How would you describe me politically?

Views on religion do not determine your position on the political spectrum. Most democrats and republicans are religious.

Not all lefties agree with the hard left on Transgenderism, because on that subject, I agree with conservatives.

1. Do you believe in the concept known as universal health care?

2. Do you believe access to affordable health care should be a right?

If you do, as I do, then you are a liberal, as I am.

But, as a liberal, I have libertarian aspects, such as I believe all drugs should be legal.

On immigration, we should loosen requirements for citizenship, because there is a work shortage in hotel, restaurant and agriculture industries.

What is your view on Trump? Are you for, or against?

If you are for him, you are not a liberal,

Do you support a progressive tax, that the super rich should pay most of the taxes?

IF you do, you are a progressive liberal, if you don't, you could be a moderate democrat, but not a liberal.

I plot you on the spectrum, I'll need more information,
I support universal healthcare yes. I support that the tax should be payed mostly by rich yes. Im not sure about Trump himself but i do not support white supremacists and many of them made Trump their heroe but i maybe see him as alternative to the establishment and he did not started a war in his presidency
Stout fellow , Mortuary . Well met , as we bards say.
Don't allow the insects to irritate you .
And stop playing the rather childish Labeling game .
That's for Gullibles who are frightened that others will not see the "real you" in the way that you secretly most want and in the way which most flatters you. In your opinion.

There is no Absolute Right or Left way . Just convenience groupings to keep half brains waffling over the number of fairies you can fit on a pin head .

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