How would you liberals like this sign to pop up in your neighborhood ?


Flash, you have proven with your words you are just another hypocritcal, right wing asshole.

Flash says; I demand that a poor person have a baby that they cant provide for or dont want.

But by God dont be asking Flash to contribute to the well being of this unwanted child after the child is born.

You worry about Republican women having abortions. When you can prove that NO abortions are being perforned on right wingers women, then think of all those voters you will be delivering to the Repubs.

But for the rest of us Americans. Fuck off, it is none of your business.

And the fact that you think a womans pregnancy is somehow your concern is further proof of how fucked up your thinking is.

You Libtards are very confused about a great many things and that stupid post is a great example.

First of all you don't kill children for the sake of convenience, which is what abortion on demand is all about 94% of the time. That is morally reprehensible to kill children simply because you don't want to be bothered with him. Even having to explain that simple moral fact to you shows what a dickhead you are.

Second of all you Libtards have a very difficult time understanding the concept of personal responsibility. You always have and you always will. That is one of the things that makes you Moon Bats so damn despicable. You always are looking for the government to force other people to pay your bills for you. It is the responsibility of the parents of the child to provide the welfare. It is certainly not mine even if I save the child's life by stopping the murderous abortion.

Third of all you uneducated low information Libtards are confused about the threat to human life. In my life time there have been a small handful of abortion providers that that have been whacked. I don't know the exact number but even including the ones shot the other day but it is probably less than ten in the last several decades. However, about 300 American children are murdered every day in this country with abortion. That is despicable, isn't it?

The biggest threat in this country is a child being killed by abortion. A million a year are slaughtered in the infanticide. That is followed by the horrendous crime in the Democrat controlled shithole ghettos. Muslims terrorists have killed thousands of Americans, some just recently.

You Libards are responsible for the abortions and the crime on the ghettos and now you are trying to run away from understanding the Muslim terrorist threat.

It must really suck to be a Libtard and have to look your face in a mirror every day, doesn't it?
Flash, what part of; It is NONE of your fucking business what a woman decides to do concerning having children?

Which part of your fucking stupidity does not allow you to understand that it is none of your fucking business what a woman does concerning having kids?

You got a wife? If she didnt want to have your kid, I would understand.
Who would want a fucking idiot like you to help raise a kid?
But you any your wife do whatever you want concerning YOUR kids.

Oh thats right. You aint worried about raising kids. Only forcing a woman who doesnt want kids to have them.

You and your kind are fucked up dude..
It is none of your business.
Irving City Council backs state bill Muslims say targets them
Actually, it has already begun. Because you choose to be blind to it, does mean it isn't happening. So, why his refusal? First, they say it is only arbitration, but when threatened with a law to keep them from holding court, rather than just arbitration, he refuses to back a bill assuring that.

“I was responding to rumors about a Shariah court in Irving,” Van Duyne said. “My response was to answer questions brought up by a number of my constituents.”

The mayor finally met Muslim leaders late last month. Van Duyne brought Texas House members Rodney Anderson, R-Grand Prairie, and Matt Rinaldi, R-Irving, with her.

The mayor said Sheikh asked for an apology and retraction of her Facebook post. Sheikh said he simply “asked her to clarify a statement … which seemed very Islamophobic.”

“She flat-out refused,” he said. “She said, ‘My statement wasn’t inflammatory in any way, shape or form.’”

Rinaldi then asked the imam to support American Laws for American Courts.

“He said, ‘If you support this bill, it will ease a lot of tensions [and assure people] you are not here to change the system. You’re not here to change the constitution,’” Sheikh said.

But it was the imam’s turn to refuse. “We don’t care about the bill,” Sheikh said. “It’s not going to affect us in any way, shape or form. The bottom line is the foundation of this bill is anti-Islamic.”


'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

This is just another useless, inane thread that serves no other purpose than to incite fear of Muslims.

It is idiotic to think that anyone would want or tolerate this, including most Muslims in America.

It is even more idiotic to think than it can happen. You have heard of the first amendment? Right?

Why don't you start a topic about how certain Christians in America-including a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution? That is what scares the shit out of me.
It is always strange to me that some men are so vehement on this issue. Could it be you think that is a better way to deal with the unintended than to have to wear a rubber or make sure the woman is on birth control? Keeps you from having to think first before shooting your wad?
Flash, what part of; It is NONE of your fucking business what a woman decides to do concerning having children?

Which part of your fucking stupidity does not allow you to understand that it is none of your fucking business what a woman does concerning having kids?

You got a wife? If she didnt want to have your kid, I would understand.
Who would want a fucking idiot like you to help raise a kid?
But you any your wife do whatever you want concerning YOUR kids.

Oh thats right. You aint worried about raising kids. Only forcing a woman who doesnt want kids to have them.

