How worried about the 2018 elections are the dems?


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Worried enough that here in Missouri McCaskill is already running radio ads. Any other dems doing this or is she especially desperate to seem like she does something other than tow the democrat line?
Worried enough that here in Missouri McCaskill is already running radio ads. Any other dems doing this or is she especially desperate to seem like she does something other than tow the democrat line?

Dims don't need to win election cuz they own the courts.

Elections no longer matter.
Worried enough that here in Missouri McCaskill is already running radio ads. Any other dems doing this or is she especially desperate to seem like she does something other than tow the democrat line?

Dims don't need to win election cuz they own the courts.

Elections no longer matter.
They won't own them long. We're one RBG stroke from changing that for a generation.
The party of the president NEVER wins the midterm if the president's approval is in the forties or lower.

To be worried, the Democrats would have to reject history.
The party of the president NEVER wins the midterm if the president's approval is in the forties or lower.

To be worried, the Democrats would have to reject history.
. Since when does history matter anymore ??
Democrats reject history all the time. And ignore it. And rewrite it.
Whatever it takes for that day
The party of the president NEVER wins the midterm if the president's approval is in the forties or lower.

To be worried, the Democrats would have to reject history.
The dems should worry. They need to find some more young leaders and start focusing on working class issues, jobs and the economy. Instead they cling to old fossils like Clinton and Pelosi and focus peripheral crap that no one really cares about like transgender bathrooms.
Democrats reject history all the time. And ignore it. And rewrite it.
Whatever it takes for that day
Not only do they reject history they they get all worked claiming you're on the wrong side of it. Remember the floppy eared moron lecturing us about that?
Worried enough that here in Missouri McCaskill is already running radio ads. Any other dems doing this or is she especially desperate to seem like she does something other than tow the democrat line?

Just don't run another dick like Todd Akin again.

She's an easy win if you guys do it right.
The party of the president NEVER wins the midterm if the president's approval is in the forties or lower.

To be worried, the Democrats would have to reject history.

Please keep that complacency.

The only reason she is still in is because the GOP ran a Trump-like moron against her six years ago.
I've been wondering about 2018 elections, actually. I usually don't ponder them much but this election was different in more than one way.
After Trump won... I kid you not... I was astounded at the reaction of the left. Countless camera views of grown ups in tears. Because they didn't get their way. Dumbfounded! I remember feeling much the same stunned disbelief when that asshole jury let oj go. I thought... oh no. They're so gonna regret looking so foolish later.
Then came crowds and screaming and gnashing of teefs. Thumping their chests, then thumping on others and car fires, breaking windows and a great gob of giant vaginas strolling down the avenue.
WTF? America asked itself... why for vaginas?
And I thought... these stupid fucks won't get it in time to save 2018 for them
I've been wondering about 2018 elections, actually. I usually don't ponder them much but this election was different in more than one way.
After Trump won... I kid you not... I was astounded at the reaction of the left. Countless camera views of grown ups in tears. Because they didn't get their way. Dumbfounded! I remember feeling much the same stunned disbelief when that asshole jury let oj go. I thought... oh no. They're so gonna regret looking so foolish later.
Then came crowds and screaming and gnashing of teefs. Thumping their chests, then thumping on others and car fires, breaking windows and a great gob of giant vaginas strolling down the avenue.
WTF? America asked itself... why for vaginas?
And I thought... these stupid fucks won't get it in time to save 2018 for them
. They think they are the majority that has been robbed, so their failures will be the only reality in which they will understand going foward. Every battle lost will bring them closer to their senses once again, but they will have to keep losing in order to bring them around or back to their senses finally. The media must be the first one to drain as it is a swamp harboring some really vile monsters....It is the thing that keeps fooling these people with the unending propaganda that it constantly spews out for them or will have them believe.
My Republican Congressman is running radio ads as well.
Worried enough that here in Missouri McCaskill is already running radio ads. Any other dems doing this or is she especially desperate to seem like she does something other than tow the democrat line?

Just don't run another dick like Todd Akin again.

She's an easy win if you guys do it right.
I think that's what she's worried about. But as long as the dems are spending this early in fighting for a seat that's all but gone I'm good with it.
She might also be worried that a Bernie clone might beat her in the primary or that the DNC will pull a Blanche Lincoln on her to preserve ideological purity. With the Ds the smart money bets on stupid.
She might also be worried that a Bernie clone might beat her in the primary or that the DNC will pull a Blanche Lincoln on her to preserve ideological purity. With the Ds the smart money bets on stupid.
They just spent a shitload to lose in Georgia so you're probably correct.

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