how would you feel if a creationist taught your kids science?

The myth that the numbers of people systematically killed in tne name of the Christian God in any way compares to the numbers killed in the name of Islam or Nazism is ludicrous.
Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Salem witch trials - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And let's not get started on the Jews

How many people died in the witch trials? 6 million?

And was that behavior decried or not? Why yes, it was.

If that's the best you have, you have nothing.
Perhaps a Christian needs to teach you to spell. "Separate".

There is nothing wrong with sharing one's personal beliefs in the classroom. Teachers of all subjects talk about social issues all the time, and the issue of faith is just an extension of that. You won't ever see me saying they should teach creationism in PLACE of whatever subject is being taught (except in parochial schools, where the curriculum wraps around the bible and prayer) because kids are in particular classrooms to learn about particular subjects.

But IF children are being taught about the "theory" that we have evolved from a "common ancestor" that we share with other primates...a theory that has no basis in fact and is a complete guess based on the fact that we are all similar and share basic gene structure, then I see no thing wrong with touching on the theory, believed by a HUGE number of people in the world, that we were created by a creator. There should be no requirement that children believe this, any more than there's a requirement that they believe we're the grandchildren of Lucy; but they should know the theory exists, and not be taught the lie that it's myth, that it doesn't bear consideration, or that the people who believe it it are stuipd. It's about increasing knowledge, instead of limiting it, and it makes me ill people, claim that teaching children all the possilities somehow makes them more ignorant than withholding information. You don't enlighten children by refusing to give them information, or by passing on your personal opinion about place of truth.

Here are some examples of possible evolution:





What can you show me of creation?

Those are pictures of "POSSIBLE" evolution.

I can also provide pictures of "POSSIBLE" creation...


Here's a picture of the "POSSIBLE" creation of man:


and here's a picture of a pyramid crystal which "POSSIBLY" has healing ability:


In other words, a bunch of pictures mean nothing in this instance. They have feature length films filled with fantastical animation of what the earth could POSSIBLY look like in thousands of year, too. Means nothing. It's just somebody's imagination run amock. Fun to look at, fun to condsider; but indicative of nothing real.

The problem with what you showed and what I showed is that I can back up, with proof, what is depicted in the pictures.
The myth that the numbers of people systematically killed in tne name of the Christian God in any way compares to the numbers killed in the name of Islam or Nazism is ludicrous.
Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Salem witch trials - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And let's not get started on the Jews

How many people died in the witch trials? 6 million?

And was that behavior decried or not? Why yes, it was.

If that's the best you have, you have nothing.
Where's you get this 6 Million number?

Auschwitz - Myths & Facts

Ever-Diminishing Official Numbers Of Auschwitz Dead

[SIZE=+1] The first is the plaque that was on display at the Auschwitz camp from 1948 until 1989 (note the "4 million" victims). [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The second is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Note the dramatically reduced number of victims, now only 1.5 million.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]A casual reduction in the number of deaths by some 2.5 million.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Deaths at Auschwitz drop by a whopping 2.5 million, but 6,000,000 dead Jewish prisoners, remains the same. [/SIZE]

In Jewish mathematics, everything always adds up to six million.

2+2? Six Million

3-2? Six Million
Here are some examples of possible evolution:





What can you show me of creation?

Those are pictures of "POSSIBLE" evolution.

I can also provide pictures of "POSSIBLE" creation...


Here's a picture of the "POSSIBLE" creation of man:


and here's a picture of a pyramid crystal which "POSSIBLY" has healing ability:


In other words, a bunch of pictures mean nothing in this instance. They have feature length films filled with fantastical animation of what the earth could POSSIBLY look like in thousands of year, too. Means nothing. It's just somebody's imagination run amock. Fun to look at, fun to condsider; but indicative of nothing real.

The problem with what you showed and what I showed is that I can back up, with proof, what is depicted in the pictures.
No, what you depicted is a POSSIBILITY, which has absolutely zero to do with the creation of life. Animals evolve, I've never disputed that. Look at dogs.

That doesn't mean there's no God. I wish you loons would quit pretending it does.
Ah I see, you based your conclusion based on more than one person, citing one person as your definitive source. Do you realize how foolish that is? Do you even realize that there are medical students and different types of doctors with drastically different schedules?

You base the ENTIRETY of your poorly drawn conclusion on this short-sighted information. Tell me: how many hours of free time did your niece or other unnamed references have as a medical student? Give us an estimated number. Let's see you actually support what you say for once instead of making vague references you run behind.

Snowmageddon closed all our afternoon OB clinics, but I am wondering how the hell I am going to make it to morning rounds tomorrow.

Now the endless conundrum: Casefiles or couch?
Good lord you love the sound of your own voice, don't you?
Especially when I'm TYPING. You must love the sound of the ocean emanating from between your ears.

