How would you interpret this latest poll?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Quinnipiac U. conducts pretty good polls, and this latest one caught my eye more because of the deepening rift that exists between the 2 major parties. The poll found that for president and other high elected officials:

Among Republicans......21% want a D.C. insider, and 73% a D.C. outsider....conversely,

Among Democrats.......77% want a D.C. insider, and only 18% want a D.C. outsider.

Now, I am sure that most right wingers will look at the above poll numbers and "conclude" that democrats have been feeding "off the federal tit" for so long that they want to maintain that "insider" edge (as if, by the way, there are no poor republicans on welfare)..........But, as usual, they'd be wrong.

Another way of looking at it is to remember how we often hear right wingers "flaunting" the results of the 2014 mid-term elections and that republicans managed to win back both chambers of congress.........

So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

It seems, that of the 2 major parties, the GOP has royally failed its constituency (and Trump is capitalizing on that real fact.)
I think its dumb to want someone who knows nothing and there's no such thing as a "Washington outsider". Same with the mistake of thinking Drumpf can't be bought. He was bought and paid for a long time ago. If he hadn't, he would have lost a lot more of his daddy's money by now.
Quinnipiac U. conducts pretty good polls, and this latest one caught my eye more because of the deepening rift that exists between the 2 major parties. The poll found that for president and other high elected officials:

Among Republicans......21% want a D.C. insider, and 73% a D.C. outsider....conversely,

Among Democrats.......77% want a D.C. insider, and only 18% want a D.C. outsider.

Now, I am sure that most right wingers will look at the above poll numbers and "conclude" that democrats have been feeding "off the federal tit" for so long that they want to maintain that "insider" edge (as if, by the way, there are no poor republicans on welfare)..........But, as usual, they'd be wrong.

Another way of looking at it is to remember how we often hear right wingers "flaunting" the results of the 2014 mid-term elections and that republicans managed to win back both chambers of congress.........

So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

It seems, that of the 2 major parties, the GOP has royally failed its constituency (and Trump is capitalizing on that real fact.)
So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

Let's see... that was us giving them their last chance in 2014. Now that they've blown it, time to take out the trash.
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So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

Let's see... that was us giving them their last chance in 2014. Now that they've blown it, time to take out the trash.

Yep ... The Repubs have had both houses for months and still they do nothing.

If, gawd forbid, they get the WH, they will still do nothing for the country.

Just like always, they will send jobs overseas, screw over the working class, punish vets for their service, starve children and the elderly.

But you can bet they'll drill baby drill and get no jobs or oil for it.

Those who don't work for a living and do nothing to support themselves need to be careful what they wish for ...
Quinnipiac U. conducts pretty good polls, and this latest one caught my eye more because of the deepening rift that exists between the 2 major parties. The poll found that for president and other high elected officials:

Among Republicans......21% want a D.C. insider, and 73% a D.C. outsider....conversely,

Among Democrats.......77% want a D.C. insider, and only 18% want a D.C. outsider.

Now, I am sure that most right wingers will look at the above poll numbers and "conclude" that democrats have been feeding "off the federal tit" for so long that they want to maintain that "insider" edge (as if, by the way, there are no poor republicans on welfare)..........But, as usual, they'd be wrong.

Another way of looking at it is to remember how we often hear right wingers "flaunting" the results of the 2014 mid-term elections and that republicans managed to win back both chambers of congress.........

So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

It seems, that of the 2 major parties, the GOP has royally failed its constituency (and Trump is capitalizing on that real fact.)

Since Obama has made it clear that he will veto any legislation from the congress it has really took the wind out of there sails. Also, politicians frequently lie to get into power.
This is hardly surprising. Democrats want somebody to wipe their ass for them, so they expect someone who has a lot of experience in wiping asses.
So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

Let's see... that was us giving them their last chance in 2014. Now that they've blown it, time to take out the trash.
I am not sure what the polls signify. It could be that Democrats feel their party has served their interests and don't want to risk change whereas Republicans feel their party has abandoned them and want to clean house. All I know for sure as that of the people I've spoken with there were far more disillusioned Republicans than Democrats.
Low caring/uninformed democrat sheep like normal ...who always votes for popularity instead of policy.

Highly informed Republicans who are sick of the elite from both partys
Since Obama has made it clear that he will veto any legislation from the congress it has really took the wind out of there sails.

Grammar aside, the above reminds me of the lazy junior high student who said that he didn't do his homework because the teacher keeps picking on him.
This is hardly surprising. Democrats want somebody to wipe their ass for them, so they expect someone who has a lot of experience in wiping asses.

I agree.

Most Dems want bigger babysitter Govt. and have no problem with one group of people being forced to care for another group who won't take care of themselves.

And yes, they are more than qualified to wipe the ass of everyone who wants themselves taken care of.
Most Dems want bigger babysitter Govt. and have no problem with one group of people being forced to care for another group who won't take care of themselves.

And yes, they are more than qualified to wipe the ass of everyone who wants themselves taken care of.

Moronic, as usual..........You know that the meaning of the label, anarchist is a person who believes that government is not necessary.....and since many of your ilk criticized Obama for palling with anarchists.....See??? You have a lot in common with Obama. LOL
Republicans despise the incompetent Republican Congress, Democrats approve of the good job President Obama has done.

Well, to call the republicans in congress "incompetent" is a bit mild, since we really have had a DO-NOTHING republican congress.

But you can't deny it, I didn't think like you that a republican thinks democrats support hillary to get more free stuff ...

Its just because most are uninformed, have a busy life style, more interested in entertainment then the news or politics, you seen that in 2014...

When most of the state govenorships and legistrators were over taken by's a fact you can't deny that the majority of democrats vote for popularity over policy.
Quinnipiac U. conducts pretty good polls, and this latest one caught my eye more because of the deepening rift that exists between the 2 major parties. The poll found that for president and other high elected officials:

Among Republicans......21% want a D.C. insider, and 73% a D.C. outsider....conversely,

Among Democrats.......77% want a D.C. insider, and only 18% want a D.C. outsider.

Now, I am sure that most right wingers will look at the above poll numbers and "conclude" that democrats have been feeding "off the federal tit" for so long that they want to maintain that "insider" edge (as if, by the way, there are no poor republicans on welfare)..........But, as usual, they'd be wrong.

Another way of looking at it is to remember how we often hear right wingers "flaunting" the results of the 2014 mid-term elections and that republicans managed to win back both chambers of congress.........

So, I would ask my right wing friends, what the heck happened? Why, after such a stellar conquest in 2014 with the promises made by all GOP candidates that they would reshape the federal government, would the republican voters TOTALLY reject anyone who smacks of a D.C. insider?

It seems, that of the 2 major parties, the GOP has royally failed its constituency (and Trump is capitalizing on that real fact.)
I've always found it odd that RW ideologues complain about Washington 'insiders' yet use it as a club against say, Hillary or Kerry. They also say Washington needs fresh ideas, yet use inexperience as a political club against Obama, the Community Organizer but not Trump, the 'best' private enterprise deal maker. It's a puzzlement. Anyway, unlike the Trumpeters, rashly speaking ones mind is not a diplomatic asset IMHO. Trump is lucky on the campaign trail to get to throw caution to the wind, but I see him as the Sonny Corleone of the high finance set that usually prefers to be quietly behind the scenery.

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