How will this year rank globally?

How will this year rank globally?

  • 1st-something big will happen!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4-5th...The second half of this year will be very cold! brrr

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dumb fuck, that is totally silly. Humans, Homo Sap, have only been around for a bit over 200,000 years. And the temperature you graph predicts for 2100 is about the same as that of about 15 million years ago. There were no ice caps at either pole at that time. You find that just fine?
They found evidence that humans have been around, at least, for 300K years.
The thing that I find to be the most dubious of all about the global warming science crap is how the so called "scientists" are all over the place on something as simple as when and how a human individuals life begins. . . Something so simple it can be demonstrated, proven and tested in a middle school biology lab. . . Yet, scientists in mass (according to the left) are in a complete concensus when it comes to something which is infinitely more complex with countless more variables like "man made global warming"

What a fucking joke.
Does ONE year matter? The July Satellite result is available from UAH. Anomalies last 2 months are back into the range of The Pause. 0.21degC June, 0.28degC July.. Here''s the part that REALLY REALLY matters.

From Dr. Roy's site

The linear temperature trend of the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomalies from January 1979 through July 2017 is now +0.13 C/decade.

That's a real snooze if this is the apocalyptic end of the planet --- isn't it? ENTIRE SAT history is 1.3degC/Century.. So much wasted "Environmentalism".. We should get BACK to making the planet cleaner and preserving life..

This is why I believe we'll see about another 1c by 2100! Now this if you believe in mann or Hansen would be the warmest temperatures in 125 thousand years. So we have some serious sea level change in the tap.

If the Earth is literally destroy itself because of an AVERAGE ANNUAL change of 1degC by 2100, we bought a Junker of a Planet to live on. And 1DEG is NOTHING like the original predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 that Hansen was scaring folks with in the 1980s. So why would I care if Hansen wants to lie and misrepresent what all those historical proxy tree thermometers can REALLY tell us about the natural range of Temperature variability on Earth?
Mr. Flacaltenn, you are engaging in blatant dishonesty. No competent scientist is claiming that the Earth will be destroyed by 1 C or 4 C by 2100. What is being claimed is that the rise in temperature will seriously impact the lives of the human population on this planet.
Does ONE year matter? The July Satellite result is available from UAH. Anomalies last 2 months are back into the range of The Pause. 0.21degC June, 0.28degC July.. Here''s the part that REALLY REALLY matters.

From Dr. Roy's site

The linear temperature trend of the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomalies from January 1979 through July 2017 is now +0.13 C/decade.

That's a real snooze if this is the apocalyptic end of the planet --- isn't it? ENTIRE SAT history is 1.3degC/Century.. So much wasted "Environmentalism".. We should get BACK to making the planet cleaner and preserving life..

This is why I believe we'll see about another 1c by 2100! Now this if you believe in mann or Hansen would be the warmest temperatures in 125 thousand years. So we have some serious sea level change in the tap.

If the Earth is literally destroy itself because of an AVERAGE ANNUAL change of 1degC by 2100, we bought a Junker of a Planet to live on. And 1DEG is NOTHING like the original predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 that Hansen was scaring folks with in the 1980s. So why would I care if Hansen wants to lie and misrepresent what all those historical proxy tree thermometers can REALLY tell us about the natural range of Temperature variability on Earth?
Mr. Flacaltenn, you are engaging in blatant dishonesty. No competent scientist is claiming that the Earth will be destroyed by 1 C or 4 C by 2100. What is being claimed is that the rise in temperature will seriously impact the lives of the human population on this planet.
Only an unscientific loon parrots the twaddle that today's climate is optimum.
Only a total fucking idiot like you discounts the fact that the climate could be a lost worse for human agriculture. And the evidence from the effects thus far is that the rapid warming will make it worse in that and other categories.
Only a total fucking idiot like you discounts the fact that the climate could be a lost worse for human agriculture. And the evidence from the effects thus far is that the rapid warming will make it worse in that and other categories.

Who or what caused all the countless famines and droughts that took place in the thousands of years prior to the industrial revolution?
Let us put it all in perspective:


We had no ice on the planet 40 million years ago and sea level raised by hundreds of feet. This isn't something we should wish for.

Yes perspective is a foreign concept to those peddling a religion and not real science..
IF you remove the made up USHCN data the current warming is near zero for the last 1,000 years. hmmmmmmm
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Does ONE year matter? The July Satellite result is available from UAH. Anomalies last 2 months are back into the range of The Pause. 0.21degC June, 0.28degC July.. Here''s the part that REALLY REALLY matters.

From Dr. Roy's site

The linear temperature trend of the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomalies from January 1979 through July 2017 is now +0.13 C/decade.

That's a real snooze if this is the apocalyptic end of the planet --- isn't it? ENTIRE SAT history is 1.3degC/Century.. So much wasted "Environmentalism".. We should get BACK to making the planet cleaner and preserving life..

This is why I believe we'll see about another 1c by 2100! Now this if you believe in mann or Hansen would be the warmest temperatures in 125 thousand years. So we have some serious sea level change in the tap.

