How would you liberals like this sign to pop up in your neighborhood ?


many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

Was not about Christianity. You want sharia law in your neighborhood? Are you capable of answering yes or no? You stupid fucking god damn pathetic smelly hypocritical kuuuunt.

But but but Christianity.

You stupid predictable waste of blood.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

If you're saying it popped up on someone's yard, then I could care less. If you want to make your home a "Sharia control zone," then do whatever floats your boat.

Now, if you're trying to imply that whole neighborhoods are going to become "Sharia Control Zones" and force individuals to comply, you're a fucking retard.

But then again you are a fucking retard.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

so you support a 'religion' that would set up its own separate state in America....?
I don't support any organized religion. I'm just responding how republicans have responded in the past to similar questions.

Yeah, we know you are a pathetic double talking hypocrite. Who, is so fucking ignorant that you believe atheists are not capable of violence on a mass scale.

Hell, you are too fucking stupid to know you are nothing but a socialist pawn that believes in global warming. Meanwhile a pathetic commie like you never asks why a country like China does not join the world with ALL of the regulations being hammered at businesses in countries like America.

Why doesn't the world community put massive pressure on countries like China? Go ahead, why not you stupid fuck? It is not because the world uses China for their cheap labor is it? Oh noooooo, could not be that.

It is not so that they make manufacturing in free countries like this one totally incapable of setting up factories due to the massive costs of wages. Oh noooooo not that.

Yeah, you are too stupid to be lying deliberately like your worldly socialists who are pushing the world into one world government. You are way too fucking stupid and have no clue you are a pawn.

I am trying to find out whose pathetic username is more ironical. Rightwinger's or yours.

You pathetic ass.
RW's should change their drawers first, and neighborhoods second.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

If you're saying it popped up on someone's yard, then I could care less. If you want to make your home a "Sharia control zone," then do whatever floats your boat.

Now, if you're trying to imply that whole neighborhoods are going to become "Sharia Control Zones" and force individuals to comply, you're a fucking retard.

But then again you are a fucking retard.

So, are you saying you would not mind a neighborhood doing that? Or are you simply denying that would never happen.

Your pathetic two sided answer is just you being a typical fucking loser. Do you know under sharia law a father can kill his daughter in an honor killing right? No problem with you right?

Ahhhhhh, but a pizza place not serving a slice of pizza from their privately owned business, well now it all of sudden so different in your pathetic mind.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

If you're saying it popped up on someone's yard, then I could care less. If you want to make your home a "Sharia control zone," then do whatever floats your boat.

Now, if you're trying to imply that whole neighborhoods are going to become "Sharia Control Zones" and force individuals to comply, you're a fucking retard.

But then again you are a fucking retard.

So, are you saying you would not mind a neighborhood doing that? Or are you simply denying that would never happen.

Your pathetic two sided answer is just you being a typical fucking loser. Do you know under sharia law a father can kill his daughter in an honor killing right? No problem with you right?

Ahhhhhh, but a pizza place not serving a slice of pizza from their privately owned business, well now it all of sudden so different in your pathetic mind.


What is really that complicated? Thanks for showing your complete lack of intelligence. Even simple stuff is beyond you.
RW's should change their drawers first, and neighborhoods second.

The funny thing about a pathetic loser like you is it ought to be you who should be changing your drawers.

isis enforcing sharia law and throwing gay man off roof top


But but but a baker wont bake a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gay man strung up and killed for being gay and isis enforcing sharia law.


But but but a baker would not bake a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sharia muslims enforcing sharia law and executing a gay man for being gay.


But but but a Christian baker would not bake a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You fucking liberals, especially a faggot like you should be the ones shitting your pathetic pants. Oh wait. Right, that could never happen here right? So, you are against sharia law here?

Oh fuck you and your double talking answer.

Fuck you.

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

So, you would like that in your neighborhood? Oh wait a minute. You pissants who always chant about separation of church and state, support mosque and state?

The only good news about sharia law is how libs will be the first to die. That, is the only good news.
Uh oh... religious freedom hater!!! :eek:
Not sure about that sign but one like this one sure seems to make their skin crawl.


I don't see any Muslims restricting churches from opening

I do see Christians trying to keep mosques from opening

Muslims in Indonesia province tear down Christian churches


Which state is that? Did you mean Indiana?

