How would you advance our manned space program?

How would you advance our manned space program?

Build CASINOs and whorehouses on the moon.

Hell it worked for Nevada, didn't it?

Have you ever been to Nevada?

Nevada is a harsh mistress, too (a reference some of you will get)
How would you advance our manned space program?

Build CASINOs and whorehouses on the moon.

Hell it worked for Nevada, didn't it?

Have you ever been to Nevada?

Nevada is a harsh mistress, too (a reference some of you will get)

Weightless sex could be a draw

I'm sorry you misunderstood, I wasn't referring to "private" companies living off the government's teet and getting government permission. I'm referring to fully private entities firing off rockets whenever they want with no authorization from the government whatsoever.

So we can defund all these worthless wars? Go back to the 19th century. Not going to happen at least I hope.

Why do people like you think that cutting back government waste requires us to go back in history? Is there some law of political thermodynamics that applies to technology and progress that can only be understood by liberals?
Why do people like you think that cutting back government waste requires us to go back in history

Because SOME posters here keep telling us that the GILDED AGE had the ideal government, RKM, that's why.
Why do people like you think that cutting back government waste requires us to go back in history

Because SOME posters here keep telling us that the GILDED AGE had the ideal government, RKM, that's why.

Who? Can you name one poster that will argue in defense of the federal government usurpation of states rights under threat of death by cannon. We had the ideal government at the formation of this country. It's been one step forward two steps back since that day.

And FYI... starting government over has nothing to do with technology. I could see how you could argue federally mandated civil rights, but not technology, and not even civil rights. We don't need an all powerful federal government to do the right things.
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The only way I see that working is getting government totally out of it and going back to the late 19th century. Maybe some of these billionaires will then do what the super rich of old did for electricy, light bulbts, trains, cars, etc and get space off the ground.I believe there's a lot of potential with asteroid mining, hotels, etc. Not even to get into the fact that we really do need low orbital space to keep up our satellite infrastructure.

We need a J.p.morgan of space. Maybe the space x can lead us into space.

Now will the left get totally out of the way to allow this? Doubt it...We still have to compete with the rest of the first world as we're within a world economy.
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The only way I see that working is getting government totally out of it and going back to the late 19th century. Maybe some of these billionaires will then do what the super rich of old did for electricy, light bulbts, trains, cars, etc and get space off the ground.I believe there's a lot of potential with asteroid mining, hotels, etc. Not even to get into the fact that we really do need low orbital space to keep up our satellite infrastructure.

We need a J.p.morgan of space. Maybe the space x can lead us into space.

Now will the left get totally out of the way to allow this? Doubt it...We still have to compete with the rest of the first world as we're within a world economy.

What does "going back to the late 19th century mean? dude WTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Starting out a discussion with a crazy strawman? We don't need RICH PEOPLE to make further advances in tech. We don't need government grants to make further advances in tech. We don't need Corporations to make further advances in tech. Further, the lack of said investments will NOT RESULT IN GOING BACK IN HISTORY. Still further and more particularly, we are much more likely to leap forward in advancements by LIMITING THE AMOUNT OF FUNDING. Can you guess why?

You need capital to get into space to the resources.

Wrong. We decided to get there the hard way, in a rush, with brute force rockets. There are much easier ways to get into space than the way we decided to fund. Pouring tax payer funds onto a project is not the way to get things done intelligently. People don't spend other peoples money with a measure of care. Reduce the amount of money available and magic happens.. people innovate.
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