How will Republicans attract younger voters?



Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?
The fact that recent grads aren't finding much opportunity under commiecrat policies will take care of the influx of the young to the republican party. You saw a small part of that in the last elections, a trend that will grow.
The Dems count on the young, the black, the chronically unemployed vote. It's a given that those who haven't yet fully matured and those who desire gubment cheese are going to vote for the immature philosophy of handouts.
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

Your post is more revealing than you may realize. It is precisely the least knowledgeable and experienced voters that Democrats depend on to win elections. Dumbing down and propagandizing our public education system has been their most effective tool towards this end. Will they be able to maintain this monopoly indefinitely?
They'll attract them the way they attracted others - with promises to keep them poor and lying about the incredible accomplishments of the president.
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

Your post is more revealing than you may realize. It is precisely the least knowledgeable and experienced voters that Democrats depend on to win elections. Dumbing down and propagandizing our public education system has been their most effective tool towards this end. Will they be able to maintain this monopoly indefinitely?

Rdean is most DISHONEST poster on this board. Nothing he says is the truth and everything he says about Republicans is made up
There are lots of younger voters who are republican, consider most libertarians lean republican as they falsely believe republicans support their favorite talisman markets. Many believe government to be a problem rather than a necessity, add single issues to the mix, guns abortion religion, and republicans have their followers. Consider that the South is now republican at all levels. Racism did most of that but greed and anti-government sentiment helped too, they even blend together in the republican fundamentalist mind be they young or old.
They'll attract them the way they attracted others - with promises to keep them poor and lying about the incredible accomplishments of the president.

What accomplishments? You mean record numbers on food stamps. Seems pandering to those is how Democrats get voters. Either that or to mattress backs that think contraceptives should be provided to them.
They'll attract them the way they attracted others - with promises to keep them poor and lying about the incredible accomplishments of the president.

and lying about the incredible accomplishments of the president.

LOL! That's some good stuff. You should write for Letterman!

no kidding. they were so incredible the people kicked his Party out of power first with the House and four years later with the Senate. And all after only Six years being office...
I'd say that's DAMN INCREDIBLE....
Some people just refuses to live outside the Obambam twilight zone. sheesh
The fact that recent grads aren't finding much opportunity under commiecrat policies will take care of the influx of the young to the republican party. You saw a small part of that in the last elections, a trend that will grow.

Not at all. That is a lie, what you just said.

36% voter turnout in a mid-term election says absolutely nothing about the tendencies of an electorate for a PRESIDENTIAL cycle.

I have already proven the lack of connection between the two (mid-terms, prez cycles) here:

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Care to try again?
The fact that recent grads aren't finding much opportunity under commiecrat policies will take care of the influx of the young to the republican party. You saw a small part of that in the last elections, a trend that will grow.
No, young voters tend to trend toward the Democratic Party. What we saw in the last election was younger voters staying home, not voting Republican. The over 60 age group showed up 2-to-1 to the under 30 age group.
There are lots of younger voters who are republican, consider most libertarians lean republican as they falsely believe republicans support their favorite talisman markets. Many believe government to be a problem rather than a necessity, add single issues to the mix, guns abortion religion, and republicans have their followers. Consider that the South is now republican at all levels. Racism did most of that but greed and anti-government sentiment helped too, they even blend together in the republican fundamentalist mind be they young or old.

So many words! So little meaning!

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