how would biden take my guns.

If Biden and the Democrats pass legislation / an EO ordering every American to register every owned gun and the location of their firearms, what % of Americans would comply? Would you?
They passed laws requiring that in NY and CT and compliance was less than 5%...... and those guns were already registered and the owners known to the government. People still ignored their bullshit.
you've just rung the bell on the grandfather clause.
the constitution is full of them. thats why i wish we had a supreme court whichlike journalism, seems to be AWOL. or just eclipsed by liberal fantasy.
democrat hopes are pinned to the idea that the whirehouse or governors or cities can order cops and the miltary will turn on their own country.
Gun registration doesn't mean the boogeyman is going to take your guns.
No, it means he is maneuvering to a position that will enable him to. The same way muggers like to approach from behind a person, or use some sort of dishonest pretext to get close.
They get frustrated when their intended victims reposition themselves so they can see them, and put their hand under their shirt on their pistol. The same way all of you get mad when we see through you all to your clear intent, and so you scream in frustration; "No one is going to take your guns!!!"

Here's an idea....... if they're not going to try and take them, maybe tell them to stop behaving exactly like someone who is planning to to do so would behave.
see even benign uncontroversial subjects like gun control will revert back to election fraud
o here we go.....son was over the other day..wanting any ammo i had...for shotgun...i gave him what little i had...then hubby reveals he just purchased 600 rounds and wanted more...i am like wtf? i am hiding my fucking ammo in kitchen..they will never look there
There is no shortage of shotgun shells where I am. 30 cal., 9mm, 5.56, 44, 45, 357, 38, 7.62--pretty much all of those are really tough to find though.
I use Palmetto Armory on occasion and they are mostly out of stock too.
Gun registration doesn't mean the boogeyman is going to take your guns.

Florida has a law against gun registration that lists reasons against it. I’ll post an excerpt as it presents a good argument against gun registration in my opinion. .

The 2020 Florida Statutes

Chapter 790

790.335 Prohibition of registration of firearms; electronic records.—
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that:
1. The right of individuals to keep and bear arms is guaranteed under both the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. 8, Art. I of the State Constitution.
2. A list, record, or registry of legally owned firearms or law-abiding firearm owners is not a law enforcement tool and can become an instrument for profiling, harassing, or abusing law-abiding citizens based on their choice to own a firearm and exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the United States Constitution. Further, such a list, record, or registry has the potential to fall into the wrong hands and become a shopping list for thieves.
3. A list, record, or registry of legally owned firearms or law-abiding firearm owners is not a tool for fighting terrorism, but rather is an instrument that can be used as a means to profile innocent citizens and to harass and abuse American citizens based solely on their choice to own firearms and exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the United States Constitution.
4. Law-abiding firearm owners whose names have been illegally recorded in a list, record, or registry are entitled to redress.
(b) The Legislature intends through the provisions of this section to:
1. Protect the right of individuals to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under both the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. 8, Art. I of the State Constitution.
2. Protect the privacy rights of law-abiding firearm owners.
(2) PROHIBITIONS.—No state governmental agency or local government, special district, or other political subdivision or official, agent, or employee of such state or other governmental entity or any other person, public or private, shall knowingly and willfully keep or cause to be kept any list, record, or registry of privately owned firearms or any list, record, or registry of the owners of those firearms.
(3) EXCEPTIONS.—The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
(a) Records of firearms that have been used in committing any crime.
(b) Records relating to any person who has been convicted of a crime.
(c) Records of firearms that have been reported stolen that are retained for a period not in excess of 10 days after such firearms are recovered. Official documentation recording the theft of a recovered weapon may be maintained no longer than the balance of the year entered, plus 2 years.
just imagining how the actual process would begin.
so far its political bluster. but communism is chipping away at democracy. other things constitutional are melting in the fakenews winds of liberal hysteria.
obama changed the constitution.

fake news is the enemy of conservative America.
journalism will make a fabulous comeback.

do they have a ... "plan" for rounding up ar 15's

i still need mine, so im keeping it (them)..

So you're fine with laws restricting buying guns, ammo and coming down on you if you try to defend yourself with a gun as long as they don't go door to door and confiscate them? Seriously?
it's like the old chesnut "we've established you are a prostitute, now we're just negotiating the price".

How is it like that?

Your OP implies they aren't coming and confiscating your guns, so it's fine. I pointed out there's a lot they can do to cancel the usefulness and persecute you for them, like charging you for murder if you shoot someone who breaks into your home and making it pretty much impossible to carry your guns in defense outside your home.

You you get my point or not?
again Vermont and Florida have no gun laws. i still carry quietly when im in DC. it's worth the civil disobedience. (walden pond)

Your OP asked if they are coming for our guns. I answered your question. They don't have to. I told you just a few of the things they do in many places across the country now

I don't see how anything you've said makes Democrats not a threat to our gun rights. They're aiming to change the constitution by stacking the courts and having leftist justices just remove our rights.

They don't have to go door to door
they do, the only question is when and how. those are grand logistics, even for lofty liberals.

If you think the only threat to gun ownership is coming door to door, sleep easy until you realize that you were wrong
they wouldn't make it across the first covered bridge..

They aren't coming to your house, as I keep pointing out. They will pick us off one by one if you ever try to use it to defend yourself, your family or your property

If they “pick us off one by one“ because we use a firearm in legitimate self defense eventually people will get pissed and elect representatives and a president that will overturn the law.

I realize the current Democratic Party is busy kissing criminal ass but as crime increases that position will grow more and more unpopular. Throw a few women in prison for ten years because they shot a rapist who was attacking them and watch the backlash.

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