There is nothing wrong with sharing one's personal beliefs in the classroom.
False. Just curious: how would you feel if a science teacher talked about the benefits of homosexuality and abortion on a daily basis? It's just personal belief, right? Completely appropriate for a science classroom, right?

But IF children are being taught about the "theory" that we have evolved from a "common ancestor" that we share with other primates...a theory that has no basis in fact and is a complete guess based on the fact that we are all similar and share basic gene structure, then I see no thing wrong with touching on the theory, believed by a HUGE number of people in the world, that we were created by a creator. There should be no requirement that children believe this, any more than there's a requirement that they believe we're the grandchildren of Lucy; but they should know the theory exists, and not be taught the lie that it's myth, that it doesn't bear consideration, or that the people who believe it it are stuipd. It's about increasing knowledge, instead of limiting it, and it makes me ill people, claim that teaching children all the possilities somehow makes them more ignorant than withholding information. You don't enlighten children by refusing to give them information, or by passing on your personal opinion about place of truth.
As I said: intellectually bankrupt.

Prove its a myth or shut the fuck up!
That's not how science works. You prove what's real, you don't prove things that are non-existent.

Snowmageddon closed all our afternoon OB clinics, but I am wondering how the hell I am going to make it to morning rounds tomorrow.

Now the endless conundrum: Casefiles or couch?
As if I really believe that! I know a guy who knew a medical student once from the south who never saw snow. I really doubt you are telling the truth based on my vast life experiences with REAL people who have experienced snow.
None of which is relevant to the thread.

If you are the highschool principal interviewing me to teach biology, in today's climate it would not be out of line for you to ask my views on Origin of the Species or Darwin's Theory.

I would answer truthfully that I would include that in Biology class and would teach it as valid science.

In today's climate it would also be reasonable to also ask if I would also teach Creationism in Biology cclass.

I would answer truthfully that I would not as I do not believe Creationism to be science or appropriate for Biology Class.

That should end the interview questions on that subject.

So later you show up to interview me for the village weekly newspaper serving a community who will be interested in the new guy teaching at the highschool. Ms. Foxfyre, you are certainly aware of all the controversy re those pushing for Creationism to be included in the school curriculum. Are you a Creationist?

I would answer truthfully that yes I am. I believe there is a Creator who called all that we have into being and a divine intelligence behind the whole process. That makes me both a Creationist and an

If the reporter is honest and dedicated to reporting the facts with accuracy, he will follow with: "Would you be teaching that to our students in Biology Class."

I would answer truthfully that no I would not because it is a matter of religious belief or faith that has no place in a Science curriculum.

That should make me satisfactory for all but the few fundamentalists at the little church in the hollow who refute Evolution and want only Creationism taught. But they will be greatly outnumbered and overruled.

However, my answers have not been satisfactory for many of our more militant anti-religionists or anti-Christians who do not seem to be able to understand my answers and want to make me into something that I am not and who accuse me of wanting or intending what I do not.

And THAT is the truth of the issues on this thread.
And how would you answer when asked: If a student asked you about Intelligent Design while you were teaching evolution, what would you say?

I look forward to you providing an answer that would ensure you never got a job at a public school. Just kidding, you won't actually answer that question because you are avoiding incriminating yourself now. Closet zealot with wedge strategy.
Those are pictures of "POSSIBLE" evolution.

I can also provide pictures of "POSSIBLE" creation...


Here's a picture of the "POSSIBLE" creation of man:


and here's a picture of a pyramid crystal which "POSSIBLY" has healing ability:


In other words, a bunch of pictures mean nothing in this instance. They have feature length films filled with fantastical animation of what the earth could POSSIBLY look like in thousands of year, too. Means nothing. It's just somebody's imagination run amock. Fun to look at, fun to condsider; but indicative of nothing real.

The problem with what you showed and what I showed is that I can back up, with proof, what is depicted in the pictures.
No, what you depicted is a POSSIBILITY, which has absolutely zero to do with the creation of life. Animals evolve, I've never disputed that. Look at dogs.

That doesn't mean there's no God. I wish you loons would quit pretending it does.

Never called you any derogatory names. If you want to believe in God and live the pure life calling people names, so be it. I do not believe in magic.

The idea of creation is far fetched. The history of the earth goes back further than a few thousand years and theres proof to back it up.

Someone who believes in creationism should be able to teach science. Their ideas should not ever be introduced, the same goes for an atheist. I dont expect a Jew or a Muslim to talk about their beliefs either. Everyone can be a science teacher as long as they keep it professional.

Good luck with your endeavors.
it´s a typical american thing, that you don´te take things so serious if when it´s about definitions. although it is the first sentence of the wikipedia Definition, i denie that "Creatonism" is only the faith in a all-mighty god. On this level, every believer is a Creationist. The "Creationism" we´re talking about is the close and wordly biblial explaination about the creation of the world - and the fighting against any other science or doctrine, anyway how proofable it is. "Creationistic" is for my unterstanding this - on the one hand wordly, on the other hand strong selective use and way to read the bible. The thing about this selective use is, that the bible´s lessons are focussed on fear, punishment, anger and seperation. It´s not the focus on love, peace and harmony - what´s in my (and my lutheran church) the focus of the message is. That´s what drives me mad about the "Creationists", although i describe myself as an reborn christian too.

