how would you feel if a creationist taught your kids science?

Ah I see, you based your conclusion based on more than one person, citing one person as your definitive source. Do you realize how foolish that is? Do you even realize that there are medical students and different types of doctors with drastically different schedules?

You base the ENTIRETY of your poorly drawn conclusion on this short-sighted information. Tell me: how many hours of free time did your niece or other unnamed references have as a medical student? Give us an estimated number. Let's see you actually support what you say for once instead of making vague references you run behind.
FLoT applies within a given system: this univese

God, like Branes, exists outside of the system in question

There is no evidence FLoT can be extrapolated to apply outside of this universe, to whatever medium it might itself exist within

Science recognizes this when discussing M-theory and bubble universes
Neither M-Theory, nor String Theory, nor Brane Theory says that you can get something from nothing. The FLoT still stands and Creationism still violates it.

Nope. According to M-Theory, the Universe comes into being when two branes collide. FLoT applies within the universe, but we cannot know the rules that govern the realm of the branes.

According to the God Hypothesis, the Universe was created in whatever medium (perhaps it's a bubble universe? Or perhaps the Strings are the very 'body' of FSM?) by an outside intelligence. Nowhere does it say something came from nothing and nowhere does it violate the laws of physics that apply within the created universe, both because we cannot logically assume that they apply in other universes or outside of the universe at all and because It's never stated explicitly how the universe comes into being following god's speech. For all we know, he spoke to an AI in a laboratory and it automated the processes which manipulated the string ultimately leading to the emergent changes we see in the universe before us.

God creating a cow next to me wouldn't even violate FLoT, as the intervention of an outside agent and introduction of matter/energy (or 'information', if you prefer the term) from outside the universe means the universe isn't a closed system- and FLoT only applies to a closed system.

You're guilty of the same fallacy as those who claim evolution violates FLoT and Earth is a closed system- neglecting the sun and the rest of the universe.
Two Branes are not NOTHING!!! So M-Theory doesn't violate the FLoT.

And Creationists claim evolution violates the SECOND Law of Thermodynamics, not the First. It's the SLoT that involves a closed system.
M-Theory doesn't violate the FLoT.
I never claimed it did.

And Creationists claim evolution violates the SECOND Law of Thermodynamics, not the First. It's the SLoT that involves a closed system.

If god's intervening and introducing new energy/matter, then the universe is not a closed system and SLoT doesn't apply at all.
M-Theory doesn't violate the FLoT.
I never claimed it did.

And Creationists claim evolution violates the SECOND Law of Thermodynamics, not the First. It's the SLoT that involves a closed system.
If god's intervening and introducing new energy/matter, then the universe is not a closed system and SLoT doesn't apply at all.
You were clearly implying that M-Theory was free to violate the FLoT, which obviously you have confused with the SLoT.

That is not why the Creationists are wrong about the SLoT. The SLoT says in a closed thermodynamic system, Entropy NEVER DECREASES. In scientific language "never decreases" means "greater than or EQUAL TO" zero (E≥0). Creationists dishonestly changed "never decreases" to "always increases" which in scientific language means "greater than but NOT EQUAL TO" zero (E>0), because they know most non-physists would not catch the difference. They dishonestly use semantics rather than mathematics to eliminate the zero. As I already pointed out, if Entropy could not equal zero, no matter could exist.
So even in a closed system the Creationists would be wrong.
I wouldn't want a creationist teaching my kids. I expect a certain amount of logical thinking from teachers and creationists fail that test, IMO. Anyone that can look at fossil record and maintain that species did not evolve, I don't want anywhere near teaching kids.
I wouldn't want a creationist teaching my kids. I expect a certain amount of logical thinking from teachers and creationists fail that test, IMO. Anyone that can look at fossil record and maintain that species did not evolve, I don't want anywhere near teaching kids.

I am a Creationist who believes species evolved and have no problem with the Theory of Evolution and in fact have taught it with some degree of competence I believe,.

I think probably 95% of Creationists pretty much see it as I see it. And that would include most likely all my science teachers from grade school through college.

None of us should teach?
Here's a thought: If you get rid of all the Christian, who will teach all those kids science?
M-Theory doesn't violate the FLoT.
I never claimed it did.

And Creationists claim evolution violates the SECOND Law of Thermodynamics, not the First. It's the SLoT that involves a closed system.
If god's intervening and introducing new energy/matter, then the universe is not a closed system and SLoT doesn't apply at all.
You were clearly implying that M-Theory was free to violate the FLoT, which obviously you have confused with the SLoT.

