how would you feel if a creationist taught your kids science?

I don't live in Kentucky so I don't imagine this will be an issue for me. :cool:

But if my kid's science teacher actually taught creationism in the classroom, I'd be very displeased to say the least.
Sceince has large areas of theory, which by definition, are not proven fact. You choose to dismiss what I say, because it is truth and hurtful to your argument.
You seem to have a poor understanding of the term. It is true that scientific theories are not disprovable facts, but it is foolish to insinuate that they are therefore not reliable, reliably predictable, or the closest thing to fact allowable by scientific investigation. If you claim to be a trained science teacher, it is certainly not established certified American scientific training of any variety. A quick google or wikipedia search will confirm what GTH and I have been saying.

Scientific theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence. Many scientific theories are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially."

But neither one of us has any business in a discussion class of any kind if we are going to even appear to attack or criticize the faith of our students.
Can you point to a SINGLE person in this thread who has stated science teachers should criticize the faith of students? Can you quote any mention of this completely unsupported fear of yours whatsoever? NO!

It is YOU who continue to remain clueless. GTH and I have clearly demonstrated understanding of your desires, that you believe teachers should state religious beliefs can explain holes in scientific understanding when asked. This is still false, and you have yet to demonstrate an understanding of what GTH, or I, or ANYONE else in this thread is saying on the topic.

Are you purposely ignoring logic and fact? Or are you just still so hurt over the neg that you can't bring yourself to concede the silly points you are making?

NO ONE HAS SAID THAT. In fact it has been consistently clear that the only hypothetical person bringing up the topic is the student, and the teachers are NOT introducing the topic, as they shouldn't.

You still aren't getting my point. My point is that this student will not give a flying fig about what your concept of scientific theory is. This student will be defending his belief system, his faith. Your job as the teacher, the way I see it, is not to attack or dismiss that faith in any way.
It IS the science teacher's job to dismiss all religion from their classroom. It doesn't matter if the student feels he is defending his religion or not. What matters is the student learning the well studied material, in a way that hopefully convinces him of its validity based on the scientific method.

Fact: I'm a trained science teacher.
Fact: Theories are not proven fact.
Fact: they are the closest thing to fact allowable by science, and are reliably predictable.

Stupid God-Complex Medical Student! How dare you try and introduce your formal training and knowledge into this matter!

Consider yourself banished to wood shop with me, where we can over-see highschoolers making wooding bongs a la "Dazed And Confused"...........
And here's a suggestion to you fucktards: stop acting like you know anything about the way I conduct myself in professional school based on my postings on an internet message board. Other than what I post on here, you whack-nuts don't know a damned thing about me.

BTW, being a surgeon =/= bad bedside manner.

You seem very comfortable expressing how a teacher needs to conduct themselves. You reveal much more about yourself than you understand apparently. Your not even close to being the smartest person in the room here bub, so I'd watch who you call stupid.

Yet, he is kicking your arse, and I doubt he's even brought his A game to the table....
You know, I am not even an atheist.

I am also still trying to figure just how I became the "asshole" on this thread.

Same here. But we seem to get the arguments as if we are. :lol:

Maybe you're the "asshole" because you don't want to teach wood shop? :eek:
Except, as you stated earlier, you dispute that man evolved.

That's disputing evolution.

No, I dispute that man evolved from some other animal.

I bred horses for years. I get basic, standard evolution within a species.

However, one thing doesn't magically evolve into something else. There's no proof for it. That is just a theory.

You're confused, child. The magic hypothesis is called Creationism.

You're repeating yourself, simpleton.
And here's a suggestion to you fucktards: stop acting like you know anything about the way I conduct myself in professional school based on my postings on an internet message board. Other than what I post on here, you whack-nuts don't know a damned thing about me.

BTW, being a surgeon =/= bad bedside manner.

You seem very comfortable expressing how a teacher needs to conduct themselves. You reveal much more about yourself than you understand apparently. Your not even close to being the smartest person in the room here bub, so I'd watch who you call stupid.

I wonder if GTH is really a medical student? I've known a lot of med students and a lot of doctors but never one as disconnected in their train of thought. You never know though.

No, he's not.
No, he's not.

As someone who was complaining about others making statements without all the facts recently, it is not surprising to see you making statements without none of the facts.

Edit: Don't worry folks, I notice the double negative but it has already been commented on so no point in changing it.
An educated guess based upon the fact that I've never known a medical student who had time to waste on a message board to the degree Goat does...
An educated guess based upon the fact that I've never known a medical student who had time to waste on a message board to the degree Goat does...

As you make almost twice the amounts of post/day that I do on here, what does that say about you?

Are you retired or something?
An educated guess based upon the fact that I've never known a medical student who had time to waste on a message board to the degree Goat does...

Except it's neither educated or a guess. It's a accusation.

Ever hear of "Thou shall not bear false witness" Allie? I guess not.
No, he's not.

As someone who was complaining about others making statements without all the facts recently, it is not surprising to see you making statements without none of the facts.

My siggy area is filling up fast...while that one is precious, I think I'll wait for something better.

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