How would you liberals like this sign to pop up in your neighborhood ?


'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

You can volunteer to follow any set of laws you want

That is what religious laws do. You see it with Christians, Amish, Jews, Mormons

It is only when Muslims do it that Republicans are terrified

You can volunteer to follow any set of laws you want

islam is more then a religion

under a caliphate and sharia rule

no you cant
Well, there you go, a rationale for Dylann Roof's attack on a Black Church.

Obama attended an inner city Black hate church that preached hate against Whites and Jews and professed solidarity with Louis Farrakhan.

Since you voted for Obama knowing he had attended that racial hate congregation for 20 years that pretty well makes you a racist don't you think?

Actually your Boy Obama is lying to you when he tells you he is a Christian because he attended a so called Christian church. He has proven time and time again that his loyalty lies with his Muslim roots.

Fuck the Muslims and the goat they rode in on.
The Sharia sign looks like something conservatives would put up
Well, there you go, a rationale for Dylann Roof's attack on a Black Church.

Obama attended an inner city Black hate church that preached hate against Whites and Jews and professed solidarity with Louis Farrakhan.

Since you voted for Obama knowing he had attended that racial hate congregation for 20 years that pretty well makes you a racist don't you think?

Actually your Boy Obama is lying to you when he tells you he is a Christian because he attended a so called Christian church. He has proven time and time again that his loyalty lies with his Muslim roots.

Fuck the Muslims and the goat they rode in on.

I don't think that every Catholic who goes to church every Sunday supports pedophile priests, do you?

To be a Christian means to have accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour. How do you know what Obama has or hasn't done?

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

You can volunteer to follow any set of laws you want

That is what religious laws do. You see it with Christians, Amish, Jews, Mormons

It is only when Muslims do it that Republicans are terrified

You can volunteer to follow any set of laws you want

islam is more then a religion

under a caliphate and sharia rule

no you cant

Then why do most Muslims NOT live under Sharia Law?
Well, there you go, a rationale for Dylann Roof's attack on a Black Church.

Obama attended an inner city Black hate church that preached hate against Whites and Jews and professed solidarity with Louis Farrakhan.

Since you voted for Obama knowing he had attended that racial hate congregation for 20 years that pretty well makes you a racist don't you think?

Actually your Boy Obama is lying to you when he tells you he is a Christian because he attended a so called Christian church. He has proven time and time again that his loyalty lies with his Muslim roots.

Fuck the Muslims and the goat they rode in on.

So you think Obama is like that rattlesnake in your yard and you'd like him to suffer the same fate.

Very interesting.
I have a question for you uneducated low information Libtards.

When President Shit for Brains was campaigning we already had the Muslims taking over our embassy in Iran, the attack on the Marine barracks, the attack on Kohbart Towers, the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and 911.

My question to you idiots is knowing all the shit the Muslims were doing why in the hell were you so stupid as to vote for a shithead whose name is Hussein? What in the hell were you morons thinking?

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

You can volunteer to follow any set of laws you want

That is what religious laws do. You see it with Christians, Amish, Jews, Mormons

It is only when Muslims do it that Republicans are terrified

You can volunteer to follow any set of laws you want

islam is more then a religion

under a caliphate and sharia rule

no you cant

Then why do most Muslims NOT live under Sharia Law?

most where do you get your numbers from dimwit
This is a great picture because it shows homegrown Muslim terrorism and imported Muslim terrorism all in one nice neat package.

Just think, these stupid Moon Bats see nothing wrong with that.

These Moon Bats refuse to see it because they are in solidarity to this idiotic President who loves Muslims. Dumbasses!

Don't you defend American born Muslims?

What should we do about Americans who belong to the kkk? I don't like them either.

The KKK stopped being relevant decades ago.

Muslims are just starting to strut their stuff and you Libtards love the sonofabitches because your Boy Obama has such admiration for them seeing that he was raised in a Muslim school and attended a Black Church that had nothing but praise to say for Louis Farrakhan and the Black Muslims.

Your Liberal hero Roosevelt recognized the potential for home grown terrorism and he rounded up all Japs and tens of thousands of German and Italian Americans who had never committed any crimes so don't tell me you Libtards don't understand things like this.

Even your Boy Jimmy Carter put the kibosh on the Iranians coming into this country.

Your weakness in dealing with a significant problem because of stupid mindless political correctness speaks volumes to you stupidity.

A month or so ago I killed a rattlesnake in my back yard. That particular rattlesnake had done nothing to harm me, however I killed him on sight because I know his kind. Muslims are the rattlesnakes of humanity now. You are just too stupid to understand it.
1. What did we do to solve our kkk problem?

2. If a crazy Christian kills for God, and they do, what should we do about Christians?

3. I agree with you, but rubio jeb and Cruz don't. Maybe you're a lib?
I have a question for you uneducated low information Libtards.