If we teach children the genesis in biology, we should teach them the gilgamesh in religion. That would be fair.
Snowmageddon closed all our afternoon OB clinics, but I am wondering how the hell I am going to make it to morning rounds tomorrow.

Now the endless conundrum: Casefiles or couch?
As if I really believe that! I know a guy who knew a medical student once from the south who never saw snow. I really doubt you are telling the truth based on my vast life experiences with REAL people who have experienced snow.

Dammit! Busted!
Good lord you love the sound of your own voice, don't you?
Especially when I'm TYPING. You must love the sound of the ocean emanating from between your ears.

There is nothing wrong with sharing one's personal beliefs in the classroom.
False. Just curious: how would you feel if a science teacher talked about the benefits of homosexuality and abortion on a daily basis? It's just personal belief, right? Completely appropriate for a science classroom, right?

As I said: intellectually bankrupt.

Prove its a myth or shut the fuck up!
That's not how science works. You prove what's real, you don't prove things that are non-existent.

Snowmageddon closed all our afternoon OB clinics, but I am wondering how the hell I am going to make it to morning rounds tomorrow.

Now the endless conundrum: Casefiles or couch?
As if I really believe that! I know a guy who knew a medical student once from the south who never saw snow. I really doubt you are telling the truth based on my vast life experiences with REAL people who have experienced snow.

I'm sorry my eyes always glaze over about 8 characters into whatever you submit. I have a low tolerance for pontificating asshats, you see.
We don't have to keep it separate, and there's no reason to.

there is no room for myths in science instruction


Guess we need to get rid of all the "theories". Theory is really just another word for "guess".

California Girl thanked you.

A guess is what you do when you choose numbers for the Lotto.

A "theory" is when you look at a situation and make a "guess".

If you don't know by now the difference between them and a "scientific theory", then I guess you are unable to learn.
Really? Hmmm. Looking at my college transcript. Biology - two years - A. (I only needed one but I loved biology.) Chemistry - B - I wasn't as good with inert substances. Physics - A. And I did substitute teach for awhile until the rules changed requiring teacher certification. The science teachers liked me to sub in their classes and asked for me.

So perhaps you might want to back off the personal insults. They make you look really small and petty.

And I'm still waiting for you to comment on my post directed to your Bible commentary. Is there a reason you have avoided that despite it being called to your attention two or three times now?

I've got a full year of college biology, and a full term of genetics.


-and Bush2 went to Yale...

He sure did:


Thank Gawd for Daddy's connections!
Funny, right wingers have zero problem with teaching "Creation Magic" in public schools as something kind of "scientific" and "smart sounding", but when you point out that only 6% of scientists are Republican, they insist is must be more. Based on the existing evidence, my "theory" is that 6% is vastly overstated.
Perhaps a Christian needs to teach you to spell. "Separate".

There is nothing wrong with sharing one's personal beliefs in the classroom. Teachers of all subjects talk about social issues all the time, and the issue of faith is just an extension of that. You won't ever see me saying they should teach creationism in PLACE of whatever subject is being taught (except in parochial schools, where the curriculum wraps around the bible and prayer) because kids are in particular classrooms to learn about particular subjects.

But IF children are being taught about the "theory" that we have evolved from a "common ancestor" that we share with other primates...a theory that has no basis in fact and is a complete guess based on the fact that we are all similar and share basic gene structure, then I see no thing wrong with touching on the theory, believed by a HUGE number of people in the world, that we were created by a creator. There should be no requirement that children believe this, any more than there's a requirement that they believe we're the grandchildren of Lucy; but they should know the theory exists, and not be taught the lie that it's myth, that it doesn't bear consideration, or that the people who believe it it are stuipd. It's about increasing knowledge, instead of limiting it, and it makes me ill people, claim that teaching children all the possilities somehow makes them more ignorant than withholding information. You don't enlighten children by refusing to give them information, or by passing on your personal opinion about place of truth.

Here are some examples of possible evolution:





What can you show me of creation?

Those are pictures of "POSSIBLE" evolution.

I can also provide pictures of "POSSIBLE" creation...


Here's a picture of the "POSSIBLE" creation of man:


and here's a picture of a pyramid crystal which "POSSIBLY" has healing ability:


In other words, a bunch of pictures mean nothing in this instance. They have feature length films filled with fantastical animation of what the earth could POSSIBLY look like in thousands of year, too. Means nothing. It's just somebody's imagination run amock. Fun to look at, fun to condsider; but indicative of nothing real.

Nope, those aren't possible. Genetics has shown the FIRST people were "African". Which means "white sand" is a "no no".

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