How would you liberals like this sign to pop up in your neighborhood ?

Liberals will deny that this exist and then it will happen...

RWers keep claiming that it exists and not be able to prove it.

This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.

In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops "Sharia Court"... Here Is Her EPIC Response! - The Political Insider
[QUOTE="ScreamingEagle, post:'s the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

2 million Muslims in America- and that isn't happening.

Despite the fear mongering.[/QUOTE]

It won't be for us to deal with in thinking short term. the same radicalism has been around for 1000 years and it will still be here in the 75 years. maybe your grandkids can deal with all that in their lifetime when theres 50 million Muslims here
From the City Council of Dearborn MI...
Satirical website makes up ‘article’ on sharia law for humor; City of Dearborn not amused by falsehood; sets record straight

A satirical website called the National Report intentionally made up an article for entertainment purposes on Sunday, Oct. 27 about the City of Dearborn enacting sharia law over the weekend. The article is false; Dearborn is not under sharia law and has never at any time even considered such an action.
Satirical website makes up ‘article’ on sharia law for humor; City of Dearborn not amused by falsehood; sets record straight

This incident crystallized in a single afternoon what happens when a sovereign nation relinquishes legal control of portions of its territory. So-called “No Go Zones” have become ominously commonplace across Europe: These are places that are effectively off-limits not only to non-Muslims but to the law enforcement and security forces of the country as well. In France, they go by the anodyne name of “Zones Urbaines Sensibles” (ZUS).

By 2006, there were already over 750 of them and they were helpfully published on the internet, complete with town, neighborhood and street information. In Britain, where Islamic law has been enforceable nationwide since 2008, there are dozens of No Go Zones, including all-Muslim enclaves in the London boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Bradford where “Shariah Zone” stickers went up on utility poles and lamp posts in July 2011.

No-Go Zone in Dearborn: Where Islam Rules & Christians Are Stoned | Clarion Project
You guys come together when it comes to wanting to kill the gays. See? You guys don't disagree on everything.
Interesting observation.
I have not read all of the posts. Has any stupid fucking hypocritical sack of ignorant American hating shit left winger said they would not want that in their neighborhood, or have they all attacked Christianity and Christians and white people and conservatives? Remember Christians, white people, people who love America and conservatives all mean the same thing in their pathetic simple minds.

So, I am sort of assuming that is all I would read from the pathetic smelly god damn hypocritical liberals on this thread.

Am I accurate?

Mostly accurate, but I know quite a few black folks that are sincere Christians here in the south.

many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

Name one Evangelical that has killed a gay person, then read the news about how many gays have been killed by Muslims. Do you have a death wish since you have chosen the wrong side to suck up to.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Leftists would love it.
They love serving big government.

Make that 'submission' to big government and it's a marriage made know.
Liberals will deny that this exist and then it will happen...

RWers keep claiming that it exists and not be able to prove it.

This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.

In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops "Sharia Court"... Here Is Her EPIC Response! - The Political Insider
This is just more horseshit! First of all, it appears that the council did not stop anything. The voted to back a state law that would outlaw such religious courts and that would most likely be found to be an unconstitutional infringement on religious practices. What the Muslims are doing is no different that what Christians and Jews do, but no one is freaking out about what Christians and Jews do. Do you get that?

Claim: Sharia law has been established in a jurisdiction in Texas.

.......the Islamic Tribunal in Dallas is by no means the only faith-based mediation entity operating in the United States. One such mediation service with a Christian focus describes their service thusly on their web site:

Peacemaker Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational ministry whose mission is to equip and assist Christians and their churches to respond to conflict biblically. We provide conflict coaching, mediation and arbitration services to help resolve lawsuits, family conflicts, business disputes, and church divisions. Our training services include seminars, conflict coaching training, mediation training, advanced mediation and arbitration training for conciliators and church leaders working within their churches, as well as training for individuals conducting more formal and complex proceedings.

Similar mediation centers provide such services to Jews:

The dayanim who sit on cases include leading authorities on Jewish law, as well as lawyers and businessmen who are familiar with secular law and contemporary commercial practices. When appropriate, the Beth Din will either include expert professionals on an arbitration panel, or consult them as expert witnesses. Cases are decided under Jewish law, through the prism of contemporary commercial practice and secular law.

Prior to having a case heard by the Beth Din, litigants are required to enter into a binding arbitration agreement. The Beth Din conducts its proceedings in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of secular arbitration law, so that the rulings of the Beth Din are legally binding and enforceable in the secular court system.
who sit on cases include leading authorities on Jewish law, as well as lawyers and businessmen who are familiar with secular law and contemporary commercial practices. When appropriate, the Beth Din will either include expert professionals on an arbitration panel, or consult them as expert witnesses. Cases are decided under Jewish law, through the prism of contemporary commercial practice and secular law.

