how would biden take my guns.

Gun registration doesn't mean the boogeyman is going to take your guns.

Sure and having sanctuary cities that give drivers licenses to illegals, allows them to be counted in the census and giving them the right to vote in local elections is not effectively having and open border.

Something is wrong with you people.
No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.

Yeah, we know, just like the Democrats don’t want open borders and yet all of their policies effectively do just that without actually posting a sign.

Democrats are so naive.
Funny how whenever a Democrat WINS AN ELECTION, all of a sudden they are coming after your guns.

Of course they never actually come after your guns.
Right wing hysteria at its finest.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
The way these people did it in 1917-1921 Russia is they would go into a town and arrest all the members of, say, the leading 20 families and then give the town a week to turn in 1000 handguns and 1000 rifles. If they didn't reach the required number, they literally began executing their hostages. The Jewish Bolsheviks used hostages extensively to wreak their murderous carnage. They also intentionally targeted the most intelligent Christians and their children for dysgenic slaughter.
That's when the shooting begins and doesn't stop.
He'll never answer.
After that comment, hell no I’m not going to answer.
That comment was a question I asked you.
You said no one is coming for your guns
My question was what is a gun registration for?
Gun registration helps law enforcement solve crimes. But we know how you feel about law enforcement. We watched it live on January 6.
That's a lie
You report your firearm is stolen you give a description of the firearm with the serial number
And that only helps in the recovery of the firearm not in solving any crimes.
OH and my feelings toward law enforcement consist of this
View attachment 459476
Thank you for your service to our armed forces and law enforcement, Sir.

I appreciate all who serve or have served, enabling me to raise my family in a relatively safe and free country.

God bless you and yours. I hope you have a wonderful retirement someday. You have earned it, and society is indebted to you.

No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.

Yeah, we know, just like the Democrats don’t want open borders and yet all of their policies effectively do just that without actually posting a sign.

Democrats are so naive.
Funny how whenever a Democrat WINS AN ELECTION, all of a sudden they are coming after your guns.

Of course they never actually come after your guns.
Right wing hysteria at its finest.
why is it that they are the only ones pushing gun control?
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
One bullet at a time.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
One bullet at a time.
one projectile at a time spent casing
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

So you're fine with laws restricting buying guns, ammo and coming down on you if you try to defend yourself with a gun as long as they don't go door to door and confiscate them? Seriously?
it's like the old chesnut "we've established you are a prostitute, now we're just negotiating the price".

How is it like that?

Your OP implies they aren't coming and confiscating your guns, so it's fine. I pointed out there's a lot they can do to cancel the usefulness and persecute you for them, like charging you for murder if you shoot someone who breaks into your home and making it pretty much impossible to carry your guns in defense outside your home.

You you get my point or not?
again Vermont and Florida have no gun laws. i still carry quietly when im in DC. it's worth the civil disobedience. (walden pond)

Your OP asked if they are coming for our guns. I answered your question. They don't have to. I told you just a few of the things they do in many places across the country now

I don't see how anything you've said makes Democrats not a threat to our gun rights. They're aiming to change the constitution by stacking the courts and having leftist justices just remove our rights.

They don't have to go door to door
This is a lie – as idiotic as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Conservatives control the courts – the Supreme Court in particular.

No new gun laws are going to be passed – no ‘bans,’ no ‘confiscations’; at least half a dozen Senate Democrats would vote against such measures.

And even if a new AWB were enacted – which it won’t – the conservative Supreme Court would invalidate it.

Stop with the moronic lies.
the courts are in trouble.. iv'e been researching natural born citizen.. there is a sentiment that congress can change article two section one. basically queen nancy gets to pick.
that's just wrong.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

Thats what all the lemmings say and then the govt comes and takes them and people turn them in and obey. Then the govt starts killing its populace. Its happened over and over and over and over but the newest generation always says they'll get it right this time.
you are always wise LBT..

Haha!! Too kind wash.....but I'm still learning.
that's what i like about you. you are respectful and open minded.. not a troll. i think i've weeded them out.. they don't mess with me.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

So you're fine with laws restricting buying guns, ammo and coming down on you if you try to defend yourself with a gun as long as they don't go door to door and confiscate them? Seriously?
it's like the old chesnut "we've established you are a prostitute, now we're just negotiating the price".

How is it like that?

Your OP implies they aren't coming and confiscating your guns, so it's fine. I pointed out there's a lot they can do to cancel the usefulness and persecute you for them, like charging you for murder if you shoot someone who breaks into your home and making it pretty much impossible to carry your guns in defense outside your home.

You you get my point or not?
again Vermont and Florida have no gun laws. i still carry quietly when im in DC. it's worth the civil disobedience. (walden pond)

Your OP asked if they are coming for our guns. I answered your question. They don't have to. I told you just a few of the things they do in many places across the country now

I don't see how anything you've said makes Democrats not a threat to our gun rights. They're aiming to change the constitution by stacking the courts and having leftist justices just remove our rights.

They don't have to go door to door
This is a lie – as idiotic as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Conservatives control the courts – the Supreme Court in particular.

