How would you change the electoral process of USA

Create and independent federal electoral commission. Get the states to form their own independent electoral commissions.
If you could single handedly change the United States election process, how would you

Rid the U.S of the current system and go by Popular Vote.

That way, every vote ACTUALLY counts and will encourage more people to go out and vote.
The only thing I would do in the process, is impose term-limits on House members as well as Senate members. The electorial process is set up so as not to disenfranchise the small states and let the large states run roughshod all over them in the electorial process. If it were changed to an all popular vote format, then what you would see is a campaign take place in 4 states. Ca.,NY,Tx.,Fl. States like Arizona would never even be a part of the process. So the motivation to be a part of the process for those living in smaller states would become non existant for the office of President at least.
The only thing I would do in the process, is impose term-limits on House members as well as Senate members. The electorial process is set up so as not to disenfranchise the small states and let the large states run roughshod all over them in the electorial process. If it were changed to an all popular vote format, then what you would see is a campaign take place in 4 states. Ca.,NY,Tx.,Fl. States like Arizona would never even be a part of the process. So the motivation to be a part of the process for those living in smaller states would become non existant for the office of President at least.

I can tell you right now Navy that the electrorial process doesn't make a huge difference. The candidates don't visit my state of Rhode Island, probably not states like Wyoming.

I'd like to see every vote count because people who live in highly blue or red states (and who are the opposite of that state) will not go out and vote on election day because they realize there vote will not make a difference.

That's pathetic in a country where every vote is suppose to make a difference and truly count.
I can tell you right now Navy that the electrorial process doesn't make a huge difference. The candidates don't visit my state of Rhode Island, probably not states like Wyoming.

I'd like to see every vote count because people who live in highly blue or red states (and who are the opposite of that state) will not go out and vote on election day because they realize there vote will not make a difference.

That's pathetic in a country where every vote is suppose to make a difference and truly count.

I can assure you the one sure way Robert to get states like yours and like Utah to never be a part of the process again is to go to a flat popular vote format. The one thing thats interesting about the electorial format is that at any given time any single state can come into play. Take for example CO. do you think if we had a popular vote format they would even care about states like CO. or Missouri? I boil down to a battle for the major metro areas and the rural areas be damned. While at some point there has to be a way to come up with a happy medium IMO I don't believe a straight popular vote on a national level is the answer.
I can assure you the one sure way Robert to get states like yours and like Utah to never be a part of the process again is to go to a flat popular vote format. The one thing thats interesting about the electorial format is that at any given time any single state can come into play. Take for example CO. do you think if we had a popular vote format they would even care about states like CO. or Missouri? I boil down to a battle for the major metro areas and the rural areas be damned. While at some point there has to be a way to come up with a happy medium IMO I don't believe a straight popular vote on a national level is the answer.

I understand that's a problem. But I assume you also see the point of view I'm coming from here?
Rid the U.S of the current system and go by Popular Vote.

That way, every vote ACTUALLY counts and will encourage more people to go out and vote.

Nope, I like the Electoral College. It is more representative of of our nation. The president is elected by the states, not the people.
I understand that's a problem. But I assume you also see the point of view I'm coming from here?

I do but what people don't seem to understand is that this country does not elect it's presidents by popular votes. Thats the exact reason why you have a House and a Senate as they are elected by popular vote. Expecially the House.
I do but what people don't seem to understand is that this country does not elect it's presidents by popular votes. Thats the exact reason why you have a House and a Senate as they are elected by popular vote. Expecially the House.

True, I suppose it just bugs me a bit the amount of hypocrisy about what this country says then does when it comes to voting.

I know there have been three times where the person who won the popular vote ended up losing the election.

I think time will tell that Bush won in 2000 the same way that Hayes did.
There has got to be a way to take the need for excessive cash out of the process. The only reason a presidential campaign needs $100 million these days, is that the other candidates are raising that kind of dough.

Of course, when amounts like these become involved, elections are easier to buy and / or influence.

How about a short season? Do we really need to drag these things out for 2+ years? What do you all think about 3 to 5 regional primary election days, all in the same month?

The other big change I would like to see in the process is an end to district gerrymandering... the election maps for most congressional representatives are to the point of being silly.

That, and term limits for public service...

I would like to see a system that allows third parties to fairly compete with the Republicans and the Democrats. My biggest problem with the current American system is that being a Democrat or being a Republican is such a broad category that it does not fairly represent most Americans. Even if a third party candidate actually had a substantial base of support, most of those people would not even bother voting for them because it is essentially wasting a vote. I would prefer something like many European systems (Britain as an example) or a +1 system. Either would allow for third parties to at least have a serious chance to contend with the big two.

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