If the Earth is literally destroy itself because of an AVERAGE ANNUAL change of 1degC by 2100, we bought a Junker of a Planet to live on. And 1DEG is NOTHING like the original predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 that Hansen was scaring folks with in the 1980s. So why would I care if Hansen wants to lie and misrepresent what all those historical proxy tree thermometers can REALLY tell us about the natural range of Temperature variability on Earth?
Mr. Flacaltenn, you are engaging in blatant dishonesty. No competent scientist is claiming that the Earth will be destroyed by 1 C or 4 C by 2100. What is being claimed is that the rise in temperature will seriously impact the lives of the human population on this planet.
Only an unscientific loon parrots the twaddle that today's climate is optimum.
when just 12-16 thousand years are interglacial and the other 90 thousand years are -6 to -8 deg C from where we are today, the average temp and optimum temp is lower.. Much lower... We have been enjoying a reasonably stable time for 14,600 years and we are over due for the next glacial cycle..
Once you add in the fake data set of "Warming trapped by the deep ocean" you can make this year any temperature at all
Once you add in the fake data set of "Warming trapped by the deep ocean" you can make this year any temperature at all
I was going over the new charts and models for the fall and winter quarters. Its already cooled down to 42 deg lat and most of the nation is experiencing -5 to -10 deg F ... the Midwest is already lining up for a cold snap in the next few weeks. I am hoping that the crops are in soon...

The pause has officially resumed this month...20 years 1 month... Damn....
Once you add in the fake data set of "Warming trapped by the deep ocean" you can make this year any temperature at all
I was going over the new charts and models for the fall and winter quarters. Its already cooled down to 42 deg lat and most of the nation is experiencing -5 to -10 deg F ... the Midwest is already lining up for a cold snap in the next few weeks. I am hoping that the crops are in soon...

The pause has officially resumed this month...20 years 1 month... Damn....

It's been 65-75F here the last 2 days awesome September weather
Does ONE year matter? The July Satellite result is available from UAH. Anomalies last 2 months are back into the range of The Pause. 0.21degC June, 0.28degC July.. Here''s the part that REALLY REALLY matters.

From Dr. Roy's site

The linear temperature trend of the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomalies from January 1979 through July 2017 is now +0.13 C/decade.

That's a real snooze if this is the apocalyptic end of the planet --- isn't it? ENTIRE SAT history is 1.3degC/Century.. So much wasted "Environmentalism".. We should get BACK to making the planet cleaner and preserving life..

This is why I believe we'll see about another 1c by 2100! Now this if you believe in mann or Hansen would be the warmest temperatures in 125 thousand years. So we have some serious sea level change in the tap.

If the Earth is literally destroy itself because of an AVERAGE ANNUAL change of 1degC by 2100, we bought a Junker of a Planet to live on. And 1DEG is NOTHING like the original predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 that Hansen was scaring folks with in the 1980s. So why would I care if Hansen wants to lie and misrepresent what all those historical proxy tree thermometers can REALLY tell us about the natural range of Temperature variability on Earth?
Mr. Flacaltenn, you are engaging in blatant dishonesty. No competent scientist is claiming that the Earth will be destroyed by 1 C or 4 C by 2100. What is being claimed is that the rise in temperature will seriously impact the lives of the human population on this planet.

The NYTimes has done it. CBS News has done it. SING ALONG NOW -- "Birds do it --- Bees DO it -- Even educated Fleas do it -- Let's do it -- Lets quote Hansen"....

You can't sit there and tell me that a cadre of activists in labcoats and Al Gore hasn't been providing cover and stoking the FEAR for about 3 decades now. Almost MONTHLY pictures of Miami, NY, Hong Kong --- all 10 feet under water. TV graphics of a 212degF OCEAN TEMPERATURE. Now WhereTheFuck did they get that one huh??

They were wrong. And unprincipled to stoke those fears. That's your sainted "wise ones". The ones telling people that THEY KNOW FOR SURE -- that's there's NEVER EVER been a 200 yr temp spike like OURS today for (pick a number chief) 10,000, 100,000 years.. MAYBE even 10 MILLION years. When they CANNOT measure a global temperature with that time resolution or spatial resolution over those periods.

It's lost all traction and cred. BECAUSE of the absurd propaganda campaign.. A lot of it PUSHED by the warmers on this forum since I was just a youngin'.. :lol:
My prediction for 2017-2025 was for neutral years to be in the mid .75's early on. So if we see a .8c it'll be about 4-5 years early.

2015 had a very strong nino so I doubt we'll see anything higher then the .87c with a neutral within that period. So I'd expect a shit load of 3rd. 4th and 5th's the next 3-5 years for Neutral years.
Does ONE year matter? The July Satellite result is available from UAH. Anomalies last 2 months are back into the range of The Pause. 0.21degC June, 0.28degC July.. Here''s the part that REALLY REALLY matters.

From Dr. Roy's site

The linear temperature trend of the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomalies from January 1979 through July 2017 is now +0.13 C/decade.

