How would you liberals like this sign to pop up in your neighborhood ?

I have a question for you uneducated low information Libtards.

When President Shit for Brains was campaigning we already had the Muslims taking over our embassy in Iran, the attack on the Marine barracks, the attack on Kohbart Towers, the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and 911.

My question to you idiots is knowing all the shit the Muslims were doing why in the hell were you so stupid as to vote for a shithead whose name is Hussein? What in the hell were you morons thinking?

We're smarter than you. That you don't know why is just one more example of why we are smarter than you.

And of course the perfect example of how dumb people like you are is ADMITTING YOU THINK you are smarter!
Classic compensatory image syndrome!

Strange but Obama KNEW you were dumb because HE TOLD YOU so and you still voted for him.
He knew you would be so stupid you'd never read this where he told you he depended on idiots like you to do what he wanted because he knew you were too stupid to
read this:
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

And see he ALSO knew you knew NOTHING about him other then as he told you...
And paraphrasing Obama who told a crowd in 2008 as a presidential candidate:
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced
and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

You voted for him because YOU knew nothing about him other then "he's black" and goodness you would have had such great despair and disgust with yourself knowing you didn't vote for him because he was "black"... so of course THAT was the ONLY reason you voted for him! Because YOU and other idiots like you thought so little of yourself that by NOT voting for him you'd be always blaming your "racist" self! That's how dumb and totally stupid people like you were that voted for Obama!
You think I'm making this up?
Here is the plain truth: By electing Barack Obama in 2008, America dealt a death blow to the concept of institutionalized racism. In fact, many whites voted for him because he was black.

Now I'm 100% confident you will call Mr. Kinchlow a token black... an "uncle tom"... all sorts of idiotic comments but he is a BLACK and he is smarter then
you obviously because HE did know that Obama was fooling you and Obama was counting on you to feel "guilty" about not voting for him thinking you would having
NOTHING else to vote for except YOU didn't want to be "racist"!
Idiocy at it's totally depth!


No-Go Zone in Dearborn: Where Islam Rules & Christians Are Stoned | Clarion Project
View attachment 56716

There are no such zones in Dearborn.


Explain this then: No-Go Zone in Dearborn: Where Islam Rules & Christians Are Stoned | Clarion Project
As Daniel Pipes has noted, the most accurate name for such places is Dar al-Islam, meaning a place governed by Islamic law (sharia). In this case, the No Go Zone, perhaps America’s first, is located in the 45% Muslim city of Dearborn, Michigan. The pattern of behavior seen on this video at the Arab Festival and in Dearborn was spontaneous in one sense, but also follows a plan, one that is well-known to the intelligence and security services of the Western world

Repeatedly, the Christians asked for protection from Wayne County Sheriff’s Department (WCSD) officers who were present at the melee and, repeatedly, they were denied that protection. WCSD Deputy Chief Mike Jaafar, whose implausible excuses for inaction were caught in their entirety on the video, steadfastly refused to provide even one or two law enforcement officers to defend American citizens who were clearly in imminent danger of physical injury.
Well, there you go, a rationale for Dylann Roof's attack on a Black Church.

Obama attended an inner city Black hate church that preached hate against Whites and Jews and professed solidarity with Louis Farrakhan.

Since you voted for Obama knowing he had attended that racial hate congregation for 20 years that pretty well makes you a racist don't you think?

Actually your Boy Obama is lying to you when he tells you he is a Christian because he attended a so called Christian church. He has proven time and time again that his loyalty lies with his Muslim roots.

Fuck the Muslims and the goat they rode in on.

Keep in mind this poster wants a Muslim genocide.
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.
You missed my point. Just because 1 Christian shoots up an abortion clinic doesn't mean we have to worry about you doing it.
Well, there you go, a rationale for Dylann Roof's attack on a Black Church.

Obama attended an inner city Black hate church that preached hate against Whites and Jews and professed solidarity with Louis Farrakhan.

Since you voted for Obama knowing he had attended that racial hate congregation for 20 years that pretty well makes you a racist don't you think?

Actually your Boy Obama is lying to you when he tells you he is a Christian because he attended a so called Christian church. He has proven time and time again that his loyalty lies with his Muslim roots.

Fuck the Muslims and the goat they rode in on.

Keep in mind this poster wants a Muslim genocide.

Says the far left drone that shows they are not connected to reality and supports ISIS..
In the 1960s and forward the government has targeted right wing Christians and their organizations. Randy Weaver and David Koresh are great examples of jackbooted government thugs coming after non mainstream Christians.

Even in 2009 the Obama administration put out a memo saying that American right wing Christians were a significant terrorist threat. They also include American veterans in the same discussion, by the way.

The question to you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats is if the government can target Christians they feel is a potential threat then why can't they do it to the friggin Muslims?

When the government went after the Christians they used every tactic in the book including extortion and spies and profiling. For instance, they use to send undercover agents to Christian rallies to profile what they considered to be potential extremist.

What is wrong with treating the filthy Muslims in the same aggressive manner?
We are going after and watching radical Muslims and mosques.
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.
You missed my point. Just because 1 Christian shoots up an abortion clinic doesn't mean we have to worry about you doing it.

Spoken like a true far left drone on a narrative..

Show where "Christians" are out to kill the infidels..
In the 1960s and forward the government has targeted right wing Christians and their organizations. Randy Weaver and David Koresh are great examples of jackbooted government thugs coming after non mainstream Christians.

Even in 2009 the Obama administration put out a memo saying that American right wing Christians were a significant terrorist threat. They also include American veterans in the same discussion, by the way.

The question to you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats is if the government can target Christians they feel is a potential threat then why can't they do it to the friggin Muslims?

