how would biden take my guns.

He isn't going to take your guns.

Be he may try to pass though a law that enables gun manufactures to be sued when someone is hurt or killed by a gun.

He may also try get banks to blackball gun and ammo dealers.

He also may try to tax the sale of guns and ammo so that many people cannot afford to own/use a gun.

He may also try to get laws passed to ban those mean looking guns with handle grips (assault rifles).

There's probably a lot more that I did not think about.

Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level. Gun owners are looking at the wrong level of government when it comes to infringement on our Second Amendment. Any effective and/or sweeping confiscation will happen at the local level.

“Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level.”

I live in a gun sanctuary county. The locals here are not going to go out of their way to confiscate firearms.

Over the years I have talked to cops here in Florida. None seemed eager to attempt to confiscate firearms from an honest person merely because politicians wanted them to. They usually said something like, “We have enough problems taking illegally owned firearms from criminals.”

You may be able to get cops in large urban areas of blue states to go gun grabbing but you may end up shortly with a lot of cops who refuse that mission as it is simply too damn dangerous.

Currently in this nation the citizens lack trust in our government. A high percent will not voluntarily turn in their firearms. The Democratic Party seems to wish to take us down the road to socialism and we have seen how that works out once the civilians give up their guns and it is not pretty.

I personally lack trust in a government that doesn’t trust me to own firearms. Many others feel the same way.
you make a good case for the fogotten 10th amendment.. i had a great chat with a hillsboro sheriff yesterday, i am inspired everytime i talk to a cop or military (obviously, i own there are few things more important to me then the care and safety of our nation defense. who did nancy pelosi call tgen fure when she realised Capitol failure she owns.

thats why i started that petion to have her mentally
evaluated.asap she's second in line afrer kama who isnt natural born then leahy...we're fucked for two years until the next impeachment to begins.

Kamala isn't natural born? Where did you get such a silly idea?
article 2 section 1. grandfather clause. plus no one is arguing the no citizen theory.
with obama tbe argument was his mother was a citizen. his father of cohrse was a british subject. i think his father was subud.. dna will finish the story.
the founders didn't want a king or queen or anyone foreign to birth a baby, hence (ergo) the eligibility of a "president" a concept by George himself.

it's not silly... but we need to ammend the text to "just citizen" for modern as was #12.

but until then...

also i just found a legal source citing wong kim ark as including natural born citizen... why is that.. therr are 2 jobs in the world with those requirements. and wong never ran for anything.
No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.
"No one is coming for your guns, dumbass" - Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Chavez
i don't like them even saying they will..
and i come from the vermont land of trotsky sanders.. i love hearing him defend no gun laws..but that's vermont. people from mass ny nj etc bring drugs to vermont to trade for guns.. bernie doesn't usually bring that up at the podium..
He isn't going to take your guns.

Be he may try to pass though a law that enables gun manufactures to be sued when someone is hurt or killed by a gun.

He may also try get banks to blackball gun and ammo dealers.

He also may try to tax the sale of guns and ammo so that many people cannot afford to own/use a gun.

He may also try to get laws passed to ban those mean looking guns with handle grips (assault rifles).

There's probably a lot more that I did not think about.

Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level. Gun owners are looking at the wrong level of government when it comes to infringement on our Second Amendment. Any effective and/or sweeping confiscation will happen at the local level.

“Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level.”

I live in a gun sanctuary county. The locals here are not going to go out of their way to confiscate firearms.

Over the years I have talked to cops here in Florida. None seemed eager to attempt to confiscate firearms from an honest person merely because politicians wanted them to. They usually said something like, “We have enough problems taking illegally owned firearms from criminals.”

You may be able to get cops in large urban areas of blue states to go gun grabbing but you may end up shortly with a lot of cops who refuse that mission as it is simply too damn dangerous.

Currently in this nation the citizens lack trust in our government. A high percent will not voluntarily turn in their firearms. The Democratic Party seems to wish to take us down the road to socialism and we have seen how that works out once the civilians give up their guns and it is not pretty.

I personally lack trust in a government that doesn’t trust me to own firearms. Many others feel the same way.
you make a good case for the fogotten 10th amendment.. i had a great chat with a hillsboro sheriff yesterday, i am inspired everytime i talk to a cop or military (obviously, i own there are few things more important to me then the care and safety of our nation defense. who did nancy pelosi call tgen fure when she realised Capitol failure she owns.

thats why i started that petion to have her mentally
evaluated.asap she's second in line afrer kama who isnt natural born then leahy...we're fucked for two years until the next impeachment to begins.

