How will you feel about Tom Cruise taking over as the next head of Scientology?

Don't really care. Though I can't imagine taking spiritual counsel from Tom cruise
He wouldn't be close to the first celebrity-turned-cult-leader. I mean, millions of women around the world already do from Oprah.
obama has the cult leader role locked up. They'd suck the turds right out of his ass and stand in line for it.
Scientology is a criminal organisation - nothing else.

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Scientology is a criminal organisation - nothing else.
It's also:
  • An organized religion.
  • A spiritual system.
  • Pseudoscience.
  • A threat to national security.
  • Extremely wealthy.
  • A cash cow for lawyers.
I'm sure I could think of many more things. :)

Scientology is a criminal organstions - nothing else. It has nothing to do with religion. If I would be a friend of conspiracy theories, then I could even imagine their knowledge how to manipulate religions and religious people finds an equivalent in the godignoring leaders of organisations like the "islamic state" and others. All this people are far from any seriosity in religious questions and spiritual live.

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I once read that Hubbard, jokingly, made a bet with his drinking buddies that he could start his own religion...Hence:
Scientology arose..!!
I once read that Hubbard, jokingly, made a bet with his drinking buddies that he could start his own religion...Hence:
Scientology arose..!!

I think you can find that 'joke' in the Book "Blown for Good". By the way, according to the book, it was not a joke but one of Hubbards plans to become rich.
While I can't find any hard proof that he's Miscavige's heir, it does seem highly likely due to their well known bromance.

I think it would be awesome. He would probably let some of their hostages go. He might bring a sense of morality to the organization.

I fear morality is the last what victims of scientology need. They have to fight for their own survival and they need to know how to bite the leaders of scientology. Tom Cruise for example - alias Baron of the lies Münchhausen ah sorry: Count Stauffenberg - forgot to eliminate his nazi-like organisation before he bought in Germany an award for his extrarordinary courage to fight in 2008 with cameras against Hitler in the name of Graf Stauffenberg like a Valkyrie. What a big discomfort for everyone who resisted in Hitler and their descendants and followers worldwide. The people who really resisted in Hitler fought for freedom but not for criminal mindmanipulating organisations like scientology.

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