How will Reid's move affect Congress?

Do you really see what is going on? Reid doing this, gives the Dem's more power over all of us, but appointing who ever they want that will continue to work against the american people. They plant their own in courts, and different offices, that will work with them having our lives run by Gov't and financially take all our money we make in taxes and soforth. Obama and Reid and all of them are only doing what is in their best interest, not in our interest.
Do you really see what is going on? Reid doing this, gives the Dem's more power over all of us, but appointing who ever they want that will continue to work against the american people. They plant their own in courts, and different offices, that will work with them having our lives run by Gov't and financially take all our money we make in taxes and soforth. Obama and Reid and all of them are only doing what is in their best interest, not in our interest.

Which of course they have been doing for a long time, and so has the Status Quo Rhino's as well................

Refusing to change the establishment, and not giving a damn about the People's opinions on this................

Ecincola..........Sounds familiar, from the aol boards................
Ted Cruz's stunt and the party's nonsensical shutdown and threatened debt default strengthened ACA and the President with Americans.

The far right faces some serious primarying out as the mainstream GOP run candidates that will be able to influence and govern, not just obstruct.
You, of course, know that the nuclear option will be on the table for the ratification of the UN Weapons Treaty, as well. Give Comrade Cucksocker Obama and the Democrats the inch, and they're going to go for the mile. They've been salivating for gun control, almost forever, and they won't let this chance go by, especially because Comrade Barack needs the treaty in place and enforced to put the rest of his plans in play.. Shortly after the citizenry has turned in their weapons, Comrade Barack will declare the House of Representatives nonessential and obsolete, just keeping the Senate around to rubber stamp his edicts. Then Obama will order 300 million white flags, all with the Muslin Crescent emblazoned on them, so each American citizen can warmly greet his Army of Muslim Holy Warriors as they arrive here to keep Obama's Peace and enforce his commands.
Reload this Page How will Reid's move affect Congress? (Senate?)

right now? not much. The judges will be named and seated. Of course there wold not be so many empty seats if this game had not been played in previous sessions to, keeping up with vacancies is a full time job..hello.

IF Reid employs this for legislation, then it may have an effect, it will create uncertainty as then any switch in the chamber will just open the door for reversals in that chamber or re-writing, just creates confusion. But he may not have to....

Right now on legislation Harry is using rule 19 pursuant to Rule 22, to shut off debate on all amendments. He 'fills the amendment tree", basically blocking any amendments by the minority, he then calls for a cloture vote, the minority party says hey wait a minute, we didn't get to add to, or subtract anything from the bill, well, tough, when the gop says we aint voting for it.,...Reid says he they are filibustering, hence the large numbers of such, yet, they had zero input into the bill......doesn't seem very fair to me, others have used it very selectively, Byrd, Daschle, Frist, Dole, Lott, Mitchell et al, but Harry has it on steroids.

IF Reid uses it for a Supreme court nominee it will again just ratchet up the angst bar, if its got any further to go that is:lol: I fully expect him to if an SC slot opens.

Who agrees with using this for an SC nominees?
Reload this Page How will Reid's move affect Congress? (Senate?)

right now? not much. The judges will be named and seated. Of course there wold not be so many empty seats if this game had not been played in previous sessions to, keeping up with vacancies is a full time job..hello.

IF Reid employs this for legislation, then it may have an effect, it will create uncertainty as then any switch in the chamber will just open the door for reversals in that chamber or re-writing, just creates confusion. But he may not have to....

Right now on legislation Harry is using rule 19 pursuant to Rule 22, to shut off debate on all amendments. He 'fills the amendment tree", basically blocking any amendments by the minority, he then calls for a cloture vote, the minority party says hey wait a minute, we didn't get to add to, or subtract anything from the bill, well, tough, when the gop says we aint voting for it.,...Reid says he they are filibustering, hence the large numbers of such, yet, they had zero input into the bill......doesn't seem very fair to me, others have used it very selectively, Byrd, Daschle, Frist, Dole, Lott, Mitchell et al, but Harry has it on steroids.

