How will YOU survive the collapse?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Conservatism and liberalism are two opposite human tendencies. The former emphasizes tradition, thrift, stability, order, and safety. The latter emphasizes replacing the old with something new, investment, progressive revolution, creativity, and personal freedom. A society requires both in balance to remain healthy. Too much of the former stifles innovation and growth and ultimately leads to a brittle, static culture in which any attempt at progress must be actively prevented. Too much of the latter removes any safeguard against one's fellow man and ultimately leads to a chaotic state of permanent revolution. Our own society has relatively recently traded the sickness of an excess in the former for an excess in the latter, though we're still watching the pendulum swing unstoppably farther and farther in that direction. What this means is that we're, well, pretty much fucked - and will be especially so when one of the two parties we're allowed to have finishes crumbling and we're left with a de facto single party state. How are you planning to survive the devastation?
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Conservatism and liberalism are two opposite human tendencies. The former emphasizes tradition, thrift, stability, order, and safety. The latter emphasizes replacing the old with something new, investment, progressive revolution, creativity, and personal freedom. A society requires both in balance to remain healthy. Too much of the former stifles innovation and growth and ultimately leads to a brittle, static culture in which any attempt at progress must be actively prevented. Too much of the latter removes any safeguard against one's fellow man and ultimately leads to a chaotic state of permanent revolution. Our own society has relatively recently traded the sickness of an excess in the latter with that of the former, though we're still watching the pendulum swing unstoppably farther and farther in that direction. What this means is that we're, well, pretty much fucked - and will be especially so when one of the two parties we're allowed to have finishes crumbling and we're left with a de facto single party state. How are you planning to survive the devastation?

By not being here when it happens.
Conservatism and liberalism are two opposite human tendencies. The former emphasizes tradition, thrift, stability, order, and safety. The latter emphasizes replacing the old with something new, investment, progressive revolution, creativity, and personal freedom. A society requires both in balance to remain healthy. Too much of the former stifles innovation and growth and ultimately leads to a brittle, static culture in which any attempt at progress must be actively prevented. Too much of the latter removes any safeguard against one's fellow man and ultimately leads to a chaotic state of permanent revolution. Our own society has relatively recently traded the sickness of an excess in the latter with that of the former, though we're still watching the pendulum swing unstoppably farther and farther in that direction. What this means is that we're, well, pretty much fucked - and will be especially so when one of the two parties we're allowed to have finishes crumbling and we're left with a de facto single party state. How are you planning to survive the devastation?

By not being here when it happens.
Late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, it is way more than half past don't give a shit, let it rip.

I'm going to survive by taking shit from pussies.
when it's for real, you won't have any CHOICe but to play, at least, none other than suicide or doing whatever it takes. the great majority might as well suicide the first day of shtf and save themselves days or weeks of agony. the only way to "not be here" is to be dead. When the US collapses, the world will collapse with it. Guaranteed. anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
By killing myself? By being a new leader who will change all?
What are the options?
the nuke sub crews will become pirates, preying upon whatever ships they can find at sea, so as to take their supplies. Fishing boats will be especially at-risk.
no place is going to be safe, only fools think otherwise. everywhere else, you will be the 'foreigner" who is to be preyed upon. I'm going to just hide out, underground, during the daylight hours, for a year. Meanwhile, 90-99% of the population will have died/been killed. It will then be much safer/easier to go scrounge whatever is needed, and cache what is valuable for future barter. Everyone will need to know how to grow and prepare sprouts. Any detectable fields will be raided, all livestock will be killed.
you'd better learn how to use a Dakota firepit for cooking and not BE anywhere that you need to burn wood/coal for warmth. Smoke signals and tracks in the snow will call in your killers, as will unsilenced shots, chain saw noise, chopping, etc.
Conservatism and liberalism are two opposite human tendencies. The former emphasizes tradition, thrift, stability, order, and safety. The latter emphasizes replacing the old with something new, investment, progressive revolution, creativity, and personal freedom. A society requires both in balance to remain healthy. Too much of the former stifles innovation and growth and ultimately leads to a brittle, static culture in which any attempt at progress must be actively prevented. Too much of the latter removes any safeguard against one's fellow man and ultimately leads to a chaotic state of permanent revolution. Our own society has relatively recently traded the sickness of an excess in the former for an excess in the latter, though we're still watching the pendulum swing unstoppably farther and farther in that direction. What this means is that we're, well, pretty much fucked - and will be especially so when one of the two parties we're allowed to have finishes crumbling and we're left with a de facto single party state. How are you planning to survive the devastation?