You and your kind are fucked up dude..
It is none of your business.
...a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution?

what would that "number" be?

also.., i would like you to name that "number"

i believe you are just another lying liber:asshole:

:fu: ....... and :up_yours:
Obviously have you head where the sun don't shine. You don 't know too much do you? Do you even know what Christian Reconstructionism is?

Cruz, Huckabee And Jindal Joining 'Liberty' Conference Promoting Christian Reconstruction And Biblical Patriarchy Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 11/5/2015 3:53 pm

As we’ve reported, Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal are scheduled to speak at a “religious liberties” conference in Iowa this weekend organized by pastor and homeschooling activist Kevin Swanson. It’s bad enough that presidential candidates would want to associate with Swanson, whose record of wildly anti-gay, anti-women statements we have exhaustively chronicled. But the candidates will also be rubbing shoulders with an array of activists representing the extreme Christian Reconstructionist and Christian Patriarchy fringes of the Religious Right. - See more at: Cruz, Huckabee And Jindal Joining 'Liberty' Conference Promoting Christian Reconstruction And Biblical Patriarchy

Behind this “religious liberty” veneer, however, is a gathering of some of the most extreme segments of the Religious Right, including those whose idea of “religious freedom” is the freedom to impose their specific scriptural interpretations on others. Swanson’s colorful rhetoric on the role of women and the biblical punishments for gay people comes out of an affinity with two controversial movements that will be on full display at his event: Christian Patriarchy and Christian Reconstructionism - See more at: Cruz, Huckabee And Jindal Joining 'Liberty' Conference Promoting Christian Reconstruction And Biblical Patriarchy
...a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution?

what would that "number" be?

also.., i would like you to name that "number"

i believe you are just another lying liber:asshole:

:fu: ....... and :up_yours:
Here is something else for you to chew on bubba:

Jeb Bush Touts Voucher Program That Funds Christian Schools, Religious Right Ideology Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Thursday, 9/17/2015 3:29 pm

At Wednesday night’s presidential debate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush went out of his way to tout “a voucher program that was created under my watch, the largest voucher program in the country, where kids can go to a Christian school” — a phrase he sandwiched into a conversation about Donald Trump criticizing him for speaking Spanish in public. Julie Ingersoll, a religious studies professor at the University of North Florida, tweeted a reminder that her book on Christian Reconstructionism, which was recently released by Oxford University Press, mentions Bush’s voucher program. “Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian
Reconstructionism” includes chapters on the enormous influence of Christian Reconstructionism in the homeschooling and Christian school movements,
which have succeeded in getting states like Florida to funnel taxpayer money to their religious education efforts Christian

Reconstructionism, grounded in the teachings of 20th-century writer R.J. Rushdoony, has greatly influenced both the Religious Right and Tea Party movements with its doctrine of “sphere sovereignty,” which states that God has given government, church, and family specific responsibilities over different “spheres.” - See more at: Jeb Bush Touts Voucher Program That Funds Christian Schools, Religious Right Ideology

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

Fear This!!

Neo-Confederate Republican Michael Peroutka Wins Maryland Election Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Wednesday, 11/5/2014 12:01 pm

After an election night filled with far-right victories, it’s hard to dub any single winner the most extreme. But Michael Peroutka, newly elected to the Anne Arundel County Council in Maryland, would have to be in anyone’s top five. Peroutka is a radical Christian Reconstructionist and southern secessionist. He says “so-called civil rights laws” are not valid because “there is no such thing as a civil right.” He says promoting evolution “is an act of disloyalty to America.” He says of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, “The reason he hates God is because he thinks he is God.” He thinks gay people are out to “recruit your children” into their “deathstyle.” Remarkably for someone who has just become an elected official in Maryland, Peroutka argues that since state legislators have passed laws like marriage equality that “violate God’s law,” the Maryland General Assembly is “no longer a valid legislative body” and none of the laws that it has passed are “legally valid and legally enforceable.” - See more at: Neo-Confederate Republican Michael Peroutka Wins Maryland Election

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Leftists would love it.
They love serving big government.

And rightwingers claim that that love the Constitution and then support those who push for a theocracy.....