Kamala isn't natural born? Where did you get such a silly idea?
article 2 section 1. grandfather clause. plus no one is arguing the no citizen theory.
with obama tbe argument was his mother was a citizen. his father of cohrse was a british subject. i think his father was subud.. dna will finish the story.
the founders didn't want a king or queen or anyone foreign to birth a baby, hence (ergo) the eligibility of a "president" a concept by George himself.

it's not silly... but we need to ammend the text to "just citizen" for modern as was #12.

but until then...

also i just found a legal source citing wong kim ark as including natural born citizen... why is that.. therr are 2 jobs in the world with those requirements. and wong never ran for anything.

She was born in the United States. Have a nice day with your inaccuracies.
He'll never answer.
After that comment, hell no I’m not going to answer.
That comment was a question I asked you.
You said no one is coming for your guns
My question was what is a gun registration for?
Gun registration helps law enforcement solve crimes. But we know how you feel about law enforcement. We watched it live on January 6.
Only on television, lol.
He isn't going to take your guns.

Be he may try to pass though a law that enables gun manufactures to be sued when someone is hurt or killed by a gun.

He may also try get banks to blackball gun and ammo dealers.

He also may try to tax the sale of guns and ammo so that many people cannot afford to own/use a gun.

He may also try to get laws passed to ban those mean looking guns with handle grips (assault rifles).

There's probably a lot more that I did not think about.

Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level. Gun owners are looking at the wrong level of government when it comes to infringement on our Second Amendment. Any effective and/or sweeping confiscation will happen at the local level.

“Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level.”

I live in a gun sanctuary county. The locals here are not going to go out of their way to confiscate firearms.

Over the years I have talked to cops here in Florida. None seemed eager to attempt to confiscate firearms from an honest person merely because politicians wanted them to. They usually said something like, “We have enough problems taking illegally owned firearms from criminals.”

You may be able to get cops in large urban areas of blue states to go gun grabbing but you may end up shortly with a lot of cops who refuse that mission as it is simply too damn dangerous.

Currently in this nation the citizens lack trust in our government. A high percent will not voluntarily turn in their firearms. The Democratic Party seems to wish to take us down the road to socialism and we have seen how that works out once the civilians give up their guns and it is not pretty.

I personally lack trust in a government that doesn’t trust me to own firearms. Many others feel the same way.
you make a good case for the fogotten 10th amendment.. i had a great chat with a hillsboro sheriff yesterday, i am inspired everytime i talk to a cop or military (obviously, i own there are few things more important to me then the care and safety of our nation defense. who did nancy pelosi call tgen fure when she realised Capitol failure she owns.

thats why i started that petion to have her mentally
evaluated.asap she's second in line afrer kama who isnt natural born then leahy...we're fucked for two years until the next impeachment to begins.

Kamala isn't natural born? Where did you get such a silly idea?
article 2 section 1. grandfather clause. plus no one is arguing the no citizen theory.
with obama tbe argument was his mother was a citizen. his father of cohrse was a british subject. i think his father was subud.. dna will finish the story.
the founders didn't want a king or queen or anyone foreign to birth a baby, hence (ergo) the eligibility of a "president" a concept by George himself.

it's not silly... but we need to ammend the text to "just citizen" for modern as was #12.

but until then...

also i just found a legal source citing wong kim ark as including natural born citizen... why is that.. therr are 2 jobs in the world with those requirements. and wong never ran for anything.

She was born in the United States. Have a nice day with your inaccuracies.
so you can't argue the point either... i didn't write the document, although i'd like to tune up #5.
the left "debunked" article 2, actually labeled "conspiracy theory".. i have no way to fight that logic. but you will see, it will come around again.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

Your post clearly shows you don't the meaning of the word communism.

It's not a social policy.

It's an economic police. One that doesn't allow for private ownership of business, property or land.

You are confusing communism with a dictatorship.

But Biden isn't a communist or a dictator. Nor does he want to take your weapons from you.

I'm old enough to remember the republicans screaming that Carter was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed that Clinton was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed Obama was going to take their weapons. He didn't.

Now you're saying that Biden is going to take your weapons. He won't.

