How will Romney Improve this Country?

Why do liberals ask questions they clearly don't want the answer to?

Instead of pissing on the leg of you opposition try promoting your guy.
Tax cuts won't even come close to solving out problems.
And raising taxes on the "wealthy" is a political stunt that anyone with an IQ over 85 can see right thru. If you raised their taxes to 100% it wouldn't even cause a blip in the national debt.
If we want real change...

1) Close the IRS and have a flat sales tax. A HUGE part of the problem is that over half the population pays no income tax at all - and 80% of those get tax windfalls at the end of the year.
2) Close the Dept. of Education and get serious about wiping out Americas antiquated and over-the-top politicized education.
3) Outlaw teachers unions, or at least outlaw the union agreements that remove merit based pay incentives, and return authority to exercise teacher disciplinary action including firing bad teachers.

That is a very small start.
None of these will happen.

9-9-9, bust unions and slash education

Where did I say bust unions?
I said teachers unions which everyone knows is almost 100% of the reason our education system is a failure.
Where did I say slash education?
Tax cuts won't even come close to solving out problems.
And raising taxes on the "wealthy" is a political stunt that anyone with an IQ over 85 can see right thru. If you raised their taxes to 100% it wouldn't even cause a blip in the national debt.
If we want real change...

1) Close the IRS and have a flat sales tax. A HUGE part of the problem is that over half the population pays no income tax at all - and 80% of those get tax windfalls at the end of the year.
2) Close the Dept. of Education and get serious about wiping out Americas antiquated and over-the-top politicized education.
3) Outlaw teachers unions, or at least outlaw the union agreements that remove merit based pay incentives, and return authority to exercise teacher disciplinary action including firing bad teachers.

That is a very small start.
None of these will happen.

9-9-9, bust unions and slash education

Where did I say bust unions?
I said teachers unions which everyone knows is almost 100% of the reason our education system is a failure.
Where did I say slash education?

Union teachers are 100% of the reason our educational system is a failure?

Why is it that states without union teachers perform the worst?
So what will Romney do, specifically, to get us there? Or will he, in your opinion?

None of your business. We have to elect him to find out what is in it (his plan).

Funny shit right there. Kinda kills the conversation though. Be better if you just said; "I don't know what Mittens will do, but I want to find out."

At least thats credible. And the truth to. But nanananana none of your bees wax, I ain't gonna give you no 'pinion nananananana. Cause I don't know jack shit about what he wants to do. nananananana

That's funny.

That was a veiled shot at nancy pelosi/obamacare ;)

[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]
How about immigration? Immigration

What’s at Stake

America is a nation of immigrants. We are not a nation bound by ethnicity, but one bound by the pristine idea that all people are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That is why our ancestors came to America and why so many today wait in line to come to our shores. Welcoming newcomers who share our ideals and work hard to secure a better life for themselves and their families is part of our heritage. A strong legal immigration system is an integral component of what makes America exceptional.

But today, our immigration system is broken.

A porous border allows illegal immigrants to enter the United States, violent cartel members and terrorists possibly among them. Certain states and municipalities grant benefits to illegal immigrants that act as magnets that draw illegal immigrants across the border. At the same time that unskilled workers are able to come here illegally, we do not grant enough visas to high-skill job creators and innovators seeking to come here legally. The system requires us to send away the great majority of the over 300,000 foreign students who are earning advanced degrees at U.S. universities. And it is too difficult for businesses to secure visas for foreign workers to make up for labor shortages and gaps in skills.

Obama’s Failure

President Obama has failed to solve our immigration problems. Indeed, he has failed even to address them. As a candidate for president, he promised to tackle immigration in his first year in office. He broke that promise, and has since only made our problems worse.

President Obama has done nothing to improve our visa system to bring in more high-skill job creators and innovators. Our system still turns away even those foreign students whom we educate here and to whom we grant advanced degrees.

President Obama has utterly failed to secure the border. And instead of taking a strong stand on illegal immigration, he has ordered immigration officials to enforce immigration laws “selectively,” leading to the dismissal of many deportation cases. At the same time, his Department of Justice has sued to stop states from assisting the federal government in enforcing immigration laws.

Mitt’s Plan

Mitt Romney believes that legal immigration is a boon to America. He will strengthen our immigration system so that it benefits the U.S. economy, ensures our security, bolsters the rule of law, and carries on America’s tradition as a nation of legal immigrants.

Attract the Best and Brightest

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.
•Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
•Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering

A Strong Stand Against Illegal Immigration

Mitt Romney will protect legal immigration and the 4.5 million who are waiting in line to enter the United States legally by taking a strong stand against illegal immigration. He believes that illegal immigration must end and has a proven track record of advancing that goal.