Christian Reconstructionism And The GOP: 'Biblical Justice' vs Social Justice Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Tuesday, 7/22/2014 1:53 pm

There’s a reason so many Republican politicians seem to bring a religious fervor to their efforts to gut public institutions and social welfare spending. The modern day Religious Right draws much of its ideology from Christian Reconstructionists who teach that God gave specific duties to the government, the church, and the family. According to this theological worldview, education and taking care of the poor are the responsibility of families and churches, and it is unbiblical for the government to take on these roles. That meshes well with the view of “constitutional conservatives” who believe, for example, the Constitution does not authorize any federal government role in education. A stark example of the increasingly indistinct line between conservative Republicans and hard-core Christian Reconstructionists and dominionists (who believe the right kind of Christians are meant to have dominion over every aspect of society) can be found in the recent Republican primary victory of Michael Petrouka in a race for a county council seat in an Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Peroutka believes that any law that runs counter to God’s law is invalid, and that the Maryland General Assembly is itself no longer a valid legislative body. Here’s a concise summation of his approach to government: - See more at: Christian Reconstructionism And The GOP: 'Biblical Justice' vs Social Justice

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

so you support a 'religion' that would set up its own separate state in America....?
You mean like Utah?
This is not the middle east bubba. All of those places had failed government and no tradition of democracy or religious freedom. Anyone who believes that the Federal Government, or any state or local government would cede any part of their sovereign territory to an alternative judicial and law enforcement system is either batch fucking bonkers or dumber than a bag of horseshit. Which are you?
Last edited:

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

A fictional sign made up by some xenophobe with photoshop??
Irving City Council backs state bill Muslims say targets them
Actually, it has already begun. Because you choose to be blind to it, does mean it isn't happening. So, why his refusal? First, they say it is only arbitration, but when threatened with a law to keep them from holding court, rather than just arbitration, he refuses to back a bill assuring that.

“I was responding to rumors about a Shariah court in Irving,” Van Duyne said. “My response was to answer questions brought up by a number of my constituents.”

The mayor finally met Muslim leaders late last month. Van Duyne brought Texas House members Rodney Anderson, R-Grand Prairie, and Matt Rinaldi, R-Irving, with her.

The mayor said Sheikh asked for an apology and retraction of her Facebook post. Sheikh said he simply “asked her to clarify a statement … which seemed very Islamophobic.”

“She flat-out refused,” he said. “She said, ‘My statement wasn’t inflammatory in any way, shape or form.’”

Rinaldi then asked the imam to support American Laws for American Courts.

“He said, ‘If you support this bill, it will ease a lot of tensions [and assure people] you are not here to change the system. You’re not here to change the constitution,’” Sheikh said.

But it was the imam’s turn to refuse. “We don’t care about the bill,” Sheikh said. “It’s not going to affect us in any way, shape or form. The bottom line is the foundation of this bill is anti-Islamic.”

"This is complete and unmitigated hateful and paranoid bovine excrement. As the article itself points out, Catholics and Jews do the same thing. When the fuck has a municipal or state judge ruled on or even considered Sharia law? Muslims like everyone one else must still follow US law." Progressive Patriot


'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

This is just another useless, inane thread that serves no other purpose than to incite fear of Muslims.

It is idiotic to think that anyone would want or tolerate this, including most Muslims in America.

It is even more idiotic to think than it can happen. You have heard of the first amendment? Right?

Why don't you start a topic about how certain Christians in America-including a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution? That is what scares the shit out of me.
Last edited:


Explain this then: No-Go Zone in Dearborn: Where Islam Rules & Christians Are Stoned | Clarion Project
As Daniel Pipes has noted, the most accurate name for such places is Dar al-Islam, meaning a place governed by Islamic law (sharia). In this case, the No Go Zone, perhaps America’s first, is located in the 45% Muslim city of Dearborn, Michigan. The pattern of behavior seen on this video at the Arab Festival and in Dearborn was spontaneous in one sense, but also follows a plan, one that is well-known to the intelligence and security services of the Western world

Repeatedly, the Christians asked for protection from Wayne County Sheriff’s Department (WCSD) officers who were present at the melee and, repeatedly, they were denied that protection. WCSD Deputy Chief Mike Jaafar, whose implausible excuses for inaction were caught in their entirety on the video, steadfastly refused to provide even one or two law enforcement officers to defend American citizens who were clearly in imminent danger of physical injury.
First of all....this was published by the Clarion is a little about them:

Meet The Donors Behind The Clarion Fund’s Islamophobic Documentary ‘The Third Jihad’ Meet The Donors Behind The Clarion Fund’s Islamophobic Documentary ‘The Third Jihad’
and a little more....
The Clarion Project (previously the "Clarion Fund") is a nonprofit organization led by U.S. neoconservatives and rightwing Israelis that produces alarmist films and publications aimed at hyping the threat of "Radical Islam." Clarion's first three films—Obsession, Iranium, and The Third Jihad—received rave reviews from rightwing activists like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. However, many observers argue that the films employ anti-Islamic rhetoric and make misleading claims.[1] In 2013, Clarion released another film called Honor Diaries, which it describes as depicting the allegedly "cruel and often violent oppression of Muslim women."[2] - See more at: Clarion Project - Profile - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

Now to expose the lie:

"City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law" — Is there any validity to this story?