No new gun laws are going to be passed – no ‘bans,’ no ‘confiscations’; at least half a dozen Senate Democrats would vote against such measures.

And even if a new AWB were enacted – which it won’t – the conservative Supreme Court would invalidate it.

Stop with the moronic lies.

I currently have little faith in our government.

The Democratic Party has gone batshit crazy and is in favor of draconian socialism, against the police, for illegal immigration and against fossil fuel. It appears the Dems want power and all the power they can get. Draconian gun control including gun bans and confiscations would help them take full control of this nation. They would no longer have to fear the people once they disarm them. They could round up dissidents and send them off to re-education camps in the middle of Alaska.

Some of the more fanatical Dems have already suggested reprogramming people who had the audacity to vote for Trump. Obviously they must be white supremacists and potential terrorists.

The establishment Republican Party is happy as hell now that Trump is no longer president and they definitely don’t want him to run in 2024. They hate to fight for their beliefs as they love being the minority party. As the minority party they can sit back and bitch and complain about what the Dems do and not have to take any responsibility for their actions. Of course they can still take advantage of the corruption in the Swamp to enrich themselves and their friends.

The court system including the Supreme Court may be more conservative then before Trump but I wouldn’t be surprised if the courts go along with the Dems on gun control and sell out the citizens of our nation and the Second Amendment. Conservative Justices often morph into liberal Justices as living in the Swamp overcomes their original beliefs.

Note my distrust of our government is nothing new or unique. It is a historical characteristic of American citizens and the reason why we have a second amendment to begin with.

Militias. Distrust of government. Abuse of power. The right to bear arms. Not a day passed without a passionate article or an editorial on the role of guns in American life. The year was 1775. More than 200 years later, the seminal debate undertaken as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formulated the laws of the land still echoes. Is the Michigan Militia an aberration or the Constitution in action? Is Gordon Liddy a dangerous demagogue or a devoted patriot? What exactly did the founding fathers mean when they penned the Second Amendment? No sampler can do justice to the debate, but the following excerpts shed light on the perceived relation between arms and liberty.
well said sir.. the third party i'm starting hopefully will attract the anomalies, Trump ted cruz marco etc..
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..
Hysterical defines you.

Thanos is coming for your guns, Bitch.
View attachment 459457
hysterical ? did u pickthe right word ?
No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.

Yeah, we know, just like the Democrats don’t want open borders and yet all of their policies effectively do just that without actually posting a sign.

Democrats are so naive.
Funny how whenever a Democrat WINS AN ELECTION, all of a sudden they are coming after your guns.

Of course they never actually come after your guns.
Right wing hysteria at its finest.
why do they say they are in the campaign brouchures ?
No one is coming for your guns, dumbass.

Yeah, we know, just like the Democrats don’t want open borders and yet all of their policies effectively do just that without actually posting a sign.

Democrats are so naive.
Funny how whenever a Democrat WINS AN ELECTION, all of a sudden they are coming after your guns.

Of course they never actually come after your guns.
Right wing hysteria at its finest.
why do they say they are in the campaign brouchures ?
this is a nice tbread, longer legs than i thought.
He isn't going to take your guns.

Be he may try to pass though a law that enables gun manufactures to be sued when someone is hurt or killed by a gun.

He may also try get banks to blackball gun and ammo dealers.

He also may try to tax the sale of guns and ammo so that many people cannot afford to own/use a gun.

He may also try to get laws passed to ban those mean looking guns with handle grips (assault rifles).

There's probably a lot more that I did not think about.

Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level. Gun owners are looking at the wrong level of government when it comes to infringement on our Second Amendment. Any effective and/or sweeping confiscation will happen at the local level.

“Any nationwide confiscation would not be initiated at the federal level, the same as pandemic restrictions and mandates were enforced only at the local and state level.”

I live in a gun sanctuary county. The locals here are not going to go out of their way to confiscate firearms.

Over the years I have talked to cops here in Florida. None seemed eager to attempt to confiscate firearms from an honest person merely because politicians wanted them to. They usually said something like, “We have enough problems taking illegally owned firearms from criminals.”

You may be able to get cops in large urban areas of blue states to go gun grabbing but you may end up shortly with a lot of cops who refuse that mission as it is simply too damn dangerous.

Currently in this nation the citizens lack trust in our government. A high percent will not voluntarily turn in their firearms. The Democratic Party seems to wish to take us down the road to socialism and we have seen how that works out once the civilians give up their guns and it is not pretty.

I personally lack trust in a government that doesn’t trust me to own firearms. Many others feel the same way.
you make a good case for the fogotten 10th amendment.. i had a great chat with a hillsboro sheriff yesterday, i am inspired everytime i talk to a cop or military (obviously, i own there are few things more important to me then the care and safety of our nation defense. who did nancy pelosi call tgen fure when she realised Capitol failure she owns.

thats why i started that petion to have her mentally
evaluated.asap she's second in line afrer kama who isnt natural born then leahy...we're fucked for two years until the next impeachment to begins.

Kamala isn't natural born? Where did you get such a silly idea?

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