Recently in New Jersey, a group of Jewish Clerics were arrested and prosecuted for intimidating Jewish men who would not grant a religious divorce to their wives. Civil law prevailed and I'm sure that would be the case here too. Back to Islam:

So while there is an Islamic mediation center in Dallas, the tribunal neither possessed nor claimed any ability to supersede extant laws in its jurisdiction, either civil or criminal. Parties are not obligated to participate in the mediation it offers, nor does the center have any power to operate outside the law or enforce any settlements it may reach. Similar faith-based mediation centers are offered as an alternative to costly litigation, but ultimately, all citizens and residents of the United States are subject to the laws of its jurisdictions, and no such entity has the ability to override existing laws or enforce illegal contracts or agreements.

So stop spreading hate and fear and get the fuck over it!
So it turns out it is one guy putting up some stickers. He's the Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps of England.

There's no one setting up Sharia No-Go Zones. There's no enforcement of Sharia Law.

So, once again, you stupid motherfucking rubes drank a bucket of piss.

'No porn or prostitution': Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and ‘put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term’.

Yup....drank the piss.

Why do you always sound like you're on the rag.......
Hold on, I'll go find you a tampon.

Oh....and Allah Akbar, g5000.
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many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

Name one Evangelical that has killed a gay person, then read the news about how many gays have been killed by Muslims. Do you have a death wish since you have chosen the wrong side to suck up to.

Even if they have not actually killed gays by their own hand , this is just as bad....It incites violence and there is violence against LGBT people. Anyone who doesn't think so is a fucking idiot.

First, Christians and Jews follow the law. They arbitrate what can legally be arbitrated.
Second, why did he refuse to agree?
I happened to live a few doors down from where this mosque and center are located. I know how they operate. A couple of leaders there have ended up in jail, for financial support to terrorist organizations. Some things are not always as they seem. And, unless you support that behavior, you might want to take off those rose colored glasses and really investigate what is really happening. This is also 11 miles from where the shooting in Garland occurred, which fortunately only one was injured as the two terrorists were taken down by someone before they could shoot anyone else.
Irving City Council backs state bill Muslims say targets them
Actually, it has already begun. Because you choose to be blind to it, does mean it isn't happening. So, why his refusal? First, they say it is only arbitration, but when threatened with a law to keep them from holding court, rather than just arbitration, he refuses to back a bill assuring that.

“I was responding to rumors about a Shariah court in Irving,” Van Duyne said. “My response was to answer questions brought up by a number of my constituents.”

The mayor finally met Muslim leaders late last month. Van Duyne brought Texas House members Rodney Anderson, R-Grand Prairie, and Matt Rinaldi, R-Irving, with her.

The mayor said Sheikh asked for an apology and retraction of her Facebook post. Sheikh said he simply “asked her to clarify a statement … which seemed very Islamophobic.”

“She flat-out refused,” he said. “She said, ‘My statement wasn’t inflammatory in any way, shape or form.’”

Rinaldi then asked the imam to support American Laws for American Courts.

“He said, ‘If you support this bill, it will ease a lot of tensions [and assure people] you are not here to change the system. You’re not here to change the constitution,’” Sheikh said.

But it was the imam’s turn to refuse. “We don’t care about the bill,” Sheikh said. “It’s not going to affect us in any way, shape or form. The bottom line is the foundation of this bill is anti-Islamic.”

"This is complete and unmitigated hateful and paranoid bovine excrement. As the article itself points out, Catholics and Jews do the same thing. When the fuck has a municipal or state judge ruled on or even considered Sharia law? Muslims like everyone one else must still follow US law." Progressive Patriot


'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

This is just another useless, inane thread that serves no other purpose than to incite fear of Muslims.

It is idiotic to think that anyone would want or tolerate this, including most Muslims in America.

It is even more idiotic to think than it can happen. You have heard of the first amendment? Right?

Why don't you start a topic about how certain Christians in America-including a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution? That is what scares the shit out of me.
Here, for those that still don't get it let this Lebanese woman put it into perspective for you. See if she can open any eyes-

And if you really care to hear her first hand knowledge on the subject, take the time to listen to this one
First, Christians and Jews follow the law. They arbitrate what can legally be arbitrated.
Second, why did he refuse to agree?
I happened to live a few doors down from where this mosque and center are located. I know how they operate. A couple of leaders there have ended up in jail, for financial support to terrorist organizations. Some things are not always as they seem. And, unless you support that behavior, you might want to take off those rose colored glasses and really investigate what is really happening. This is also 11 miles from where the shooting in Garland occurred, which fortunately only one was injured as the two terrorists were taken down by someone before they could shoot anyone else.
Irving City Council backs state bill Muslims say targets them
Actually, it has already begun. Because you choose to be blind to it, does mean it isn't happening. So, why his refusal? First, they say it is only arbitration, but when threatened with a law to keep them from holding court, rather than just arbitration, he refuses to back a bill assuring that.

