How would a rape/incest exception for abortion work?

A good father would have no problem answering that question.

I would absolutely support my daughter with regards to any choice she would end up making.

But, see, you're a shitty father, so you would insist that your wishes in the situation be the only ones given any regard.

That you're unable to say otherwise removes all doubt...
you should go on the road with your mind reading hustle,,

I wouldnt charge money though,, that would be theft,,
you should go on the road with your mind reading hustle,,

I wouldnt charge money though,, that would be theft,,

And your feeble mind is easy to read.

You don't have to say it. You would force your daughter to carry a rape pregnancy to term. To Hell with what your daughter might want, you only care about what you want. You can't prove me wrong because you know I'm not wrong.

You're a hypocrite and a lying scumbag...
Time to move on from talk about member’s daughters, threads getting derailed.
its ruled by a constitution for almost 250 yrs [...]
What bullshit. Oh. You mean where a constitution enabled chattel slavery for nearly 40% of that time then allowed segregation and discrimination for around another 40%?

I stand corrected. Very successful.
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I'm anti choice but even I must admit that I have no desire to force a girl or woman who becomes pregnant by rape or incest to carry the child of their abuser to term.

But how would this work? For obvious reasons you couldn't simply have a pregnant woman show up and claim she was a victim of rape or incest out of the blue. Some level of proof of the assault would logically be required.

How would this work in the real world?
Abortion laws are unworkable to begin with. But in the case of rape, 9 out of 10 rape cases are not reported. The women who report raped are made to be felt like criminals themselves so most choose not to report it. If you have a law that says you're guilty of a crime if you have an abortion that number is going to be even less.
I'm anti choice but even I must admit that I have no desire to force a girl or woman who becomes pregnant by rape or incest to carry the child of their abuser to term.

But how would this work? For obvious reasons you couldn't simply have a pregnant woman show up and claim she was a victim of rape or incest out of the blue. Some level of proof of the assault would logically be required.

How would this work in the real world?
There is no need to have an exception to the law. The alleged victim can hop on a bus to a state that will allow the abortion without any questions. However, if you believe an unborn baby has a right to life, how can it be ok to kill an unborn baby because of who its father is?
Abortion laws are unworkable to begin with. But in the case of rape, 9 out of 10 rape cases are not reported. The women who report raped are made to be felt like criminals themselves so most choose not to report it. If you have a law that says you're guilty of a crime if you have an abortion that number is going to be even less.
Overturning Roe does not make it impossible for any woman to have an abortion, it simply makes it less convenient for women who live in states with restrictive abortion laws, but these women have the option of taking a bus to another state with less restrictive abortion laws.
I'm anti choice but even I must admit that I have no desire to force a girl or woman who becomes pregnant by rape or incest to carry the child of their abuser to term.

But how would this work? For obvious reasons you couldn't simply have a pregnant woman show up and claim she was a victim of rape or incest out of the blue. Some level of proof of the assault would logically be required.

How would this work in the real world?
It doesn’t, hence the problem with the government sticking their nose into something that should only concern the woman and her doctor.
And who did that?

Anways, we understand. It's normal for abusers to blame the abused for making them do it.
Go dig up the video of the NY State legislature giving themselves a standing "O" for passing what was effectively a free pass for infanticide IF the mother chose it. It happened a couple of years back and there was a FURIOUS reaction to it that spurred many off the sidelines and onto the pro-life side. Your party got cocky and insolent thinking no one could ever hold them accountable and they just got bitch-slapped for their trouble.
In Russia and many other countries, they make the rapist marry his victim. Problem solved.
Yes we can but how many actually get caught? Just imagine raising your daughter without money and without help and with a desire to even have a kid. Just think about the hard nights and attention and care that you poured in and what the pour baby would go through with a parent who didn’t have the time or desire. That poor kid would be tortured in a daily basis. Have you thought about that?

You are not going to catch and arrest them all and we don’t have foster care available to handle the load of unwanted or uncared for abused babies and kids.

No one who is against abortion cares about children after they're born. They only care about them when they're zygotes.
I'm anti choice but even I must admit that I have no desire to force a girl or woman who becomes pregnant by rape or incest to carry the child of their abuser to term.

But how would this work? For obvious reasons you couldn't simply have a pregnant woman show up and claim she was a victim of rape or incest out of the blue. Some level of proof of the assault would logically be required.

How would this work in the real world?
Well, the same reason why Socialism never works, people are not honest. So the level of 'rape' claims will increase. As she says, "I met a guy, we were having a drink, then as he drove to his I felt weird, dizzy, and the next thing I knew was waking up on the park bench. I think I was drugged and date raped". So no violence on her body and no suspect.

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