That's a real snooze if this is the apocalyptic end of the planet --- isn't it? ENTIRE SAT history is 1.3degC/Century.. So much wasted "Environmentalism".. We should get BACK to making the planet cleaner and preserving life..

This is why I believe we'll see about another 1c by 2100! Now this if you believe in mann or Hansen would be the warmest temperatures in 125 thousand years. So we have some serious sea level change in the tap.

If the Earth is literally destroy itself because of an AVERAGE ANNUAL change of 1degC by 2100, we bought a Junker of a Planet to live on. And 1DEG is NOTHING like the original predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 that Hansen was scaring folks with in the 1980s. So why would I care if Hansen wants to lie and misrepresent what all those historical proxy tree thermometers can REALLY tell us about the natural range of Temperature variability on Earth?
Mr. Flacaltenn, you are engaging in blatant dishonesty. No competent scientist is claiming that the Earth will be destroyed by 1 C or 4 C by 2100. What is being claimed is that the rise in temperature will seriously impact the lives of the human population on this planet.

The NYTimes has done it. CBS News has done it. SING ALONG NOW -- "Birds do it --- Bees DO it -- Even educated Fleas do it -- Let's do it -- Lets quote Hansen"....

You can't sit there and tell me that a cadre of activists in labcoats and Al Gore hasn't been providing cover and stoking the FEAR for about 3 decades now. Almost MONTHLY pictures of Miami, NY, Hong Kong --- all 10 feet under water. TV graphics of a 212degF OCEAN TEMPERATURE. Now WhereTheFuck did they get that one huh??

They were wrong. And unprincipled to stoke those fears. That's your sainted "wise ones". The ones telling people that THEY KNOW FOR SURE -- that's there's NEVER EVER been a 200 yr temp spike like OURS today for (pick a number chief) 10,000, 100,000 years.. MAYBE even 10 MILLION years. When they CANNOT measure a global temperature with that time resolution or spatial resolution over those periods.

It's lost all traction and cred. BECAUSE of the absurd propaganda campaign.. A lot of it PUSHED by the warmers on this forum since I was just a youngin'.. :lol:

58F this morning in Westchester County
My prediction, no amount of failed predictions will make the Cult reevaluate their end objective of control of the world economy
Does ONE year matter? The July Satellite result is available from UAH. Anomalies last 2 months are back into the range of The Pause. 0.21degC June, 0.28degC July.. Here''s the part that REALLY REALLY matters.

From Dr. Roy's site

That's a real snooze if this is the apocalyptic end of the planet --- isn't it? ENTIRE SAT history is 1.3degC/Century.. So much wasted "Environmentalism".. We should get BACK to making the planet cleaner and preserving life..

This is why I believe we'll see about another 1c by 2100! Now this if you believe in mann or Hansen would be the warmest temperatures in 125 thousand years. So we have some serious sea level change in the tap.

If the Earth is literally destroy itself because of an AVERAGE ANNUAL change of 1degC by 2100, we bought a Junker of a Planet to live on. And 1DEG is NOTHING like the original predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 that Hansen was scaring folks with in the 1980s. So why would I care if Hansen wants to lie and misrepresent what all those historical proxy tree thermometers can REALLY tell us about the natural range of Temperature variability on Earth?
Mr. Flacaltenn, you are engaging in blatant dishonesty. No competent scientist is claiming that the Earth will be destroyed by 1 C or 4 C by 2100. What is being claimed is that the rise in temperature will seriously impact the lives of the human population on this planet.
Only an unscientific loon parrots the twaddle that today's climate is optimum.
when just 12-16 thousand years are interglacial and the other 90 thousand years are -6 to -8 deg C from where we are today, the average temp and optimum temp is lower.. Much lower... We have been enjoying a reasonably stable time for 14,600 years and we are over due for the next glacial cycle..
The most prolific period of life on earth was when there was no ice in the polar regions.

Good luck trying to grow any crops in the world if the temperature goes down 8C
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Only a total fucking idiot like you discounts the fact that the climate could be a lost worse for human agriculture. And the evidence from the effects thus far is that the rapid warming will make it worse in that and other categories.
Obviously a perspective from someone living in a tiny apartment in a big city.

Corn requires a soil temperature of 50F to germinate. Your supposed optimum of the world being 8C cooler would eliminate most farm belts in the world.
Only a total fucking idiot like you discounts the fact that the climate could be a lost worse for human agriculture. And the evidence from the effects thus far is that the rapid warming will make it worse in that and other categories.
Obviously a perspective from someone living in a tiny apartment in a big city.

Corn requires a soil temperature of 50F to germinate. Your supposed optimum of the world being 8C cooler would eliminate most farm belts in the world.
These idiots don't have a clue what the mean temperature long term is... Or how it will affect the global populace when it returns..
Since 1996 the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere has decreased and so goes the violent weather events in direct correlation to it... Less water vapor means less heat retention in our atmosphere and thus a reduced pressure differential to cause these storms.... We have been cooling, as a general rule since about 1996.. A simple graph showing just how wrong the AGW hypothesis is and how badly it has failed empirical review..

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