How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits? Against Religion, States, Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees?

Do you think this revelation will change the politics of the LGBT legal machine?

  • Yes, finally a superior psychologist has spoken out. Others will follow his lead.

  • No, they will make such an example out of this doctor that all others will fear to step forward.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Paul McHugh Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution - WSJ
Let's hear it for the Wall Street Journal being brave enough to publish the alarm that's been ringing with a muzzled peal all the entire time this has been going on:


( -- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
More.. Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.” Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Transgender is Mental Disorder Sex Change Biologically Impossible

Once it is understood that the patients took over the diagnostic machine: (watch youtube video in OP) Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum how do you think this will affect the "rights" aspect of their legal arguments?

So far we have the "T" component of the LGBT umbrella forcing schools to allow boys in girls' bathrooms and other intimate facilities; and one would presume vice versa. With the GLAAD arm of the media pushing all these new transgender shows to promote the mental illness as "valid" during prime time, the issue of suggestion to youth and manifesting this same "normality" (I use the term loosely) in law comes to the fore.

Should we allow a legal status for mentally ill people to promote themselves as normal and to sell themselves that way to children by using forced societal "approval" by manipulating laws?

Here's another grim example of setting a horrible horrible legal precedent using "we only are doing this because we want our rights!" argument:

Father To Marry Son In Bucks County PA -- With Court s Blessing Page 28 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Well, your thoughts? Will this change the LGBT legal landscape or will it just be browbeating reality back into submission and cowering as the rainbow-jackboot looms over it in court?
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Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he drops that Y chromosome and gets a second X, it's all a make believe game.
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Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he gets that Y chromosome, it's all a make believe game.
Unless she's an XY female. There are XX males as well. Nature is not, unlike you, black and white.
Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he gets that Y chromosome, it's all a make believe game.
Unless she's an XY female. There are XX males as well. Nature is not, unlike you, black and white.
My bad. Obviously, I meant he had to lose that Y chromosome and get the second X.
Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he gets that Y chromosome, it's all a make believe game.
Unless she's an XY female. There are XX males as well. Nature is not, unlike you, black and white.
I am not convinced that all, or even a significant percentage, of those who want to pretend they are of the opposite gender fall into that category.
Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he drops that Y chromosome and gets a second X, it's all a make believe game.
He can't have babies. His pelvic bones are still set higher. He still has an enlarged adam's apple (one of the most grotesque features of the amputated product of "transgender surgery). He isn't a woman and never will be, no matter how much pretend he plays and engages "professionals" to play along with him. At the end of it all, he will be 20 times more likely to commit suicide than people who weren't playing that game of pretend.

It turns out that when reality finally comes knocking, the force of that knock shatters the flimsy walls around the cloistered mind and it does itself in anyway. The most compassionate act you could do towards a person identifying as the gender opposite their own is to take them by the hand and lead them to a therapist. Trouble is, in California, Mass., and New Jersey, a doctor would be punished by law for attempting to help retrain the mental delusions of a "Transgender person"..

So hence the Dr. sounding the proverbial alarm against society playing along..
( -- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
More.. Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.
The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.” Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Transgender is Mental Disorder Sex Change Biologically Impossible

Once it is understood that the patients took over the diagnostic machine: (watch youtube video in OP) Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum how do you think this will affect the "rights" aspect of their legal arguments?

The Prince Trust study never even mentions gays or transgendered folks.

You're just throwing shit on the wall and hoping something sticks.
Coming out to the Wall Street Journal IS new though. And so will be the political ramifications of such a high-ranking "defection" from the Rainbow Reicht.

Who defected again?

Properly? The Wall Street Journal: Paul McHugh Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution - WSJ

ie: the MSM. Because learned doctors have been saying this for a long time but the media has utterly squelched their voices. Check the OP for links and information about that.
Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he drops that Y chromosome and gets a second X, it's all a make believe game.

I have a buddy who is going through gender reassignment right now. She's full hormone replacement and will be going under the knife in February. In her case, she's genetically intersex. She's XXY, literally sporting 47 chromosomes.

Which means that she manifests both male and female traits genetically. Including a small penis (which makes me feel kinda bad for all the time we made 'lil chub' jokes I made when we were younger). The testosterone her body produced was causing extensive inflammation issues as much of her body rejected it. Since taking medication to suppress the testosterone, her health has markedly improved. She says her thinking is clearer and her mood vastly improved after taking estrogen hormones. And after about 3 years made the decision to live as a female.

How would your theory incorporate her who has both male and female genes? Intersex folks are much more common than many folks realize, with some estimates putting them as high as 1 in 1000.
It appears the MSM isn't 100% in the iron grip of the Cult yet.

Another conspiracy, Sil? This after your 'all polling agencies that show support for gay marriage are lying' batshit failed so spectacularly?
I am not convinced that all, or even a significant percentage, of those who want to pretend they are of the opposite gender fall into that category.
They don't, the point is male is not always XY nor female XX, especially since there are X0 females, just one X, so we can't use genetics to figure out what sex, meaning gender in this case, someone actually is. There are many sexes and many genders. Life is complicated so black and white thinking, pink and blue thinking, is dumb, and wrong.

