How would you Balance the Budget?

Pass a law that for every % defecit a govt is, federal, state or local. The legislators salaries are cut by the same percentage.
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No response is truly funny.

You waited an hour on week night and declared victory. How ignorant of you.

The way one balances a budget is to stop spending more then one has. In order to do that one has to have the freedom to effect all budget items that require outlays. And yes in some cases one may need to increase revenues.
No response is truly funny.

You waited an hour on week night and declared victory. How ignorant of you.

The way one balances a budget is to stop spending more then one has. In order to do that one has to have the freedom to effect all budget items that require outlays. And yes in some cases one may need to increase revenues.

There were 22 looks and no responses. Did you even look at the link?
I have to laugh when someone calls me ignorant when that someone didn't read the link and offers a very simple solution to a very complex problem. RGS might understand with a little help from the field in which he should have some knowledge.

Consider RGS that I'm in a gun mount affixed on the bow of a Navy DD. The DD is cruising at 18 knots and running hard into eight foot seas with a wind off the port side blowing at 20 knots sustained with gusts as high as 38 knots. Our target is 2000 yards off starboard at 0135 moving at 6 knots changing headings every couple of minutes.

The gun capt. says, "point and shoot". What are the odds I would hit anything but the sea?
No response is truly funny.

You waited an hour on week night and declared victory. How ignorant of you.

The way one balances a budget is to stop spending more then one has. In order to do that one has to have the freedom to effect all budget items that require outlays. And yes in some cases one may need to increase revenues.

There were 22 looks and no responses. Did you even look at the link?

It is a Wry Catcher thread. We read, we chuckle. we disregard and we leave.
You waited an hour on week night and declared victory. How ignorant of you.

The way one balances a budget is to stop spending more then one has. In order to do that one has to have the freedom to effect all budget items that require outlays. And yes in some cases one may need to increase revenues.

There were 22 looks and no responses. Did you even look at the link?

It is a Wry Catcher thread. We read, we chuckle. we disregard and we leave.

Yes, I've noticed you're one of the willfully ignorant. That you're proud of being ignorant is amazing and pitiful.
Here's your chance, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican:

California Budget Challenge

Righties aren't going to like it

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams


Those who claim all it takes is more tax cuts, shrinking government and, of course, subsidizing private schools are unwilling to consider serious, rational and complicated solutions to the global and domestic economy. And, of course, the callous conservatives give a damn only for themselves.
Pass a law that for every % defecit a govt is, federal, state or local. The legislators salaries are cut by the same percentage.

good one.

I say cut the military.

we dont need to outdo the entire world 200 times over.

We can stay face and save money.

Then we could invest in infrastructure to bring us back to first class status on our infrastructure.

Give the business people infrastructure to build their businesses on and they wont mind paying the taxes we need to get there.
I'm a firm believer that government does not become fiscally responsible until they are forced to do so.

We don't have a revenue problem in this country...we have a spending problem. The way you attack spending is with no excuse, across the board cuts to ALL programs and departments. If you're the head of Social've got 10% less money to spend this year. Don't like it? Tough. If you can't figure out how to cut 10% from what is probably the most wasteful process in the history of the world, then it's time for you to go and for someone competent to take your place. You think that sucks? I don't care. Not only do you not have a choice but I'm going to come back NEXT year and tell you to cut an additional 5% so you better start thinking about how you're going to do that.
Yes we do have a revenue problem.

It comes from fucking idiots saying if you cut taxes you get more revenue.

That is some idiot stuff
Here's your chance, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican:

California Budget Challenge

Righties aren't going to like it

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams


Those who claim all it takes is more tax cuts, shrinking government and, of course, subsidizing private schools are unwilling to consider serious, rational and complicated solutions to the global and domestic economy. And, of course, the callous conservatives give a damn only for themselves.

The truth's only "complicated" because people IN government go out of their way to make it look that way. There is ZERO impetus to reduce the cost of things that the government does because it isn't THEIR money. People IN government do things with tax payer's monies that they would NEVER do with their own.
Yes we do have a revenue problem.

It comes from fucking idiots saying if you cut taxes you get more revenue.

That is some idiot stuff

What's idiotic is continually asking for more taxes when you're WASTING the taxes that you're already getting.

This really isn't rocket science, maybe even "you" can understand it. Our government is like a bucket riddled with gaping holes...the more water (ie revenues) we pour in...the more gushes out. The solution isn't to pour in more water...the solution is to plug up the holes.
if he said It as if that is ALWAYS the case when you cut taxes then YES he was being an idiot

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