•Secure The Border
Mitt Romney will complete a high-tech fence and provide the necessary number of border patrol to finally secure our southern border.

•Turn Off The Magnets
Mitt Romney opposes all “magnets” that entice illegal immigrants to come to our country illegally and stay here. He will establish a tamper-proof employment verification system like E-Verify that will enable employers to hire only those legally permitted to work and deny jobs to those here illegally. This will turn off the jobs magnet that attracts so many unskilled workers to cross the border illegally or overstay their visas.

Mitt also opposes all other magnets. As governor, he vetoed in-state tuition benefits for illegal immigrants and opposed driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.

•Enforce The Law

Mitt Romney believes in the rule of law and will fully enforce federal immigration law. As governor, he authorized state police to assist the federal government in immigration enforcement.

•Oppose Amnesty

Mitt Romney opposes amnesty because he believes that it acts as a magnet encouraging illegal immigration. The last amnesty law passed in 1986 granted legal status to 2.7 million illegal immigrants. In the decades since, the illegal immigrant population has quadrupled. Mitt believes that an amnesty should not be permitted to happen again. Illegal immigrants who apply for legal status should not be given any advantage over those who are following the law and waiting their turn. Mitt absolutely opposes any policy that would allow illegal immigrants to “cut in line.

Again this is according to Romney what the differences between Romeny and Obama are on immigration and how Romney's positions would "be better"
I know you dont like the answer, but that doesnt mean you werent answered
Dismantling everything Obama has done is a GOOD start..

Eliminating a few rouge agencies is another...
He will invest in America's future? Well, maybe not...

He will invest in America's future? Well, maybe not...


Actually Cayman accounts have all their information reported to the IRS and are taxed, your talking point is WEAK.

Try again.

Or one could say that if we had a president like Romney he would create an environment where that type of money will be kept in the USA instead of in other countries with friendlier rules and regulations on savings ;)
How odd that the OP didn't even bother checking Romney's site himself for Romney's own thoughts...

Must be this newfangled interwebs thing that has him confused...
Well...let's see...according to one of his advisors, his policies will be Bush's policies. Guess that makes the answer to the OP's question...he won't since Bush's policies got us in this mess in the first place.
Thats fine. You can think what you want about Obama, but I have a hard time believing someone who flip flops as much as Romney does and actually implemented his own version of Obamacare is actually going to do anything much different that Obama has done. You may hope he will do better, but I just don't see it. It will be more of the same that we've had....politics as usual in Washington, which is why I started this thread.

So really, you are ignoring all of the major differences in campaign platform because you don't believe any of it.

I know I don't believe any of it. Because, as you were kind to point out, they're just campaign platforms, nothing else.
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so this is going to be the new rallying cry...Romney will be just like Bush..

How about immigration? Immigration

What’s at Stake

America is a nation of immigrants. We are not a nation bound by ethnicity, but one bound by the pristine idea that all people are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That is why our ancestors came to America and why so many today wait in line to come to our shores. Welcoming newcomers who share our ideals and work hard to secure a better life for themselves and their families is part of our heritage. A strong legal immigration system is an integral component of what makes America exceptional.

But today, our immigration system is broken.

A porous border allows illegal immigrants to enter the United States, violent cartel members and terrorists possibly among them. Certain states and municipalities grant benefits to illegal immigrants that act as magnets that draw illegal immigrants across the border. At the same time that unskilled workers are able to come here illegally, we do not grant enough visas to high-skill job creators and innovators seeking to come here legally. The system requires us to send away the great majority of the over 300,000 foreign students who are earning advanced degrees at U.S. universities. And it is too difficult for businesses to secure visas for foreign workers to make up for labor shortages and gaps in skills.

Obama’s Failure

President Obama has failed to solve our immigration problems. Indeed, he has failed even to address them. As a candidate for president, he promised to tackle immigration in his first year in office. He broke that promise, and has since only made our problems worse.

President Obama has done nothing to improve our visa system to bring in more high-skill job creators and innovators. Our system still turns away even those foreign students whom we educate here and to whom we grant advanced degrees.

President Obama has utterly failed to secure the border. And instead of taking a strong stand on illegal immigration, he has ordered immigration officials to enforce immigration laws “selectively,” leading to the dismissal of many deportation cases. At the same time, his Department of Justice has sued to stop states from assisting the federal government in enforcing immigration laws.