Pink, BTW, used to be a strong color 100 years ago so mothers dressed little boys in it. Blue was for girls.
Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he drops that Y chromosome and gets a second X, it's all a make believe game.

I have a buddy who is going through gender reassignment right now. She's full hormone replacement and will be going under the knife in February. In her case, she's genetically intersex. She's XXY, literally sporting 47 chromosomes.

Which means that she manifests both male and female traits genetically. Including a small penis (which makes me feel kinda bad for all the time we made 'lil chub' jokes I made when we were younger). The testosterone her body produced was causing extensive inflammation issues as much of her body rejected it. Since taking medication to suppress the testosterone, her health has markedly improved. She says her thinking is clearer and her mood vastly improved after taking estrogen hormones. And after about 3 years made the decision to live as a female...How would your theory incorporate her who has both male and female genes? Intersex folks are much more common than many folks realize, with some estimates putting them as high as 1 in 1000.
With "some estimates"....? Would those estimates be coming from non-scientific "conclusions" from your favorite pals at the erstwhile APA?

Shall we do an emperical study of genetic testing of people saying they're transgender? Or does the APA forbid the scientific process now? Should we just rely on "words" instead of numbers as the neo-APA's "CQR" method suggest we do?

And even if some type of surgery is sought with this small fraction of people, should we be promoting to the general population of children that "if you are unhappy being in the body you're in, you can surgically amputate healthy organs, leaving yourself sterile, sexually numb and incontinent" because of a fad that has caught on because of the unfortunate situation a tiny fraction of the human population finds itself in?

How would Bruce Jenner test out genetically? I'd have to see like 5 independent lab results on him as well as any other person claiming to be "transgender".
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I am not convinced that all, or even a significant percentage, of those who want to pretend they are of the opposite gender fall into that category.
They don't, the point is male is not always XY nor female XX, especially since there are X0 females, just one X, so we can't use genetics to figure out what sex, meaning gender in this case, someone actually is. There are many sexes and many genders. Life is complicated so black and white thinking, pink and blue thinking, is dumb, and wrong.

Pink, BTW, used to be a strong color 100 years ago so mothers dressed little boys in it. Blue was for girls.

True that. Though the doctor's Oped did make one really good point: if the satisfaction level of patients before surgery is the same after then what psychological benefit is there to the surgery?

I can wrap my head around someone wanting to live as another gender externally. The way you look, act and dress dramatically effects the way society views you and interacts with you.

But the genital surgery doesn't actually produce the genitalia of the opposite sex. It produces a far less functional approximation. Some transgender folks can't ever achieve orgasm due to nerve damage after the surgery. Its a significant occurrence, so much so that folks in process of getting the surgery are warned to be prepared for that outcome.

Speaking from a practical stand point, I would think that sticking with the most functional genitals would be the way to go....from a risk assessment perspective, ROI, expense and practical usage angle.
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Ultimately, it's a game. You can call a man a woman, you can put him in a dress, cut off his penis, give him hormone shots that make his boobs grow and shave all his body hair off. Guess what, he's still a man. Until he drops that Y chromosome and gets a second X, it's all a make believe game.

I have a buddy who is going through gender reassignment right now. She's full hormone replacement and will be going under the knife in February. In her case, she's genetically intersex. She's XXY, literally sporting 47 chromosomes.

Which means that she manifests both male and female traits genetically. Including a small penis (which makes me feel kinda bad for all the time we made 'lil chub' jokes I made when we were younger). The testosterone her body produced was causing extensive inflammation issues as much of her body rejected it. Since taking medication to suppress the testosterone, her health has markedly improved. She says her thinking is clearer and her mood vastly improved after taking estrogen hormones. And after about 3 years made the decision to live as a female.

How would your theory incorporate her who has both male and female genes? Intersex folks are much more common than many folks realize, with some estimates putting them as high as 1 in 1000.
There is also XXXY, tall, high-pitched voice, usually heavy with breasts and sterile, and the real he-men, XYY and XYYY who can be serious scary fuckers with violent tempers from all the juice in their veins.

Probable XY females, Ann Coulter and Jamie Lee Curtis. One never married, neither has biological children.
Then you'd be fine with testing all people saying they are transgender to be sure they are genetically malformed before any therapy or surgery could be prescribed to them?
Shall we do an emperical study of genetic testing of people saying they're transgender? Or does the APA forbid the scientific process now? Should we just rely on "words" instead of numbers as the neo-APA's "CQR" method suggest we do?

And if the studies don't say what you want, you will just wrap them up into your conspiracy, insisting gays 'infiltrated' biology just like you claim gays 'infiltrated' the media and 'infiltrated' the polling agencies Just like you did any polling data that contradicts you. Just like you do any study that affirms that the children of same sex are fine.

An evidence based conversation isn't for you. As you assess credibility of evidence by its agreement with what you already believe. You're the avatar of confirmation bias.

This is a conversation for folks who use evidence.

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