.

This thread isnt to discuss the ending of the filibuster. There are plenty on it already.
It is to discuss the fall out from it. Will the GOP finally realize they cannot "work with" Democrats, who specialize in double dealing and backstabbing?
Already we see evidence any hope for legislating getting passed is gone. What will the Dems do to restore trust?
Filibuster Fallout: Reid maneuver could send ?wrecking ball? through talks on key legislation | Fox News

The "beginning" of it will be the primarying out on the far left and far right next year.

The mainstream has realized reactionary TeaPs and far left libs have to go for Congress to work.
The party who claim to represent the minority, has just silenced the minority.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Has someone forbidden the Republicans from speaking? If so, please point to such a dastardly person.

And not a one of them is complaining about house rule 368 or the Hastert Rule.

Go fig.

OH yeah Earth shattering! Definitely as big a deal as ending the filibuster.
Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

And yet the Dems aren't worried a bit.

That's because we're moderates. We compromise. Even if we were the minority, we can always peel votes from the few rational Republicans. Hence, we don't need a filibuster.

You Republicans, however, are SOL. You're controlled by a kook base that forbids all compromise. You can't peel off enough Democrats to your kook positions. And demographics soon doom you to permanent minority status. The filibuster was all you had. Hence your meltdowns.

Apparently you forget debate on the ACA when the GOP was locked out of discussions. Some compromise right there.
You also forget about the budgets and other bills passed in the House that Harry Reid refuses to even send to committee.. Hypocrite!
This thread isnt to discuss the ending of the filibuster. There are plenty on it already.
It is to discuss the fall out from it. Will the GOP finally realize they cannot "work with" Democrats, who specialize in double dealing and backstabbing?
Already we see evidence any hope for legislating getting passed is gone. What will the Dems do to restore trust?
Filibuster Fallout: Reid maneuver could send ?wrecking ball? through talks on key legislation | Fox News

The "beginning" of it will be the primarying out on the far left and far right next year.

The mainstream has realized reactionary TeaPs and far left libs have to go for Congress to work.
Keep saying that, Fakie. I'm thinking the far left may be in danger in all but the safest Blue states, but I'm thinking the GOP will move a bit farther to the right for 2014. Dayum I can almost taste a 60 seat GOP Senate from here. A > 262-173 margin in the House is all but guaranteed.
Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

And yet the Dems aren't worried a bit.

That's because we're moderates. We compromise. Even if we were the minority, we can always peel votes from the few rational Republicans. Hence, we don't need a filibuster.

You Republicans, however, are SOL. You're controlled by a kook base that forbids all compromise. You can't peel off enough Democrats to your kook positions. And demographics soon doom you to permanent minority status. The filibuster was all you had. Hence your meltdowns.
The number of times this asinine statement has been parroted in the past should give you a strong indication that it is utter nonsense. The political power exchanges between the two parties all the time and will continue to do so until parties themselves (or the nation) cease to exist. That is a simple fact. Your smug attitude will change very quickly when the right controls the entire government again because actions like this only serve to increase the partisan hackery and divide – a move that make political changes more drastic and sudden.
The party who claim to represent the minority, has just silenced the minority.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Has someone forbidden the Republicans from speaking? If so, please point to such a dastardly person.
Yes, they have. Now, when the dems are done with talking they simply slam through the nominations that the president has chosen. AKA – deny any more speaking on the matter.

Democrats have shown they lack integrity, honesty and principle.

If a Constitution-hater like you is angry, that means something very good just happened in America.

Look, the president gets to make appointments. Squeal and rage, but it's what the Constitution says. Your side was not doing advice and consent, they were auto-blocking nominees that all agreed were fully qualified, something that had never happened before. Your side was shitting on the Constitution, and you're defending it.

Why? Sheer partisan hackery on your part, of course. The raw lust for power is all your side cares about, and if that pesky Constitution gets in the way, you want it gone.
Well, no. That is not actually what the constitution states. It states that the presedent get to make appointments THAT ARE APPROVED THROUGH THE SENATE. I like that you leave that part out. They were completely in line with the constitution. The problem is that when the rules that the senate has operated on are suddenly inconvenient for the dems, they discard those rules. What is so telling is the fact that the dems made statements like this:
[ame=]Nuclear Option (Reconciliation) 2005 - YouTube[/ame]
Those are some REALLY damning statements. Statements that claim that changing those rules will destroy the senate. They call the actions arrogant and power grabbing. They say that it makes the minority party now has ZERO power. The majority now has ABSOLUTE power. The premise of this OP is asking what we think the outcome will be. The democrats were correct here – it is going to end the senate as we know it. The precedent is set – whenever the senate wants something done they will simply change the damn rules. Good job democrats – fuck the country, you have ajendas to get to.

The last statement in by those democrats in the video:
“this is the way that democracy ends, not with a bomb but with a gavel”
All I can say is that Reid has just opened the door for his Dems to face the same problem when they are in the minority.. Oh yes. They will be in the minority again have to face what the GOP will be facing now.

Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

I have no problem at all with this, regardless which party has control of the Senate. There is no reason that these nominees are not being voted on one way or the other. The Republicans forced this to happen, but in the long run it will be better for everyone concerned.
This thread isnt to discuss the ending of the filibuster. There are plenty on it already.
It is to discuss the fall out from it. Will the GOP finally realize they cannot "work with" Democrats, who specialize in double dealing and backstabbing?
Already we see evidence any hope for legislating getting passed is gone. What will the Dems do to restore trust?
Filibuster Fallout: Reid maneuver could send ?wrecking ball? through talks on key legislation | Fox News

The "beginning" of it will be the primarying out on the far left and far right next year.

The mainstream has realized reactionary TeaPs and far left libs have to go for Congress to work.
Keep saying that, Fakie. I'm thinking the far left may be in danger in all but the safest Blue states, but I'm thinking the GOP will move a bit farther to the right for 2014. Dayum I can almost taste a 60 seat GOP Senate from here. A > 262-173 margin in the House is all but guaranteed.

I can count on our reactionaries and Teaps in our party screwing up before then as they have since November 2010 on a steady basis. Senate will remain 52 to 58 Dem, depending on how many TeaPs are campaigning for seats, and the House to shrink to a six or eight GOP majority.
The "beginning" of it will be the primarying out on the far left and far right next year.

The mainstream has realized reactionary TeaPs and far left libs have to go for Congress to work.
Keep saying that, Fakie. I'm thinking the far left may be in danger in all but the safest Blue states, but I'm thinking the GOP will move a bit farther to the right for 2014. Dayum I can almost taste a 60 seat GOP Senate from here. A > 262-173 margin in the House is all but guaranteed.

I can count on our reactionaries and Teaps in our party screwing up before then as they have since November 2010 on a steady basis. Senate will remain 52 to 58 Dem, depending on how many TeaPs are campaigning for seats, and the House to shrink to a six or eight GOP majority.

I like the Tea Party and despise Obama and the libs who are propping him up.

But I can't say that the spineless establishment republicans in the senate will present much pushback to this historic power grab by the liberals.

Hopefully there will be more Ted Cruz's after 2024 to really upset the apple cart.
It won't affect anything now. It will later on when the freshman senators who have no clue what they are doing have to run again. But Reid doesn't care about them. He will be retired by then.
It won't affect anything now. It will later on when the freshman senators who have no clue what they are doing have to run again. But Reid doesn't care about them. He will be retired by then.

Harry Reid will never retire.

The only way people like him leave the senate is feet first.

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