Mitt’s Plan

Mitt Romney believes that legal immigration is a boon to America. He will strengthen our immigration system so that it benefits the U.S. economy, ensures our security, bolsters the rule of law, and carries on America’s tradition as a nation of legal immigrants.

Attract the Best and Brightest

To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.
•Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
•Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering

A Strong Stand Against Illegal Immigration

Mitt Romney will protect legal immigration and the 4.5 million who are waiting in line to enter the United States legally by taking a strong stand against illegal immigration. He believes that illegal immigration must end and has a proven track record of advancing that goal.

•Secure The Border
Mitt Romney will complete a high-tech fence and provide the necessary number of border patrol to finally secure our southern border.

•Turn Off The Magnets
Mitt Romney opposes all “magnets” that entice illegal immigrants to come to our country illegally and stay here. He will establish a tamper-proof employment verification system like E-Verify that will enable employers to hire only those legally permitted to work and deny jobs to those here illegally. This will turn off the jobs magnet that attracts so many unskilled workers to cross the border illegally or overstay their visas.

Mitt also opposes all other magnets. As governor, he vetoed in-state tuition benefits for illegal immigrants and opposed driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.

•Enforce The Law

Mitt Romney believes in the rule of law and will fully enforce federal immigration law. As governor, he authorized state police to assist the federal government in immigration enforcement.

•Oppose Amnesty

Mitt Romney opposes amnesty because he believes that it acts as a magnet encouraging illegal immigration. The last amnesty law passed in 1986 granted legal status to 2.7 million illegal immigrants. In the decades since, the illegal immigrant population has quadrupled. Mitt believes that an amnesty should not be permitted to happen again. Illegal immigrants who apply for legal status should not be given any advantage over those who are following the law and waiting their turn. Mitt absolutely opposes any policy that would allow illegal immigrants to “cut in line.

Again this is according to Romney what the differences between Romeny and Obama are on immigration and how Romney's positions would "be better"

As great as all of that sounds, I have a damn hard time believing that any president will accomplish anything on that list. We have been ignored and stabbed in the back so many times on immigration that I instinctively distrust any politician on that issue.

While I can hope that he would accomplish that, there's no way in hell I would vote for him based off that. I firmly believe that Romney will simply try to pass "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" just like Bush did, and when it gets shot down he will ignore the issue for the rest of his presidency.
so this is going to be the new rallying cry...Romney will be just like Bush..


Hey, when the uber left-wing, socialist, communist, progressive Obama starts to look like Bush (which he has), then it's a not a far stretch to see a wind sock etch-a-sketch looking like Bush.
For those that support Romney, how will he change the direction of America so that we head in the right direction?

I'm looking for specifics and if you feel tempted to respond with any of the following answers, these are not specific and tell me you don't know what he'd do differently -

  • He's not Obama
  • He's pro business
  • He understands the constitution
  • He knows how a business works
  • He has business experience

If you're tempted to answer using one of the responses above or something similar, please think about specifically what he'll do and what the expected outcome will be. I'm just trying to understand how people can support him and think he'll be that much different than what we have now.

He's much more likely to right the fiscal problems of this country. Obama has had nearly four years and hasn't shown even an inkling to deal with the problem. I don't blame him for the mess, and I even understand the big deficits, but I don't understand the refusal to address the issue and put a plan forward for the future.

I also think Romney will do more to raise business confidence, and thus hiring. I don't think business confidence is a panacea but it will help on the margin.

Finally, it's hard to believe the country would be even more divided under Romney than it is now.
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For those that support Romney, how will he change the direction of America so that we head in the right direction?

I'm looking for specifics and if you feel tempted to respond with any of the following answers, these are not specific and tell me you don't know what he'd do differently -

  • He's not Obama
  • He's pro business
  • He understands the constitution
  • He knows how a business works
  • He has business experience

If you're tempted to answer using one of the responses above or something similar, please think about specifically what he'll do and what the expected outcome will be. I'm just trying to understand how people can support him and think he'll be that much different than what we have now.

He's much more likely to right the fiscal problems of this country. Obama has had nearly four years and hasn't shown even an inkling to deal with the problem. I don't blame him for the mess, and I even understand the big deficits, but I don't understand the refusal to even address the issue.

I also think Romney will do more to raise business confidence, and thus hiring. I don't think business confidence is a panacea but it will help on the margin.

Finally, it's hard to believe the country would be even more divided under Romney than it is now.

I'm not sure that business confidence is what's lacking. It's demand. We have to prop up the middle class. Not with arbitrary raises in the minimum wage, but by bringing jobs back and restoring the value of the dollar. Something I guarantee Romney won't do.

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