You know he won't too yet you want to spread the BS lies in your OP.

Yes we know you have a small penis and are trying to compensate for it.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Lol you idiots say this shit regardless of what a democrat president actually says about guns. You think like children. Secretly, you love this shit is the thing. You pretend to be outraged by the slightest hint of gun control talk but really you love it. Why? Because it gives you a hard on fantasizing about defending your turf in a gun fight with gubmint scum! In reality, you wouldn’t pull the trigger if push came to shove, but the fantasy just gives you feelz.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

Your post clearly shows you don't the meaning of the word communism.

It's not a social policy.

It's an economic police. One that doesn't allow for private ownership of business, property or land.

You are confusing communism with a dictatorship.

But Biden isn't a communist or a dictator. Nor does he want to take your weapons from you.

I'm old enough to remember the republicans screaming that Carter was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed that Clinton was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed Obama was going to take their weapons. He didn't.

Now you're saying that Biden is going to take your weapons. He won't.

You know he won't too yet you want to spread the BS lies in your OP.

Yes we know you have a small penis and are trying to compensate for it.
gee i really don't know you that well.

bernie's the communist.. obama caught a ballgame with butcher (socialist) dictator castro. nobody is worried about cheater joe. he's a harmless joke.. pelosi is my enemy...she is the cruelest queen of America ever. democrats don't suck because they stole the election or because they want to crash the country.. they just suck.. irrespective of what's the size of their package.

no one's taking our guns, we know that, we just don't want to have to be put in that position of having to shoot our fellow countrymen.. and/or women.

the country will be fine.. the pendulum swings both ways..

maybe you do too, it's none of my business.
i try my best not to pay attention to the gun bs....ussc has again and again affirmed gun owners rights...i do not see that changing in the near future....however my son sure the hell does...i stopped discussing the issue when i questioned why the hell he needs 22 magazines...this came up in a discuss of taxing mags...anyways that got me called...'not a typical gun owner' i have 2..and for some reason we must have more than 10 rounds...i question who cant stop someone or two someones with 10 rounds...and that does not endear me to his heart...and i loved when he told his father....that he had purchased the stupidest thing my son had ever much as i agree i would not say it aloud...
contrary to fake news we Vermonters do not hunt deer with assault rifles. and deer absolutely never hunt people.
What's an assault rifle ? I grew up with firearms and served in the military. The weapons I fired in the Army could be called "assault" rifles (no one in the military calls them that) but your average citizen can not own any of those firearms.
He isn't going to take your guns.

Be he may try to pass though a law that enables gun manufactures to be sued when someone is hurt or killed by a gun.

He may also try get banks to blackball gun and ammo dealers.

He also may try to tax the sale of guns and ammo so that many people cannot afford to own/use a gun.

He may also try to get laws passed to ban those mean looking guns with handle grips (assault rifles).

There's probably a lot more that I did not think about.

Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level. Gun owners are looking at the wrong level of government when it comes to infringement on our Second Amendment. Any effective and/or sweeping confiscation will happen at the local level.

“Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level.”

I live in a gun sanctuary county. The locals here are not going to go out of their way to confiscate firearms.

Over the years I have talked to cops here in Florida. None seemed eager to attempt to confiscate firearms from an honest person merely because politicians wanted them to. They usually said something like, “We have enough problems taking illegally owned firearms from criminals.”

You may be able to get cops in large urban areas of blue states to go gun grabbing but you may end up shortly with a lot of cops who refuse that mission as it is simply too damn dangerous.

Currently in this nation the citizens lack trust in our government. A high percent will not voluntarily turn in their firearms. The Democratic Party seems to wish to take us down the road to socialism and we have seen how that works out once the civilians give up their guns and it is not pretty.

I personally lack trust in a government that doesn’t trust me to own firearms. Many others feel the same way.
you make a good case for the fogotten 10th amendment.. i had a great chat with a hillsboro sheriff yesterday, i am inspired everytime i talk to a cop or military (obviously, i own there are few things more important to me then the care and safety of our nation defense. who did nancy pelosi call tgen fure when she realised Capitol failure she owns.

thats why i started that petion to have her mentally
evaluated.asap she's second in line afrer kama who isnt natural born then leahy...we're fucked for two years until the next impeachment to begins.

