How will Trump deal with Mexico's new leftist president?

If he can work against corruption in Mexico and not annoy Trump, they''ll get along just fine. Big "ifs".
It's well noted you have not posted a single trusted credibile link to your claim, but the last time I looked 2/3's of our oil comes from Mexico & Canada, which keeps us away from mid eastern oil. Now if you don't think that they could murder our economy, you've got your head shoved up your dark spot. You'll also note from the chart below that Mexico also buys oil from us, and the entire middle part of this country gets their oil from Canada which is refined here through their pipeline. Oil is Mexico's number one industry, tourism is 2nd to that. Canada & Mexico are also our 2nd and 3rd largest buyers of American products, cars, appliances, food, electronics, etc. etc. and you think that Trump can fuck around with them without any blow back to your wallet.
How much petroleum does the United States import and export? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Reading hasn't killed anyone yet, you might want to try this one.
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Then you can read this:
Trump's tariffs backfire on Harley-Davidson - CNN Video
Canada hits $13 billion of US goods with new tariffs
Mexico threatens to ditch US corn imports | Daily Mail Online
I've already schooled you on this, and you still don't get. You're a slow learner. Again, we have the MARKET. Mexico and Canada NEED us. When you're in business and you're selling, you don't piss off your customers. If you do, you LOSE SALES. Is this beginning to focus for you ?

As for the oil we get from Mexico and Canada, it's not a big deal. We can replace it with oil that we drill for here in the US, and much of it is already replaced by natural gas.

Your links - All you're doing is throwing out pieces of the puzzle. The bottom line to all of this is that WE HAVE THE BIG, BIG MARKET, and every country in the world knows it. When push comes to shove, they will back down on all of this, because they need the US to sell to, much more than we need them.

As for your 1930s link, it's irrelavent. Back then, US companies had not deserted the US and moved to 3rd world countries. It's a different scenario now, and one that needs fixing, which is what Trump is doing.

As for "credible link", lol. that's liberal mentality. You need somebody else to do your thinking for you ? I don't.
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My impression is that the last 30 years haven't worked out so well for Mexico. I don't know anything about this new guy, can't imagine Trump being against that country attempting to get its act together. Just as long as this guy doesn't pull a Castro and nationalize things down there.
If he can work against corruption in Mexico and not annoy Trump, they''ll get along just fine. Big "ifs".

Not annoy Trump? That's funny.
He'll have to go a very long way to stop annoying Trump. He'd have to get all his remittance imperialism "troops" out of the US. He'd have to get all his anchor baby family welfare leeches out of here. He'd have to stop sending people here. He'd have to pay for the wall. He'd have to reimburse the US for Trillions$$, stolen in remittance and welfare for 70 years. And lastly, he'd have to :anj_stfu:
Nope--Oil is Mexico's number one industry, tourism is 2nd. In fact the government owns all of the Pemex (gas stations) in the country which is how they fund the government. The Mexican government is funded by oil. They export a ton of it to the United States as does Canada.

If they cut us off, or drive up the prices on the oil they export to us, we're fucked.
I strongly suggest you never go into business. You have exactly the opposite of the kind of mind that is required to be successful in business.
You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page. Now unless you can produce a trusted credbile verifiable link on this board, your comments go into the :bsflag:file.
Typical liberal mindset. Hey dum dum. We're not all snowed by the liberal ruse that we must adhere to links (all from liberal sources). Try thinking for yourself. Just because somebody, somewhere, says something, that doesn't necessarily prove squat. Again, we don't need your university, media, and think tank links, Mr liberal.

I've shown here in USMB, many times what :bsflag:liberal links so often are. The New York Times linked to and touted a study about racism (Stephens-Davidowitz). Ann Coulter made mince meat out if it in her book Mugged (pg. 240-241) Read it and learn why we conservatives just laugh at your linking obsession.
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How will he deal with the New Mex Prez?

Probably very simple...Invite him to Washington
for discussion on trade and immigration. Discussion
on how the countries can work together to destroy
the drug cartels in Mexico.

Simple, expected stuff. The Donald is holding on the
Aces...he can be cordial and can create an environment
that would make the new Mex President look good to his
people and still get what we want out of Mexico.

The Mex Prez would be a fool not to accept a good deal.

If he is a fool, just cut him off, as others have suggested,
from the American market.

The Donald is a very subtle person. He does things all the
time that shows how he is really in control of things, globally.
The guy is big time intelligent.

This guy in Mexico is in way over his head with The Donald.

Just look at Germany/Iran/Tariffs. Iran is hurting because we
are demanding that our NATO allies support the oil embargo.
The he made a phone call and the Saudi's will increase their
production, to the horror of Iran. Merkel took a big hit at the
German voting box yesterday, losing three German states.
Now she is negotiating with Turkey not to allow illegal imnmigrants
to migrate into Greece where, eventually they wind up in Germany.
At the same time...the Pentagon has announced it is researching
taking American Troops out of Germany.

Angie is getting it from all sides. The Germans that would be unemployed
and the Germans who make a good amount of money serving American
troops and their families in Germany would equal about 500,000 Germans
getting a massive, personal, financial hurt put on them.

Don't kid yourselves...Mexico needs us, The Germans needs us. The EU
needs us and those fucking Canadians need us. AND NATO NEEDS US.
We meet next week. They all know they better have some answers that we
like. We ain't gonna fuck around with them this time. They have had
plenty of opportunity to meet their agreed on goals.

People like to say we are mistreating "our allies." Let me tell y'all something.
We've defended their asses for 70 years with our men and our money. It's
about time they become "good allies to us."
Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

Trump will insult him, like he has ever other world leader. I wouldn't expect anything different from him.

Who has he insulted, if asking them to pay their fair share is insulting then maybe they should be insulted don’t you think? Or maybe you would rather keep paying their part so as to not insult them.

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People like to say we are mistreating "our allies." Let me tell y'all something.
We've defended their asses for 70 years with our men and our money.
That's because you haven't wanted them to defend themselves by nuking up. And then you moan about it. Ffs. You are as nuanced as DJT.
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People like to say we are mistreating "our allies." Let me tell y'all something.
We've defended their asses for 70 years with our men and our money.
That's because you haven't wanted them to defend themselves by nuking up. And then you moan about it. Ffs.
Can you blame 'em?

Do you REALLY want Germany or Japan to "nuke up"?

Keeping out members of gangs and cartels is top priority but not too far behind is anti-communism. We will need to provide refuge and working papers to actual refugees from the communist regimes of Latin America or betray our own principles. How do we do that without getting mostly economic refugees instead?
If it comes to that, we simply refuse to accept ANY further immigrants from our southern border... hell, we're full-up and really don't need any more, anyway.
Can you blame 'em?

Do you REALLY want Germany or Japan to "nuke up"?

Then stop moaning about the cost of it if you don't want it.

edit...Oh. To answer your question, yes. If the current nuclear powers won't recognise their obligation to disarm, as they obviously don't, the only recourse is for everyone else to nuke up.

At least it might change what pinheads moan about.
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deportation of illegals and arming anti-communist movements has been policy for decades. A policy we should maintain

Mexico elected leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a landslide victory on Sunday, according to exit polls showing the former mayor with double-digit leads over his competitors.

López Obrador, 64, mounted his third bid for the presidency with promises to rein in widespread corruption and fight poverty within the country. A former mayor of Mexico City, he will replace current President Enrique Peña Nieto and has promised to upend traditional party politics.

He would be the first leftist president in more than 30 years.

Mexico Elects Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Far left. Landslide victory. First leftist president in over 30 years. How will Trump deal with him? Comments?

What's his immigration and trade policies?

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