Indiana Sharia Laws

Carry-out alcohol sales were strictly prohibited on Sundays until 2010, when the State amended its laws to permit qualified breweries to sell local brews for carryout (generally growlers). Restaurants and taverns can generally still serve alcoholic beverages.[10] Alcohol sales are no longer prohibited on Christmas Day as of 2015, but if Christmas falls on a Sunday, the Sunday rule that prohibits alcohol sales at carry-out venues is still in effect.[11] In 2010, a change in legislation allowed Indiana residents to purchase alcohol on Election Day.[12]
Vehicle sales are also banned on Sundays

You keep calling blue laws Sharia Laws, when exactly did the Muslims pass those laws?

Sharia law (Arabic: شريعة) is the body of Islamic law. The term means "way" or " path"; it is the legal framework within which the public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islam.

What you said was you didn't see Muslims protesting the building of a Church. Hell no they just burn it to the ground. Besides, I can't remember that last church built nor one that didn't have to go through zoning laws.
Sharia Laws are not recognized by our courts....Christian Blue Laws are

So....which is the true Sharia?

1 .Further indicia of President Obama’s desire to turn the Land of the Free over to the globalists is his personal choice of internationalist lawyer Harold Koh as the Legal Adviser of the Department of State. Koh has written ‘Transnational Legal Problems,’ and ‘Transnational Litigation in United States Courts,’ and ‘International Law as Part of Our Law.’ Get the picture? Internationalist, or patriot with America’s best interests at heart? An example of one of the problems with the US, "our exceptional free speech tradition can cause problems abroad, as, for example, may occur when hate speech is disseminated over the Internet.”

a. Another claim about Mr.Koh is that in a Yale speech, “Mr. Koh had made a “favorable reference” to Shariah, or Islamic law, and had said it could be used to “govern a controversy” in an American court.”

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

So, you would like that in your neighborhood? Oh wait a minute. You pissants who always chant about separation of church and state, support mosque and state?

The only good news about sharia law is how libs will be the first to die. That, is the only good news.
Uh oh... religious freedom hater!!! :eek:
Yeah sharia law gay hating liberal here folks. He just admitted it.

You pathetic enabler.

You fucking ignorant loser.

I've got a better idea that will crush any need for muslims to do such a thing: we stop promoting such a debaucherous lifestyle and encouraging people to engage in the deadly sins as a daily practice and see if the situation doesn't simmer down and everyone can go back to their knitting..

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....
Sounds like you're trying to infringe on people's religious freedoms.

So, you would like that in your neighborhood? Oh wait a minute. You pissants who always chant about separation of church and state, support mosque and state?

The only good news about sharia law is how libs will be the first to die. That, is the only good news.
Uh oh... religious freedom hater!!! :eek:
Yeah sharia law gay hating liberal here folks. He just admitted it.

You pathetic enabler.

You fucking ignorant loser.
Stop infringing on my freedoms jerk.
Still waiting for one of our RWers to show where that sign exists in the Real World...

'Moderate' Muslims would patrol the neighborhoods and enforce these Sharia laws......this is not assimilation because many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....this would be essentially establishing a separate country within the U.S...... complete with separate Muslim laws and rules enforced by their own people and their shariah's the Muslim way....Muslims place the Koran above the U.S. well as any other country's laws that are not shariah-compliant....

You left out 'no gay marriages', 'no abortions'.

many of the Sharia laws go against our American freedoms.....


Dancing Ban "The events of the 1984 film Footloose were inspired by a dancing ban in the heavily Southern Baptist town of Elmore City, Oklahoma which lasted until 1980."

Prohibitionism - "Prohibition remained a major reform movement from the 1840s until the 1920s, when nationwide prohibition went into effect, and was supported by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, and Congregationalists."

Gambling "During the early 1800's, gambling came under increasing attack. There was always a group opposing gambling on moral grounds. This opposition was largely based on religious beliefs."
Keep sticking up for them. Just remember queers will be the first to go. Goodbye.

Yes, I know Christians will go after the gays first...I'm not really worried about the 2% of the population that are Muslim, even less worried about the small percentage of them that are radicalized here in the U.S.

Evangelicals now...those fuckers want me dead.

Was not about Christianity. You want sharia law in your neighborhood? Are you capable of answering yes or no? You stupid fucking god damn pathetic smelly hypocritical kuuuunt.

But but but Christianity.

You stupid predictable waste of blood.

The answer is I'm not concerned. Whatever you're shitting your pants over isn't going to happen.

But don't stop building your bomb shelter or whatever.

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