I'll breathe air, drink water and eat food just like I did before the devastation.

Whoop ti do!! Devastation! I am scared.
I'll breathe air, drink water and eat food just like I did before the devastation.

Whoop ti do!! Devastation! I am scared.
People don't seem to be thinking through what a leftist single party state will be like. It's going to lead to the disintegration of the economy and a slow slide into mediocrity and weakness, but it's also going to take a long time for the kind of anarchy envisioned to occur. That might not happen at all, depending on which foreign power takes the most advantage of our situation. Think more late 80s USSR and less Fallout.
the nuke sub crews will become pirates, preying upon whatever ships they can find at sea, so as to take their supplies. Fishing boats will be especially at-risk.

Not quite. Yes, nuke subs will be able to find surface ships, and could sink any of them. But if you have ever been on a nuke sub at the surface, you would know that they are NOT capable of boarding a boat that doesn't want them. Perhaps if they have a SEAL team attached, but that is all.

And all it take to stop swimmer is active sonar pings.
no place is going to be safe, only fools think otherwise. everywhere else, you will be the 'foreigner" who is to be preyed upon. I'm going to just hide out, underground, during the daylight hours, for a year. Meanwhile, 90-99% of the population will have died/been killed. It will then be much safer/easier to go scrounge whatever is needed, and cache what is valuable for future barter. Everyone will need to know how to grow and prepare sprouts. Any detectable fields will be raided, all livestock will be killed.

Or be in a valley in the middle of nowhere, with limited access and a small community of people to work with.

Gardens, livestock and people will be reasonably safe. The odd sniper might cost us a life or two, but then the sniper would be dead.
I'll breathe air, drink water and eat food just like I did before the devastation.

Whoop ti do!! Devastation! I am scared.
People don't seem to be thinking through what a leftist single party state will be like. It's going to lead to the disintegration of the economy and a slow slide into mediocrity and weakness, but it's also going to take a long time for the kind of anarchy envisioned to occur. That might not happen at all, depending on which foreign power takes the most advantage of our situation. Think more late 80s USSR and less Fallout.

People also fail to realize that every single human being will die. Panicking over imaginary and/or realistic scenarios will not prevent our inevitable decay into death. Enjoy the life you have. Stop panicking over what ifs. Even if these devastation scenarios do come true then it isn't that big of a deal. You still die either way.
I'll breathe air, drink water and eat food just like I did before the devastation.

Whoop ti do!! Devastation! I am scared.
People don't seem to be thinking through what a leftist single party state will be like. It's going to lead to the disintegration of the economy and a slow slide into mediocrity and weakness, but it's also going to take a long time for the kind of anarchy envisioned to occur. That might not happen at all, depending on which foreign power takes the most advantage of our situation. Think more late 80s USSR and less Fallout.

People also fail to realize that every single human being will die. Panicking over imaginary and/or realistic scenarios will not prevent our inevitable decay into death. Enjoy the life you have. Stop panicking over what ifs. Even if these devastation scenarios do come true then it isn't that big of a deal. You still die either way.

I think there are three categories of people where this topic is concerned.

1) Totally unprepared - They can live a happy & productive life as long as the SHTF scenarios never happen.
2) Totally focused on SHTF - Unprepared for life now, and focus all their energy on something that may or may not happen.
3) Living today with an eye on possibilities - This is the best way, imho. Make some preparations and such, but live life to the fullest now too.


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