Fail. I made it clear that it did not- nor [certain forms of] creationism.

Try reading for comprehension.
aren´t your kids dumb enough? is it after overporning and pc-overgaming them still necessary to feed them up with these nerdy creationist theofascist lies? C´mon, don´t kill the minds of your kids completely, or should every work become exported to china or be done by illegals?
Atheism is first and foremost the most virulent of all religions, because it requires the most faith of all. Thank heavens such believers are so small in total numbers in America. No, guys, philosophical fallacies will only disprove your own faith, not that of the believers.

To those of you have been generous to believers, understand this is primarily for sauerkraut, the dumbkopf.
Atheism is first and foremost the most virulent of all religions, because it requires the most faith of all.

no. It´s because you ignorant, nerdy, daffy and fearish creationistic liars have raped, traited, poisoned and abused the message of jesus completely, so that´s impossible today to stand for the faith without being laughed ore hostiled. Thank you, well done.
science isn´t atheism

creationsim isn´t christianity

theofacism isn´t knowing jesus

and who´s a DUMMKOPF is just another question.

None of which is relevant to the thread.

If you are the highschool principal interviewing me to teach biology, in today's climate it would not be out of line for you to ask my views on Origin of the Species or Darwin's Theory.

I would answer truthfully that I would include that in Biology class and would teach it as valid science.

In today's climate it would also be reasonable to also ask if I would also teach Creationism in Biology cclass.

I would answer truthfully that I would not as I do not believe Creationism to be science or appropriate for Biology Class.

That should end the interview questions on that subject.

So later you show up to interview me for the village weekly newspaper serving a community who will be interested in the new guy teaching at the highschool. Ms. Foxfyre, you are certainly aware of all the controversy re those pushing for Creationism to be included in the school curriculum. Are you a Creationist?

I would answer truthfully that yes I am. I believe there is a Creator who called all that we have into being and a divine intelligence behind the whole process. That makes me both a Creationist and an

If the reporter is honest and dedicated to reporting the facts with accuracy, he will follow with: "Would you be teaching that to our students in Biology Class."

I would answer truthfully that no I would not because it is a matter of religious belief or faith that has no place in a Science curriculum.

That should make me satisfactory for all but the few fundamentalists at the little church in the hollow who refute Evolution and want only Creationism taught. But they will be greatly outnumbered and overruled.

However, my answers have not been satisfactory for many of our more militant anti-religionists or anti-Christians who do not seem to be able to understand my answers and want to make me into something that I am not and who accuse me of wanting or intending what I do not.

And THAT is the truth of the issues on this thread.
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i would demand to fire that teacher and if that wouldn´t help, i´ll take my kids from school if a biology teacher would teach creationism. And I would sue the teacher and enforce that he becomes forbidden to put a foot in any classroom.
i would demand to fire that teacher and if that wouldn´t help, i´ll take my kids from school if a biology teacher would teach creationism. And I would sue the teacher and enforce that he becomes forbidden to put a foot in any classroom.

If that was directed at me, I sure as hell wouldn't hire you to teach reading comprehension.
i would demand to fire that teacher and if that wouldn´t help, i´ll take my kids from school if a biology teacher would teach creationism. And I would sue the teacher and enforce that he becomes forbidden to put a foot in any classroom.

If that was directed at me, I sure as hell wouldn't hire you to teach reading comprehension.

no it wasn´t.

another idea: What if we put the the gilgamesh epos in curriculums for religion?
Atheism is first and foremost the most virulent of all religions, because it requires the most faith of all.

no. It´s because you ignorant, nerdy, daffy and fearish creationistic liars have raped, traited, poisoned and abused the message of jesus completely, so that´s impossible today to stand for the faith without being laughed ore hostiled. Thank you, well done.

You judge others by how you judge yourself.

Tell that to the 165 kids who go home with knapsacks full of food from the school for the weekend so they can eat.

Tell that to the 43 homes of the elderly that we visit as many times as necessary each week to make sure the folks are cared for and know that they are cared for.

Tell that to our boys scouts, girl scouts, the orphanage in Siberia where 13 to 19 members spend each summer doing their best to assist with education and medical care and friendship, to the Christmas choirs that visit the elderly and the shut in and ill ~ tell that to thousands in my home town.

Tell that to me when they came to help (many of them not knowing me) when my wife died, when my oldest daughter died, and when I became so ill several years ago.

Tell that to them and they will say, "You poor soul, how can we help?"
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