Origins: On 28 October 2013, the National Report published an article positing Dearborn, Michigan (a city with a historically large Muslim population), had become the first U.S. city to implement Sharia law:

In a surprise weekend vote, the city council of Dearborn, Michigan voted 4-3 to became the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law. The tough new law, slated to go into affect January 1st, addresses secular law including crime, politics and economics as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, fasting, prayer, diet and hygiene.

The new law could see citizens stoned for adultery or having a limb amputated for theft. Lesser offenses, such as drinking alcohol or abortion, could result in flogging and/or caning. In addition, the law imposes harsh laws with regards to women and allows for child marriage. By the following day links and excerpts referencing this article were being circulated via social media, with many of those who encountered the item mistaking it for a genuine news article. However, the article was just a bit of satire from the National Report, a web site that publishes outrageous fictional stories such as "IRS Plans to Target Leprechauns Next," "Boy Scouts Announce Boobs Merit Badge," and "New CDC Study Indicates Pets of Gay Couples Worse at Sports, Better at Fashion Than Pets of Straight Couples."

Here is more....stop spreading hateful and irresponsible bovine excrement! I know that nobody could possibly be stupid enough to believe this!

No, Dearborn, Michigan Is Not Under Sharia Law

A "joke" article proclaiming that Dearborn, Michigan voted to adapt Sharia — or Islamic — law prompted so many angry calls to Dearborn officials this week that the city had to issue a statement on Wednesday denying it. As it turns out, plenty of Americans were just a bit too ready to believe that a city with one of the largest per-capita populations of Arab-Americans in the U.S. would vote to enforce an extremist interpretation of Islamic law on its residents. That's, in part, because the "National Report's" fake article closely matches the tone and arguments of the actual anti-Islamic activists who picked it up and spread it around as true. No, Dearborn, Michigan Is Not Under Sharia Law

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

Debunking bigoted bovine excrement part 5. You haven't had much to say you me since I started tearing you apart. What is that?

Muslims are combating radicals too: I’m an American Muslim who served as a Marine in Iraq — and now it’s overwhelmingly Muslims who are battling ISIS
We focus on the identity of Islamic extremists & fail to recognize the Muslims who are fighting them daily

Muslims are combating radicals too: I’m an American Muslim who served as a Marine in Iraq — and now it’s overwhelmingly Muslims who are battling ISIS

The simple answer is yes; ISIS fighters are Muslim, and the fact that they follow a radical and twisted interpretation of Islam does not strip them of their Muslim identity. But individuals like Adel Termos, the Lebanese police officer who sacrificed his life tackling a suicide bomber in the Beirut attack, are also Muslim.

To highlight the supposed piety of Islamic radicals while simultaneously omitting Islam from the biographies of the heroes who die combating groups like ISIS only contributes to the false argument that Islam and terrorism are synonymous, while undermining the positive role the majority of Muslims play in the struggle against radicalism. The fact is that Muslims are combating radicals—we just never discuss it.
This incident crystallized in a single afternoon what happens when a sovereign nation relinquishes legal control of portions of its territory. So-called “No Go Zones” have become ominously commonplace across Europe: These are places that are effectively off-limits not only to non-Muslims but to the law enforcement and security forces of the country as well. In France, they go by the anodyne name of “Zones Urbaines Sensibles” (ZUS).

By 2006, there were already over 750 of them and they were helpfully published on the internet, complete with town, neighborhood and street information. In Britain, where Islamic law has been enforceable nationwide since 2008, there are dozens of No Go Zones, including all-Muslim enclaves in the London boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Bradford where “Shariah Zone” stickers went up on utility poles and lamp posts in July 2011.

No-Go Zone in Dearborn: Where Islam Rules & Christians Are Stoned | Clarion Project
You guys come together when it comes to wanting to kill the gays. See? You guys don't disagree on everything.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

Debunking bigoted bovine excrement part 5. You haven't had much to say you me since I started tearing you apart. What is that?

Muslims are combating radicals too: I’m an American Muslim who served as a Marine in Iraq — and now it’s overwhelmingly Muslims who are battling ISIS
We focus on the identity of Islamic extremists & fail to recognize the Muslims who are fighting them daily

Muslims are combating radicals too: I’m an American Muslim who served as a Marine in Iraq — and now it’s overwhelmingly Muslims who are battling ISIS

The simple answer is yes; ISIS fighters are Muslim, and the fact that they follow a radical and twisted interpretation of Islam does not strip them of their Muslim identity. But individuals like Adel Termos, the Lebanese police officer who sacrificed his life tackling a suicide bomber in the Beirut attack, are also Muslim.

To highlight the supposed piety of Islamic radicals while simultaneously omitting Islam from the biographies of the heroes who die combating groups like ISIS only contributes to the false argument that Islam and terrorism are synonymous, while undermining the positive role the majority of Muslims play in the struggle against radicalism. The fact is that Muslims are combating radicals—we just never discuss it.
Republicans just hate. Once they get started, for them, that's all that matters.

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