When the government went after the Christians they used every tactic in the book including extortion and spies and profiling. For instance, they use to send undercover agents to Christian rallies to profile what they considered to be potential extremist.

What is wrong with treating the filthy Muslims in the same aggressive manner?
We are going after and watching radical Muslims and mosques.

Wrong! That would be racial profiling and that is not allowed by the far left..
[QU Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There are a significant more number of shooting on the streets of Chicago among mostly atheists every weekend than there have ever been shootings in an abortion clinic.

The real threat in an abortion clinics is the systematic slaughterer of children every day. If anybody is going to hell is is you Libtards that support the infanticide and the abortion clinic staff that carries out the murders. About 300 of those murders every day in our country.

Stop being an idiot and denying that Muslims are a significant threat to our country.

You are only doing it because Obama shows significant Muslim sympathy.

You should have know when you voted for somebody with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. If you knew nothing else about him the name itself would have given it way. Were you dumb or high on pot when you voted for him?

Christians aren't sent to hell for beliefs, as long as they believe in Jesus as the son of God who died for their sins.
I point that out all the time. Christians say all humans sin so you just gotta believe the Jesus stories and you're forgiven. Ridiculous
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.
You missed my point. Just because 1 Christian shoots up an abortion clinic doesn't mean we have to worry about you doing it.

Spoken like a true far left drone on a narrative..

Show where "Christians" are out to kill the infidels..
Missed my point again.

Show me where Muslim Americans are out to kill you.
In the 1960s and forward the government has targeted right wing Christians and their organizations. Randy Weaver and David Koresh are great examples of jackbooted government thugs coming after non mainstream Christians.

Even in 2009 the Obama administration put out a memo saying that American right wing Christians were a significant terrorist threat. They also include American veterans in the same discussion, by the way.

The question to you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats is if the government can target Christians they feel is a potential threat then why can't they do it to the friggin Muslims?

When the government went after the Christians they used every tactic in the book including extortion and spies and profiling. For instance, they use to send undercover agents to Christian rallies to profile what they considered to be potential extremist.

What is wrong with treating the filthy Muslims in the same aggressive manner?
We are going after and watching radical Muslims and mosques.

Wrong! That would be racial profiling and that is not allowed by the far left..

We just understand it occurs and its not suppose to be talked about so stfu. You're making us weaker. Isn't that what Chaney would tell you? Stfu! Snowden mofo.
Muslims can't tolerate freedom and peace...
I visit Dearborn, mi all the time that's not true.

Are a lot of them anti Americans? Yes. Do they think Christians atheists and Jews are going to hell? Yup. I had a Muslim friend say he loved me and my bro, too bad we're going to hell. They sound a lot like born again.

Do I want to import more Muslims? Fuck no. Do we need a good reason why we don't want certain countries immigrating here? I don't think so. I'm with you on this.

I just realize I'm wrong to judge an entire race based on my experiences with a few rotten apples.

Very similar to my not wanting to live with blacks. Sorry too many of their kind make a bad name for all of them. I've lived next to good black people but some of their friends aren't so good.

But black Americans are free to go wherever they want. Somalian or Syrian or Saudi Arabian don't have a right to come here and we don't let anyone that want come here.

So why not ask the public which countries we want immigrating here? Who decides?
The big killers in America are not (surprisingly) Muslims.

It is not even the Black gangbangers and thugs that spend every weekend shooting each other in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

It is the mostly atheist shitheads that run these abortion clinics. They slaughter about 300 innocent children every day of the year.

If we really want to save lives in this country then we need to put those murdering bastards out of business. Then we can take care of the Muslims.
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Flash, can you say with 100% certinty that none of those abortions are being done to Republican women?

I know you cant.

So why you so concerned about how many abortions Muslims, Mexicans and Democrat women are having?

Those kids, if born, would not be right wingers and be voting your way dude.

What the fuck is up with rooting for more welfare recipients, terrorist wannabes and thieving gangstersto be born?

You know no blue blood, pure right winging woman would ever have an abortion? Would they?

Concentrate your efforts on those women.

Good god dude. Think.

If i was racist then I would not oppose the infanticide because it is mostly minority children killed in the slaughter. You are right, it is a good way to limit the number of potential welfare queens, street thugs and future Democrat voters.

However, I value all the lives of the children. You know, "all lives matter".

By the way, saving the life of a child does not mean that I am responsible for the welfare of the child the rest of its life. That is the responsibility of the parents that conceived the child.

Flash, you have proven with your words you are just another hypocritcal, right wing asshole.

Flash says; I demand that a poor person have a baby that they cant provide for or dont want.

But by God dont be asking Flash to contribute to the well being of this unwanted child after the child is born.

You worry about Republican women having abortions. When you can prove that NO abortions are being perforned on right wingers women, then think of all those voters you will be delivering to the Repubs.

But for the rest of us Americans. Fuck off, it is none of your business.

And the fact that you think a womans pregnancy is somehow your concern is further proof of how fucked up your thinking is.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

so you support a 'religion' that would set up its own separate state in America....?

i dont remember this outcry when there was a christian movement to take over s.c. ..... it was unamerican then to object to them doing that....

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

This is just another useless, inane thread that serves no other purpose than to incite fear of Muslims.

It is idiotic to think that anyone would want or tolerate this, including most Muslims in America.

It is even more idiotic to think than it can happen. You have heard of the first amendment? Right?

Why don't you start a topic about how certain Christians in America-including a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution? That is what scares the shit out of me.
So you would support a separate form of government within these borders? Because that is what sharia law is.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.
I don't remember that. Were they wanting to set up their own laws that are outside the confines of the Constitution?

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

so you support a 'religion' that would set up its own separate state in America....?

i dont remember this outcry when there was a christian movement to take over s.c. ..... it was unamerican then to object to them doing that....

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