“I was responding to rumors about a Shariah court in Irving,” Van Duyne said. “My response was to answer questions brought up by a number of my constituents.”

The mayor finally met Muslim leaders late last month. Van Duyne brought Texas House members Rodney Anderson, R-Grand Prairie, and Matt Rinaldi, R-Irving, with her.

The mayor said Sheikh asked for an apology and retraction of her Facebook post. Sheikh said he simply “asked her to clarify a statement … which seemed very Islamophobic.”

“She flat-out refused,” he said. “She said, ‘My statement wasn’t inflammatory in any way, shape or form.’”

Rinaldi then asked the imam to support American Laws for American Courts.

“He said, ‘If you support this bill, it will ease a lot of tensions [and assure people] you are not here to change the system. You’re not here to change the constitution,’” Sheikh said.

But it was the imam’s turn to refuse. “We don’t care about the bill,” Sheikh said. “It’s not going to affect us in any way, shape or form. The bottom line is the foundation of this bill is anti-Islamic.”

"This is complete and unmitigated hateful and paranoid bovine excrement. As the article itself points out, Catholics and Jews do the same thing. When the fuck has a municipal or state judge ruled on or even considered Sharia law? Muslims like everyone one else must still follow US law." Progressive Patriot


'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

This is just another useless, inane thread that serves no other purpose than to incite fear of Muslims.

It is idiotic to think that anyone would want or tolerate this, including most Muslims in America.

It is even more idiotic to think than it can happen. You have heard of the first amendment? Right?

Why don't you start a topic about how certain Christians in America-including a number of Presidential candidates -want to impose biblical law and place the bible above the Constitution? That is what scares the shit out of me.

First of all you have not demonstrated how these Muslim courts operate any differently than the Christian or Jewish courts. Secondly, you are now bringing up terrorism as a red herring to divert attention away from your obvious bias about the courts.
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many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

Name one Evangelical that has killed a gay person, then read the news about how many gays have been killed by Muslims. Do you have a death wish since you have chosen the wrong side to suck up to.

Even if they have not actually killed gays by their own hand , this is just as bad....It incites violence and there is violence against LGBT people. Anyone who doesn't think so is a fucking idiot.


many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

Name one Evangelical that has killed a gay person, then read the news about how many gays have been killed by Muslims. Do you have a death wish since you have chosen the wrong side to suck up to.

Even if they have not actually killed gays by their own hand , this is just as bad....It incites violence and there is violence against LGBT people. Anyone who doesn't think so is a fucking idiot.

One preacher in Arizona and one in Uganda. Is that all you got? Advocating and supporting a law in Uganda and hate speech to a few hundred in Arizona seems rather mild to me in comparison to the Muslims that have cut off hundreds of gays heads and used numerous other methods to kill them. A threat is just that, death is final.
Intersstingly according to an ex muslim, in sharia court a woman can not be a witness, so if that is the case then how is this sharia tribunal/argitration going to go for women?

...When I was in my last year in secondary school, we had to take the national exams. For Islamic Education I had to study about marriage in detail to do well. So, I learnt all the stuff and got the highest grade anyone can get for Islamic Education. And guess what? Because I know it so well, I know that there is a lot of discrimination against women in Islam. Things like a father and grandfather can marry a girl/woman to whomever they want even if the girl/woman doesn’t want to marry that person. That is disgusting! A man can beat his wife (after giving her advice and sleeping apart) if she doesn’t do whatever he wants her to sounds horrible to me too. I am a person that is strongly against corporal punishment on children because of my own personal experience and certainly against corporal punishment on women! In addition, I learned things like women couldn’t be witnesses in Shariah Courts and things like that...
Murtad Mama (former Muslim) - WikiIslam
Honey, your obfuscation will not work with me. I lived there, next to the mosque. Saw what went on. And this entire area, including Irving is connected thru the Islamic Center of North Texas. Fhey even changed the name after the indictments!
. The Islamic center has had 5 people receive life sentences for their support to terrorist organizations.
Request Rejected click anyway, it brings the indictment up.
A Security-Conscious Charity
here is one of the cases for you. This company was within the Islamic center complex there. Now, go take a flying leap.
Oh what the fuck is this now?!! Another red herring! You really cant deal with the points that I made about Irving Tx. can you? Anecdotal stories will not help you. Do you have anymore dung that you want to throw at the wall in the hope that something will stick?
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'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Leftists would love it.
They love serving big government.
Well, they had to invent a God Substitute of some kind, I suppose...

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