IF Reid uses it for a Supreme court nominee it will again just ratchet up the angst bar, if its got any further to go that is:lol: I fully expect him to if an SC slot opens.

Who agrees with using this for an SC nominees?

If I were Reid, I would be very selective how and when I used the N.O.
The GOP WILL soon have a Senate majority, a House majority and the Oval Office. Whachagonnadothen, Harry?
Who agrees with using this for an SC nominees?

I do. Always have. The president has the Constitution-granted power to appoint justices. The Senate is supposed to approve or disapprove nominees, not put them in perpetual limbo. When the conflict is between the Constitution and Senate rules, the Constitution takes precedence. The Senate shouldn't use procedure to outflank the Constitution and grab power from the Executive.

With legislation, there's no constitutional mandate there, hence Senate rules can take precedence, and the filibuster is okay.
You, of course, know that the nuclear option will be on the table for the ratification of the UN Weapons Treaty, as well.

Given that the Senate can reject a treaty with 34 votes, filibustering it with 40 votes is kind of pointless.

The Constitution -- try reading it.

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2.
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;
All I can say is that Reid has just opened the door for his Dems to face the same problem when they are in the minority.. Oh yes. They will be in the minority again have to face what the GOP will be facing now.

Karma is such a scum sucking bitch isn't she?

I have no problem at all with this, regardless which party has control of the Senate. There is no reason that these nominees are not being voted on one way or the other. The Republicans forced this to happen, but in the long run it will be better for everyone concerned.

The problem with this concept is that it eliminates the vote of the minority in the senate. There is no vote of the minority in the house. Now, if a party takes control, the other side might as well stay home – they would have absolutely zero influence at all.

The more we polarize our nation, the worse off we are. There is no way around that and that is exactly what we are doing. Compromise is a dirty word now and quite frankly I prefer complete and total gridlock over one side running roughshod over the other doing whatever they want to.
Reload this Page How will Reid's move affect Congress? (Senate?)

right now? not much. The judges will be named and seated. Of course there wold not be so many empty seats if this game had not been played in previous sessions to, keeping up with vacancies is a full time job..hello.

IF Reid employs this for legislation, then it may have an effect, it will create uncertainty as then any switch in the chamber will just open the door for reversals in that chamber or re-writing, just creates confusion. But he may not have to....

Right now on legislation Harry is using rule 19 pursuant to Rule 22, to shut off debate on all amendments. He 'fills the amendment tree", basically blocking any amendments by the minority, he then calls for a cloture vote, the minority party says hey wait a minute, we didn't get to add to, or subtract anything from the bill, well, tough, when the gop says we aint voting for it.,...Reid says he they are filibustering, hence the large numbers of such, yet, they had zero input into the bill......doesn't seem very fair to me, others have used it very selectively, Byrd, Daschle, Frist, Dole, Lott, Mitchell et al, but Harry has it on steroids.

IF Reid uses it for a Supreme court nominee it will again just ratchet up the angst bar, if its got any further to go that is:lol: I fully expect him to if an SC slot opens.

Who agrees with using this for an SC nominees?

If I were Reid, I would be very selective how and when I used the N.O.
The GOP WILL soon have a Senate majority, a House majority and the Oval Office. Whachagonnadothen, Harry?
They dont believe that. And they dont care. And they assume the GOP will change the rules back, as I heard McConnell said he would if the GOP took power.
In the meantime they will pack the DC Circuit Court with Obamamonkeys.
Who agrees with using this for an SC nominees?

I do. Always have. The president has the Constitution-granted power to appoint justices. The Senate is supposed to approve or disapprove nominees, not put them in perpetual limbo. When the conflict is between the Constitution and Senate rules, the Constitution takes precedence. The Senate shouldn't use procedure to outflank the Constitution and grab power from the Executive.

With legislation, there's no constitutional mandate there, hence Senate rules can take precedence, and the filibuster is okay.

Its funny how all of a sudden liberals start caring about the Constitution, so long as it benefits their guy. How pathetic is that?

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