Kamala isn't natural born? Where did you get such a silly idea?
article 2 section 1. grandfather clause. plus no one is arguing the no citizen theory.
with obama tbe argument was his mother was a citizen. his father of cohrse was a british subject. i think his father was subud.. dna will finish the story.
the founders didn't want a king or queen or anyone foreign to birth a baby, hence (ergo) the eligibility of a "president" a concept by George himself.

it's not silly... but we need to ammend the text to "just citizen" for modern as was #12.

but until then...

also i just found a legal source citing wong kim ark as including natural born citizen... why is that.. therr are 2 jobs in the world with those requirements. and wong never ran for anything.
Where did you study grammar?
It won’t be the ATF. It won’t be the FBI. It will be your local cops. Your city or county police. Your County Sheriffs. Responding to a supposed anonymous tip about illegal weapons.
No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.
No they are just trying to make ownership so expensive and time consuming that the average citizen can't afford them.
Making ownership of firearms so expensive and difficult so the poor can’t own them proves the goal of gun control is the same as it always was. Racism. The rich are afraid of poor whites, poor Hispanics and poor blacks.

New York City is a prime example of how the rich can

It won’t be the ATF. It won’t be the FBI. It will be your local cops. Your city or county police. Your County Sheriffs. Responding to a supposed anonymous tip about illegal weapons.

I live in a county that is a gun sanctuary.

I would imagine the locals would be suspicious of anonymous tips.
No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.
No they are just trying to make ownership so expensive and time consuming that the average citizen can't afford them.
Making ownership of firearms so expensive and difficult so the poor can’t own them proves the goal of gun control is the same as it always was. Racism. The rich are afraid of poor whites, poor Hispanics and poor blacks.

New York City is a prime example of how the rich can

It won’t be the ATF. It won’t be the FBI. It will be your local cops. Your city or county police. Your County Sheriffs. Responding to a supposed anonymous tip about illegal weapons.

I live in a county that is a gun sanctuary.

I would imagine the locals would be suspicious of anonymous tips.

Do you know why Sanctuary Cities worked but Gun sanctuaries won’t?
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

Your post clearly shows you don't the meaning of the word communism.

It's not a social policy.

It's an economic police. One that doesn't allow for private ownership of business, property or land.

You are confusing communism with a dictatorship.

But Biden isn't a communist or a dictator. Nor does he want to take your weapons from you.

I'm old enough to remember the republicans screaming that Carter was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed that Clinton was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed Obama was going to take their weapons. He didn't.

Now you're saying that Biden is going to take your weapons. He won't.

You know he won't too yet you want to spread the BS lies in your OP.

Yes we know you have a small penis and are trying to compensate for it.

Clinton signed the Assault weapon ban....and promptly lost the House of Representatives that the democrats had controlled for 40 years.......that loss made the democrats decide not to push gun control at the federal level..........they then left it to the states and democrat party controlled cities to push gun control...which they have been doing ever since.

When obama came into office his major goal was destroying and taking over private healthcare...he didn't want to lose seats in congress to gun control votes so he concentrated on appointing anti-gun judges and justices...who have been completely ignoring Supreme Court rulings on gun ownership, and declaring that the local and state gun and magazine bans are Constitutional.....he then went on to do the Fast and Furious gun running program to restart the gun control push...which hilary was going to finish with the repeal of the "Lawful Commerce in Arms Act."

hilary and obama were going to let left wing activists destroy the gun makers and sellers through law suits....and hilary was going to use the Department of Justice to sue gun makers and gun sellers into signing consent decrees giving the democrats their gun control without going through congress......... don't know what the fuck you are talking about.....
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

Your post clearly shows you don't the meaning of the word communism.

It's not a social policy.

It's an economic police. One that doesn't allow for private ownership of business, property or land.

You are confusing communism with a dictatorship.

But Biden isn't a communist or a dictator. Nor does he want to take your weapons from you.

I'm old enough to remember the republicans screaming that Carter was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed that Clinton was going to take everyone's weapons. He didn't.

I remember when the republicans screamed Obama was going to take their weapons. He didn't.

Now you're saying that Biden is going to take your weapons. He won't.

You know he won't too yet you want to spread the BS lies in your OP.

Yes we know you have a small penis and are trying to compensate for it.
Actually, Obama loosened gun laws. He signed on to allowing you to play with loaded guns in National parks while Romney was banning guns in Massachusetts. The NRA endorsed the gun grabber.

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