how would you feel if a creationist taught your kids science?

The thread was just a platform for Christian bashing. I treated it with the respect it deserved.

When did I "bash" Christians?

I didn't specify you did I? Geuxtohell, I do believe you are a med student. Be the best one you know how to be. Go help alot of people. You made a statement that I was just throwing one liners and not contributing to the thread. That was untrue, it just happened before you entered. We started off badly. I see the thread's intent as Christian bashing pure and simple.

Points I made:

1. A person's beliefs strongly influence their personality and through that, their teaching style and relatibility to students.

2. Christians have been successfully teaching students science for a very long time.

3. It is entirely possible you may come off condescending to patients, I hope you will work hard to treat the whole person. I'm sure you have the ability.
Telling believers that ID and creationists questions in a biology class should be redirected to the questioners' parents, religious instructors, and humanities classroom is not, repeat, not Christian bashing.

And those things aren't considered Christian bashing.

The Christian bashing takes place when jackasses like Modbert start saying things like what is in my siggy.
The thread was just a platform for Christian bashing. I treated it with the respect it deserved.

When did I "bash" Christians?

I didn't specify you did I? Geuxtohell, I do believe you are a med student. Be the best one you know how to be. Go help alot of people. You made a statement that I was just throwing one liners and not contributing to the thread. That was untrue, it just happened before you entered. We started off badly. I see the thread's intent as Christian bashing pure and simple.

Points I made:

1. A person's beliefs strongly influence their personality and through that, their teaching style and relatibility to students.

2. Christians have been successfully teaching students science for a very long time.

3. It is entirely possible you may come off condescending to patients, I hope you will work hard to treat the whole person. I'm sure you have the ability.

I appreciate the reset and thank you. I agree with 1-3, though I generally get high marks for the empathy side of medicine. Both from attendings and patients. Needless to say, I approach the infirm differently then I do internet posters.
No thank you.

I'll cut you a deal:

In the spring of 2012, you send me a mailing address and I'll send you a graduation announcement.

With that, you can do what you want as you see fit in regards to the things you have said on here (with the understanding that we won't release any private information about each other).
When did I "bash" Christians?

I didn't specify you did I? Geuxtohell, I do believe you are a med student. Be the best one you know how to be. Go help alot of people. You made a statement that I was just throwing one liners and not contributing to the thread. That was untrue, it just happened before you entered. We started off badly. I see the thread's intent as Christian bashing pure and simple.

Points I made:

1. A person's beliefs strongly influence their personality and through that, their teaching style and relatibility to students.

2. Christians have been successfully teaching students science for a very long time.

3. It is entirely possible you may come off condescending to patients, I hope you will work hard to treat the whole person. I'm sure you have the ability.

I appreciate the reset and thank you. I agree with 1-3, though I generally get high marks for the empathy side of medicine. Both from attendings and patients. Needless to say, I approach the infirm differently then I do internet posters.

I treat customers much nicer on the lot than here too.

We need a reset in this country. Practicing it here on USMB might catch on other places.
It's a deal.

No fear I'm no stalker; I'm hard pressed to visit my own family and they're just a little over a hundred miles away, lol.
It's always amusing when you pretend to be dumber than you actually are. As if that were possible.
It's always amusing when you pretend to be dumber than you actually are. As if that were possible.

I assume that was a response to a post on the previous page I deleted while I was editing it just now. You missed the point if you think I'm Christian bashing.
Well this has taken an unexpected and pleasant turn. So I will do my part in admitting that I said some things that were far more caustic than I can be proud of and I apologize for that.

I would very much like the tone and quality of discussion to be reset here and there on USMB. In order for it to be effective and not compromise the special spirit of USMB that we all love, it wouldl need to be voluntary.

I did find the opening thesis interesting and a topic worth discussing whatever the underlying motive might or might not have been. As Save said, a person's beliefs can affect how he or she approaches his/her task in just about anything.

So. . .
How would you feel if your child's science teacher was a Creationist is a valid question.
How would you feel if your President was a Muslim is a valid question.
How would you feel if your dentist/doctor/nurse/therapist was a recovering alcoholic is a valid question.

Used as a launch pad for another bashing session of anything though will invariably start a food fight. And I really dislike those.
Respectfully, may I answer your questions, Foxfyre?

How would you feel if your child's science teacher was a Creationist is a valid question. I would be very concerned.
How would you feel if your President was a Muslim is a valid question. That would depend.
How would you feel if your dentist/doctor/nurse/therapist was a recovering alcoholic is a valid question. I agree. And I would include baker, policeman, fireman, mayor, etc.
So you'd be "concerned" if you found out a science teacher was a Christian?

When did it become a requirement that science teachers recant their faith?
So you'd be "concerned" if you found out a science teacher was a Christian?

When did it become a requirement that science teachers recant their faith?

We are resetting here, aren't we?

Don't put words in my mouth that I did not say and, by a reasonable person's standard, did not imply.

One can be a faithful believing Christian without be a creationist.
Thanks I think my tone has been okay all along. You go ahead and reset.

But I will I'll ask you again but word it a little differently; do you support banning Creationists from teaching science?
Thanks I think my tone has been okay all along. You go ahead and reset.

But I will I'll ask you again but word it a little differently; do you support banning Creationists from teaching science?

The implication was not OK, imho, but thank you for mirroring. No, believing in Creationism by itself is not grounds for banning someone from teaching science. I would not ban a commie from teaching government because the person was a commie. But I certainly would want to be aware of both folks' beliefs in those two classes.
Thanks I think my tone has been okay all along. You go ahead and reset.

But I will I'll ask you again but word it a little differently; do you support banning Creationists from teaching science?

I don't think anyone here has said Creationists should be banned from teaching science.
I agree to a degree, but I don't think many Christians believe that God had no part in creation. The issue for me was having to accept somebody else's definition of Creationist given after the fact and not included in the OP.

I am a Creationist because I believe God was involved in Creation. I would not want that taught in Science Class, however, as I do not see it as science as we define science.

I also accept much/most of Evolution theory and would object strongly if that was not taught in Science Class.

So we're back to where I started on this thread. And I didn't think my point of view unreasonable at the beginning. And I don't think it is unreasonable now.

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