When President Shit for Brains was campaigning we already had the Muslims taking over our embassy in Iran, the attack on the Marine barracks, the attack on Kohbart Towers, the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and 911.

My question to you idiots is knowing all the shit the Muslims were doing why in the hell were you so stupid as to vote for a shithead whose name is Hussein? What in the hell were you morons thinking?
Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?
[QU Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There are a significant more number of shooting on the streets of Chicago among mostly atheists every weekend than there have ever been shootings in an abortion clinic.

The real threat in an abortion clinics is the systematic slaughterer of children every day. If anybody is going to hell is is you Libtards that support the infanticide and the abortion clinic staff that carries out the murders. About 300 of those murders every day in our country.

Stop being an idiot and denying that Muslims are a significant threat to our country.

You are only doing it because Obama shows significant Muslim sympathy.

You should have know when you voted for somebody with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. If you knew nothing else about him the name itself would have given it way. Were you dumb or high on pot when you voted for him?
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.
In the 1960s and forward the government has targeted right wing Christians and their organizations. Randy Weaver and David Koresh are great examples of jackbooted government thugs coming after non mainstream Christians.

Even in 2009 the Obama administration put out a memo saying that American right wing Christians were a significant terrorist threat. They also include American veterans in the same discussion, by the way.

The question to you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats is if the government can target Christians they feel is a potential threat then why can't they do it to the friggin Muslims?

When the government went after the Christians they used every tactic in the book including extortion and spies and profiling. For instance, they use to send undercover agents to Christian rallies to profile what they considered to be potential extremist.

What is wrong with treating the filthy Muslims in the same aggressive manner?
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Flash, can you say with 100% certinty that none of those abortions are being done to Republican women?

I know you cant.

So why you so concerned about how many abortions Muslims, Mexicans and Democrat women are having?

Those kids, if born, would not be right wingers and be voting your way dude.

What the fuck is up with rooting for more welfare recipients, terrorist wannabes and thieving gangstersto be born?

You know no blue blood, pure right winging woman would ever have an abortion? Would they?

Concentrate your efforts on those women.

Good god dude. Think.
[QU Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There are a significant more number of shooting on the streets of Chicago among mostly atheists every weekend than there have ever been shootings in an abortion clinic.

The real threat in an abortion clinics is the systematic slaughterer of children every day. If anybody is going to hell is is you Libtards that support the infanticide and the abortion clinic staff that carries out the murders. About 300 of those murders every day in our country.

Stop being an idiot and denying that Muslims are a significant threat to our country.

You are only doing it because Obama shows significant Muslim sympathy.

You should have know when you voted for somebody with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. If you knew nothing else about him the name itself would have given it way. Were you dumb or high on pot when you voted for him?

Christians aren't sent to hell for beliefs, as long as they believe in Jesus as the son of God who died for their sins.
Or are you an equal opprotunity hater of abortions and hate all women who have abortions regardless of political persuasion or belief?
I have a question for you uneducated low information Libtards.

When President Shit for Brains was campaigning we already had the Muslims taking over our embassy in Iran, the attack on the Marine barracks, the attack on Kohbart Towers, the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and 911.

My question to you idiots is knowing all the shit the Muslims were doing why in the hell were you so stupid as to vote for a shithead whose name is Hussein? What in the hell were you morons thinking?

We're smarter than you. That you don't know why is just one more example of why we are smarter than you.
[Q Christian shoot abortion doctors. Why vote for a Christian?

Muslims only kill me here. Christians say convert or burn in a pit of fire forever. Who's sicker?

There have only been a small total number of adults ever killed in an abortion clinic.

However, about three hundred times a day (a million times a year) a child is killed in an abortion clinic.

Only a heartless atheist would kill an innocent child and then sell the body parts.

I think the fact bear out that you are far more likely to be killed by an atheist in an abortion clinic than a Christian so you can take your Christian hate and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Flash, can you say with 100% certinty that none of those abortions are being done to Republican women?

I know you cant.

So why you so concerned about how many abortions Muslims, Mexicans and Democrat women are having?

Those kids, if born, would not be right wingers and be voting your way dude.

What the fuck is up with rooting for more welfare recipients, terrorist wannabes and thieving gangstersto be born?

You know no blue blood, pure right winging woman would ever have an abortion? Would they?

Concentrate your efforts on those women.

Good god dude. Think.

If i was racist then I would not oppose the infanticide because it is mostly minority children killed in the slaughter. You are right, it is a good way to limit the number of potential welfare queens, street thugs and future Democrat voters.

However, I value all the lives of the children. You know, "all lives matter".

By the way, saving the life of a child does not mean that I am responsible for the welfare of the child the rest of its life. That is the responsibility of the parents that conceived the child.

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